Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's "Queen of Diving" Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch

entertainment 1619℃

author | Chunning

editor | Xiang Wanwan

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin.

China's "Queen of Diving" Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - chief referee.

Netizens commented one after another that as the daughter-in-law of a wealthy Hong Kong family, Guo Jingjing has given face to Mr. Huo again.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

Compared with Guo Jingjing’s achievements in diving, people seem to pay more attention to her wealthy married life with Huo Qigang.

From being ridiculed for "clinging to wealthy families" to wealthy families being proud of her, Guo Jingjing has become a role model for many people.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

The road to championship full of pain

At the 2004 Athens Olympics, when the 23-year-old Guo Jingjing finally stood on the diving championship podium, she smiled and greeted the world. At this moment, she was happy.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

Many people asked her why she didn’t cry when she received the award?

She replied: "Results require a process to accumulate. In the process of accumulation, I have shed too many tears."

Guo Jingjing was always picky about food when she was a child. Her parents were worried about affecting her physical development, so they sent her to Learn to dive and exercise.

Her kneecaps are slightly protruding, which will affect her aerial shape in diving.

Guo’s father had to sit on Guo Jingjing’s knees to help her improve her leg defects.

It hurt every time she pressed her legs. Guo’s mother looked at her little face covered with sweat and let out a cry of pain. She couldn’t help but distressedly advised Guo Jingjing to give up.

Unexpectedly, the young Guo Jingjing was able to persevere in the face of pain and did not give up easily.

And this is just the beginning of Guo Jingjing’s painful journey on her way to the world diving championship.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

When Guo Jingjing was 10 years old, she accidentally broke her leg bone during a professional diving training.

The conditions were simple at the time. At the suggestion of the coach, Guo Jingjing spent more than a month recovering from her injury on a temporary wooden board on the second floor of the diving hall. After

's injury stabilized, he immediately started training again.

Accidental injuries like this have become commonplace in her diving career.

In 1996, due to a sudden power outage during training, she broke her tibia and fibula. This injury caused her to rest for 10 months.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

In 2001, years of diving training caused a retinal rupture in her right eye, and she had to undergo repair surgery and rest for two months.

In addition, Guo Jingjing suffered multiple injuries to her waist, suffered long-term pain in her ankles, and had recurrent pleurisy.

Guo Jingjing’s road to championship was extremely difficult. In addition to physical pain, there was also mental pressure.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

She said in an interview, "It took me 8 years from 1996 to 2004 to stand on the Olympic champion podium."

Guo Jingjing is not a young genius like Quan Hongchan .

She even publicly expressed her envy of Quan Hongchan for getting 3 perfect scores. What she didn't do until she retired, Quan Hongchan did it in her first Olympic Games.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

When participating in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Guo Jingjing was under great mental pressure.

First, the location is in Beijing, which has different meanings for herself and the people across the country.

Secondly, with the 2004 Olympic champion in front of her, everyone has high hopes for her. This time, she can only win the championship, but she has no confidence in her heart.

In order to live up to expectations, she can only work harder than others during training. She trains earlier than others every time and works harder than others.

persisted like this for 4 years before winning the double championship in the 2008 Olympic Games and becoming the "Queen of Diving" in the people's mouth.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

Guo Jingjing said that no matter on the playing field, in the workplace or on the road of life, our biggest enemy is ourselves.

Conquering yourself is the key to success.

It was this championship mentality of going all out to defeat herself that made Guo Jingjing full of charm. She inadvertently turned the wealthy young master Huo Qigang into her "little fanboy", which later became a good story.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

The road of love that continues to be bad news

At the 2004 Athens Olympics, the moment Guo Jingjing won the championship, Huo Qigang fell in love at a glance, and he began his 8-year pursuit of his wife.

Huo Qigang, who unilaterally fell in love at first sight, tried his best to make Guo Jingjing remember him.

Wherever Guo Jingjing goes, he follows.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

Finally, at a banquet for the Chinese Olympic delegation to visit Hong Kong, Huo Qigang left an initial impression on Guo Jingjing under the pretext of taking photos.

A few days later, Guo Jingjing followed the delegation to visit Macau. The receptionist was the gambling king Stanley Ho.

Fok Qigang took advantage of the relationship between his father Fok Chen-ting and Stanley Ho to go through the back door, and suddenly arranged himself into the reception team, transforming into Guo Jingjing's salute boy.

fan Huo Qigang used a passionate offensive and finally got his wish to get Guo Jingjing's contact information.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

In order to reply to Guo Jingjing’s message instantly, Huo Qigang studied Pinyin overnight.

In the following time, Huo Qigang taught himself photography and followed Guo Jingjing around the world with a SLR camera.

Huo Qigang's persistent pursuit finally touched Guo Jingjing's heart, and the two confirmed their relationship.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

But this relationship is not favored by the outside world.

In the eyes of outsiders, Huo Qigang is a noble son of a wealthy family in Hong Kong, while Guo Jingjing is a commoner Cinderella, not from the right family.

Even though Guo Jingjing’s performance in sports events is very impressive, the class gap between the two families still cannot be bridged.

Especially Huo Qigang's first two girlfriends were both from wealthy families, and their appearance and academic qualifications surpassed Guo Jingjing's.

From the time when the two were caught by the media, to when Huo Qigang held hands and confessed his love to Guo Jingjing in front of the media cameras during their eight-year long love relationship, and even now, when the two have been married for 12 years, the rumors in the media have never stopped.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

Guo Jingjing hugged her friend of the opposite sex politely, and Huo Qigang made a phone call on a rainy night, which was interpreted by the media as Guo Jingjing cheating on her friend of the opposite sex. Huo Qigang left the meeting angrily, but he called with sadness to win over Guo Jingjing.

