On July 25, the TV series "First Marriage" was launched on iQiyi in episode 12 and officially premiered. This TV series stars Wu Rilig, Yu Yang and other actors, and tells a fictional revenge drama of the Republic of China. The main theme of the play is revenge plus love. The mal

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On July 25, the TV series "First Marriage" was launched on iQiyi in episode 12 and officially premiered. This TV series stars Wu Rilig, Yu Yang and other actors, and tells a fictional revenge drama of the Republic of China. The main theme of the play is revenge plus love. The male and female protagonists are the relationship between the sister-in-law and the brother-in-law. This TV series has the meaning of learning from the main drama in terms of pictures, lines and character story construction. However, it's really not a drama.

On July 25, the TV series 'First Marriage' was launched on iQiyi in episode 12 and officially premiered. This TV series stars Wu Rilig, Yu Yang and other actors, and tells a fictional revenge drama of the Republic of China. The main theme of the play is revenge plus love. The mal - Lujuba

commented on "The First Marriage", and one sentence is the most accurate: The ultimate bitch is the ultimate beauty.

This TV series, from the very beginning, is aiming for the ultimate bloody. Because the creators obviously know that pursuing an extremely bloody state will inevitably lead to an extremely good-looking situation. For example, the setting of the relationship between the sister-in-law and the brother-in-law is destined to be a bloody drama, but it is also destined that this bloody setting can attract many viewers.

On July 25, the TV series 'First Marriage' was launched on iQiyi in episode 12 and officially premiered. This TV series stars Wu Rilig, Yu Yang and other actors, and tells a fictional revenge drama of the Republic of China. The main theme of the play is revenge plus love. The mal - Lujuba

In "First Marriage", the heroine's sister dies inexplicably, and the heroine pretends to be her sister and returns to the wealthy family to investigate the case. At this moment, my brother-in-law returned from abroad. This brother-in-law is also the master who has not been home for many years. Therefore, he had no idea about the changes in this big family. And this family has already harbored evil and evil. Although the identity of the sister-in-law is true, the sister-in-law herself is fake. Therefore, it is destined that the hero and heroine will eventually have to take the love line. A love story between a sister-in-law and a brother-in-law is something that even a serious drama would not dare to write like this.

And with only this kind of love line, this TV series is obviously not bloody enough, not exciting enough, and not good enough to watch. In the play, this big family must hide its evil and evil, and the heroine must expose it one by one. For example, in the online plot, the third concubine was hanging out outside, and the man who was hanging out with her actually took the third concubine's wallet to support the woman. Unexpectedly, the Dongchuang incident happened, the third concubine killed someone, and the police arrested people. The hero and heroine were outside the window, just watching like a mantis stalking a cicada and an oriole behind. This counterattack style of the heroine is simply what Yu Zhengju is best at, but as a result, others have to learn from it.

On July 25, the TV series 'First Marriage' was launched on iQiyi in episode 12 and officially premiered. This TV series stars Wu Rilig, Yu Yang and other actors, and tells a fictional revenge drama of the Republic of China. The main theme of the play is revenge plus love. The mal - Lujuba

TV series such as "First Marriage" tell the story of the filth of big families in the Republic of China from the perspective of the heroine's revenge. This approach is the same as the chaebol satire in Korean dramas. However, the chaebol satires in Korean dramas all satirize the current chaebols in Korea. They are modern urban dramas and are more exciting. And this "First Marriage" is a satirical drama about the plutocrats of the Republic of China, without a sense of the present. The chaebol family should indeed be satirized, but in the fictional environment of the Republic of China, it seemed a lot duller.

The heroine has a clear motive for her behavior, which is to avenge her sister. On the male protagonist's side, the motive for his behavior is also clear: he wants to find out the truth about his own father who is bedridden. In this way, both of them are actually here to investigate the case. Once the motive of this behavior comes together, the two people make this TV series even more interesting-storytelling is always the biggest premise of TV series. The filthiness of the big family gradually surfaced during the cheating investigation of the hero and heroine.

On July 25, the TV series 'First Marriage' was launched on iQiyi in episode 12 and officially premiered. This TV series stars Wu Rilig, Yu Yang and other actors, and tells a fictional revenge drama of the Republic of China. The main theme of the play is revenge plus love. The mal - Lujuba

And the final part of the play must be when the hero and heroine break through the shackles of the world and become husband and wife. One is the sister-in-law and the other is the brother-in-law. Breaking through the shackles of the world is quite exciting for many viewers. All interesting love dramas are about breaking through the shackles. Of course, what exactly are shackles? Different love dramas have different settings. "First Marriage" is about breaking through the shackles of worldly relationships.

In terms of performance, this TV series also pursues the style of a serious drama. The actors all read their lines in a dramatic manner and do not create any aesthetic barriers for the audience. This kind of TV series is designed to be a revenge drama, to make the heroine cheat, break through the shackles of the world, and gain love. It is a typical electronic pickle - taking Yu Zheng's path and leaving Yu Zheng with nowhere to go.

On July 25, the TV series 'First Marriage' was launched on iQiyi in episode 12 and officially premiered. This TV series stars Wu Rilig, Yu Yang and other actors, and tells a fictional revenge drama of the Republic of China. The main theme of the play is revenge plus love. The mal - Lujuba

However, the guarantee was not complete. Yu Zheng took a look and thought, "The First Marriage" is a good drama. I will also make a similar one. As a result, Yu Zheng made this kind of bloody drama, which is even better than "The First Marriage".(Text/Ma Qingyun)

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