When Chen Tengyue appeared in the online drama "Brother, Please Stay" in 2020, some people questioned whether he joined the group with capital. Chen Tengyue clarified: "No, I joined the group with full capital" (laughing). That was his first time "Wholly-owned" joined the group.

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When Chen Tengyue appeared in the online drama "Brother, Please Stay" in 2020, some people questioned whether he joined the group with capital. Chen Tengyue clarified: "No, I joined the group with full capital" (laughing), that was his first Entered the group as a "wholly-owned" company for the first time. In 2023, Chen Tengyue, who had never been able to play the leading role, wanted to realize his dream, so he filmed a drama called "Fully Capitalized Joining the Group". The producer, executive producer, chief producer, producer, and executive producer Producer, planner, chief editor, reviewer, and starring are all his positions in this drama. Unexpectedly, this drama received a good response in the circle. In July 2024, "Fully Owned Group 2" was launched online. Although the dramas he produced have received good feedback, Chen Tengyue has repeatedly said, "I really don't like doing dramas. I still enjoy the joy of being an actor and filming."

When Chen Tengyue appeared in the online drama 'Brother, Please Stay' in 2020, some people questioned whether he joined the group with capital. Chen Tengyue clarified: 'No, I joined the group with full capital' (laughing). That was his first time 'Wholly-owned' joined the group.  - Lujuba

Chen Tengyue dreams of becoming an actor. Photo provided by the interviewee

Chen Tengyue

Date of birth: November 16, 1995

Graduation school: Beijing Union University

Representative works: "Brother, please stay", "The Rumored Chen Qianqian", "Wholly-funded Group 1, 2》

The original intention of "Full-funded Joining the Team" was to prepare a self-introduction

Chen Tengyue said frankly that the reason why a person wears multiple hats on the crew is mainly to save money and do what he can do by himself. The main reason why I wanted to film a drama entirely on my own was because Chen Tengyue rarely got the roles he wanted to play after graduation. Most of the time, he played a supporting role. The role was not important, and all aspects of makeup were not taken seriously. He hopes to experience the various protagonists he really wants to play. On the other hand, he also hopes to make a work for himself that can serve as a self-introduction. “I often go to meetings with the team, and people ask me to introduce myself, but I don’t even have one. So. I also had a selfish motive for doing "Fully-funded Joining the Group", which was to make a self-introduction that others could see." Chen Tengyue said. "Micro-short dramas are very popular at the moment, so I thought I could give it a try. This theme also has my personal style. Doing this drama is a dream come true, and I didn't expect that everyone would like it."

"Full-funded Join the Group" "The first part cost a total of 3 million yuan, which Chen Tengyue earned from starting a business in college. Originally, he thought it would be a victory if the series could be aired. Unexpectedly, he received good feedback after the airing. Not only did the investment recoup the cost, but he also made a small profit. However, Chen Tengyue admitted that he was not involved in the filming of "Full Capital 2" to make money, "My ultimate goal in doing dramas is to act. I have no interest in production at all, and I have not used dramas as a business. If in the future, If I can get a filming job, I probably won’t do any more dramas.”

When Chen Tengyue appeared in the online drama 'Brother, Please Stay' in 2020, some people questioned whether he joined the group with capital. Chen Tengyue clarified: 'No, I joined the group with full capital' (laughing). That was his first time 'Wholly-owned' joined the group.  - Lujuba

“Full Investment 2” was launched in July.

After "fully joining the cast", he cherishes his identity as an actor even more

In fact, the online drama "Brother, Please Stay" that Chen Tengyue starred in in 2020 was the first time that he fully invested in the cast. This drama also made him experience training in all aspects. and promotion. "The drama was originally planned to be filmed for two months, but the epidemic broke out just after it started filming. At that time, I was anxious every day, worried about whether anyone on the set would get sick. We also often encountered that the original shooting location suddenly became unavailable. Now, let’s temporarily coordinate the new scene,” Chen Tengyue recalled.

Chen Tengyue also completely created a character in this drama, and he experienced the joy of performing. Although he has fully filmed three dramas and Chen Tengyue has fulfilled his dream in the drama, he is still very much looking forward to taking on more roles and works. "I really want to challenge suspense dramas and realism-themed dramas." Works."

Because he wears many hats and has done most of the work on the crew, Chen Tengyue now cherishes his identity as an actor even more. Now when he goes to film a movie, when he sees the actors getting out of the RV, he will be particularly emotional: "Especially after working as a producer, I feel that being an actor is so happy. As long as you perform your own role well, you don't have to worry about anything else. The whole crew is serving the actors, and most of the glory on the stage is enjoyed by the actors. If I continue to be an actor in the future, I will definitely cherish it." After holding many jobs on the crew, Chen Tengyue cherishes his identity as an actor even more. .

Starting a business almost became the second "Li Jiaqi"

Since Chen Tengyue publicly stated that his drama was fully funded, there has been a lot of speculation about his family background on the Internet. "I have no background. I come from a village in Fuyang, Anhui Province. When I chose to study acting in college, my family didn't understand."

Chen Tengyue once went to Hengdian to work as an extra in the summer vacation of high school. That experience also made him realize that this industry is not as simple as many people imagine. "Taught me a lesson and made me understand that I have to rely on myself. I have to make money to support myself first and leave a way out." Chen Tengyue studied in the Performance Department of Beijing Union University. Half of the students in the class were from Beijing, Anhui Province. He was the only one hired. When he first entered college, Chen Tengyue's family happened to be renovating an old house, and the tuition fees for art were relatively expensive. The money for Chen Tengyue's college education was all borrowed from his family. "I told my mother at that time that I can make money by myself when I go to college, and I will make money to repay the borrowed money."

So starting from college, Chen Tengyue worked everywhere and entered the cosmetics track. A year later, he earned The money can already support my life. Later, Chen Tengyue started to build his own brand and became one of the first Taobao anchors. Many mcn companies wanted to sign a contract with him and joked and encouraged him that if he persisted, he might become the second Li Jiaqi. But Chen Tengyue is very clear about what he wants, which is why he has dramas such as "Full Investment" that can be seen now: "I want to be an actor. Making money is a necessity in my life, but it is not my dream."

Beijing News reporter Zhang Kunyu

editor Tian Sini

proofreader Zhao Lin

Tags: entertainment