Huo Qigang was photographed with a woman in a bar, which was interpreted by the media as Huo Qigang cheating and eating.

Similar rumors taken out of context will appear every once in a while, and the reasons for the two people to "break up" are also varied.

Even when Guo Jingjing participates in a competition and her teammates of the opposite sex help her move down and salute, it will be interpreted as "a close relationship."

Faced with endless rumors from the media, Guo Jingjing and Huo Qigang have a stable relationship and remain unmoved.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

During this period, Huo Qigang still acted as Guo Jingjing’s fan, following him everywhere.

Guo Jingjing stayed true to her heart, focused on training, and won many championships in the Olympics, National Games, World Cup and other events.

When Guo Jingjing was asked by a reporter whether dating Huo Qigang would be stressful, Guo Jingjing laughed and said: "Qigang will be more stressed. If I don't win the championship, he is worried that the audience will scold him for delaying my victory. ”

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

Guo Jingjing’s dedication to her career and charm of her personality have won her the initiative in her relationship.

Although the outside world is not optimistic, Guo Jingjing's tenacity, confidence, magnanimity and other advantages still deeply attract Huo Qigang.

ran for 8 years and was "broken up" more than a dozen times. The two finally entered the marriage hall in 2012.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

Unique Rich Women

Before Guo Jingjing, most of the women who married into wealthy families in Hong Kong were "Hong Kong sisters" and "celebrities", or they were married into families from the same wealthy family.

For this reason, the consistent image given to wealthy ladies in Hong Kong is "bejeweled", "beautiful appearance", "elegant temperament", etc., which are mostly adjectives related to external appearance and temperament.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

But Guo Jingjing is different. She has an ordinary appearance, always squinting her eyes, and doesn’t like to dress up. She goes to the vegetable market with an ordinary cloth bag, wears a 1-yuan hair tie to attend events, eats at roadside stalls, takes care of her children without a nanny, and makes her own clothes. Cooking meals and buying affordable clothes for the children.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

Guo Jingjing's various performances are very different from the image of a wealthy lady. She has never been seen at gatherings of Hong Kong celebrities. It is no wonder that the Hong Kong media always talks down about her relationship with Huo Qigang, a wealthy family.

Guo Jingjing served as a torch bearer at the Hangzhou Asian Games without a face. When a Japanese media reporter saw it, he sharply asked: "You face a face every day and don't pay attention to dressing up. Aren't you afraid that Huo Qigang will dislike you?"

Guo Jingjing replied: "I don't like you very much. Qi Gang loves to dress up even more, for fear of being disliked by me one day.”

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

Guo Jingjing’s confidence comes not only from the confidence of the Olympic champion, but also from the respect and sense of security given to her by Huo Qigang and the entire Huo family.

Huo Qigang and Guo Jingjing participated in the interview at the same time to introduce themselves. Guo Jingjing said "I am Huo Qigang's wife Guo Jingjing", Huo Qigang immediately said "I am Guo Jingjing's husband", which gave Guo Jingjing enough respect.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

The Huo family has never regarded Guo Jingjing as a dodder who clings to a wealthy family, and Guo Jingjing has never been one of those ladies in Hong Kong who take her husband's surname.

She and Huo Qigang made each other successful.

After retiring and getting married, Guo Jingjing took care of her husband and raised her children. Although she didn’t do much to promote her career, she never gave up on improving herself.

With Huo Qigang’s encouragement and advice, she went abroad to study, learn English, see the world, and improve her horizons and structure.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

During the fight for the property of wealthy families, she suggested that Huo Qigang give up the fight and move the family out of the mansion worth hundreds of millions, showing off the pattern and preserving the family's face and Huo Qigang's reputation.

Her image of low-key humility, thrift, approachability, hard work and tenacity has won the love of Huo Qigang from 1.4 billion people in the mainland, and directly pushed Huo Qigang's career a big step forward and entered the political system.

She has become a new link between the Huo family and the international sports industry, allowing the Huo family to further develop in sports.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

She actively participates in charity. She is frugal but never stingy in helping others.

At the same time, through her continuous learning, she was invited by FINA to serve as the chief referee after retiring for more than ten years.

She said, "The halo cannot shine forever."

Therefore, she put aside the praise of herself from the outside world and always looked forward.

She recognizes her position and lives comfortably.

It is no wonder that when they got married in 2012, father-in-law Huo Zhenting happily told the media: "Thank you Jingjing for marrying our Huo family."

This is the real "lady" in the eyes of the Chinese people.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

is written at the end:

Whether it is Guo Jingjing’s personal achievements or her marriage and family, they are all enviable and desirable.

She jumped from a "country girl" from an ordinary family to a "rich lady" across social classes, without losing her personality charm and became a role model for many women.

Author|Chun Ning Editor|Xiang Wanwan The opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games is about to begin. China's 'Queen of Diving' Guo Jingjing, who has won multiple Olympic champions, was specially invited by FINA to serve as a referee and was promoted to a new identity - ch - Lujuba

Even her brother-in-law Huo Qishan said that when looking for a wife in the future, he should look for someone like a sister-in-law.

The reason why she has achieved such achievements is because:

Even if she is injured, she still works harder than others.

Identify your own position, go all out to defeat yourself, and do your best to achieve others.

As Guo Jingjing said: "There are many wealthy families, but there is only one world champion."

Maybe we cannot become world champions, but we can also choose to persevere in adversity and never give up.

In the unpredictable future, if we go all out to defeat ourselves, we will be the champions.


picture|Source network intrusion and deletion

Tags: entertainment