According to Sichuan News reported on July 25: Chongqing twin brothers Wu Zhengjiao and Wu Zhengyang both scored 645 points in the college entrance examination and were both admitted to the biomedical engineering major of Sichuan University. They learn from each other and help ea

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According to Sichuan News reported on July 25: Chongqing twin brothers Wu Zhengjiao and Wu Zhengyang both scored 645 points in the college entrance examination and were both admitted to the biomedical engineering major of Sichuan University.

They learn from each other and help each other. The twin brothers scored the same score in Chinese in the college entrance examination.

Although their junior and senior high schools are not in the same school, Wu Zhengjiao and Wu Zhengyang often discuss topics together and use their respective subject strengths to help each other. Sometimes they secretly compete with each other. ", a few words of mutual detriment. This way of getting along allows them to face the pressure in study and life optimistically.

According to Sichuan News reported on July 25: Chongqing twin brothers Wu Zhengjiao and Wu Zhengyang both scored 645 points in the college entrance examination and were both admitted to the biomedical engineering major of Sichuan University. They learn from each other and help ea - Lujuba Brother Wu Zhengjiao participated in the school stage play

When it comes to learning methods, brother Zhengjiao believes that learning requires a solid foundation and continuous improvement with perseverance; younger brother Zhengyang also believes that learning is something that cannot be rushed. Calm down and always maintain a positive attitude."

According to Sichuan News reported on July 25: Chongqing twin brothers Wu Zhengjiao and Wu Zhengyang both scored 645 points in the college entrance examination and were both admitted to the biomedical engineering major of Sichuan University. They learn from each other and help ea - Lujuba His younger brother Wu Zhengyang practices guitar at home

after school. They actively participate in various competitions and activities to improve their overall quality and ability. They like to "discuss" with each other about their common sports interests; reading extensively in literature and scientific works is also a way for them to nourish their body and mind and relax their mood.

In this year's college entrance examination, they scored the same 645 points. When they first saw the two report cards with the same total score and Chinese score, the brothers even suspected that they had made a mistake. Later they couldn't help but sigh, "Maybe at a certain moment, our telepathy played a role."

in According to his elder brother Zheng Jiao, his younger brother is cheerful and always positive and optimistic in the face of pressure, which has a positive impact on his mentality and fills the family with joy. In the eyes of his younger brother Zhengyang, his elder brother is always considerate and caring to him, and he is always the first to "break the ice" in a strange environment and help him open up the "talking box". With their social "combination skills" and years of tacit understanding, they can always make many new friends together.

According to Sichuan News reported on July 25: Chongqing twin brothers Wu Zhengjiao and Wu Zhengyang both scored 645 points in the college entrance examination and were both admitted to the biomedical engineering major of Sichuan University. They learn from each other and help ea - LujubaThe two brothers learn from each other and help each other

Besides each other, their mother is the person who influences them the most in the family. She uses her words, deeds and attitude to subtly influence the two brothers. She told the brothers that as a human being, you must distinguish right from wrong and evaluate facts objectively.

In my mother's opinion, she has always had high demands on the brothers, but relatively speaking, they are almost "free-range". During the children's childhood, she often took them out for outings to increase their knowledge, and continued to encourage and supervise them as they grew up. She often talks about the saying "Everything has its beginning and everything has its beginning and end" to guide the children in how to behave.

According to Sichuan News reported on July 25: Chongqing twin brothers Wu Zhengjiao and Wu Zhengyang both scored 645 points in the college entrance examination and were both admitted to the biomedical engineering major of Sichuan University. They learn from each other and help ea - Lujuba The two brothers went out to play with their mother

It is the mother's view on education to stimulate the inner motivation of learning but not to interfere too much in the children's choices. "Follow the direction of your heart and pursue spiritual enrichment. I think a person should find the professional direction that he truly loves in his heart. No matter what major, as long as he does his best, he can achieve success."

Like-minded people, generations of family members and peers have Sichuan adults

When he applied for the application, his younger brother Zhengyang was already very interested in biology and preferred practical majors. After some investigation, his older brother Zhengjiao was also attracted to Sichuan University. Under the guidance of their mother, they collected and compiled relevant information about various universities and majors, and carefully documented the leading figures, training directions and disciplinary advantages of Sichuan University's biomedical engineering major. After considering their personal interests, professional characteristics and development prospects, they finally chose Sichuan University and majored in biomedical engineering.

According to Sichuan News reported on July 25: Chongqing twin brothers Wu Zhengjiao and Wu Zhengyang both scored 645 points in the college entrance examination and were both admitted to the biomedical engineering major of Sichuan University. They learn from each other and help ea - Lujuba Learning guitar together after the college entrance examination

In fact, Zheng Jiao and Zheng Yang’s family have been associated with Sichuan University for a long time. In the 1940s, some of their ancestors were from Sichuan University; in recent years, some of their contemporaries have studied at Sichuan University. In September, they will also become a new level of Sichuan adults. This kind of "inheritance" makes them unwavering in the face of choices.

Regarding the upcoming undergraduate life, Zheng Jiao and Zheng Yang hope to maintain a serious study attitude, be deeply involved in love, constantly broaden their horizons, and always have curiosity and thirst for knowledge. “Don’t regret your past choices, and never stop moving forward in the future! ”

(Source: Jimu News)

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