Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r

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singer announced the final format and grouping: Sun Nan pk Tan Weiwei, Shanti Mo Naying and Wang Sulong trio

article | Roasted Entertainment

has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive periods, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, social media popularity leading the way, and total communication volume across the entire network Reaching 143.74 billion views, with both ratings and topics exploding, "Singer 2024" is undoubtedly the leader in the variety show field this year.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

In the first 20 regular season competitions, Fanxia, ​​Shantimo, Na Ying, and Wang Sulong made it to the end, and they also advanced to the finals (the battle of the kings of singers) ahead of schedule.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

In the 11th breakout competition, eight groups of singers battled each other, and two replacement singers, Sun Nan and Tan Weiwei, won the finals without any suspense. Hailai Amu counterattacked and became a dark horse and won the last ticket. Xu Jun, Zhang Yuqi, Yuan Yawei and Huang Xuan were unfortunately eliminated.

At this point, the "Singer 2024" finals lineup was born. The seven promoted singers are Fanxia, ​​Shantimo, Na Ying, Wang Sulong, Sun Nan, Tan Weiwei, and Hailai Amu.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

This also means that all the singers who made the list this season and were released are eliminated. Huang Xuan, who successfully unveiled the list, persisted from the second episode to the tenth episode, but failed in the breakout competition. It is regrettable to think about it.

Regarding such a result, many netizens pointed the finger at the competition format of "Singer 2024". The duel between two groups is inherently accidental, and it is indeed unfair to online singers.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

The program team does not seem to care what netizens think and continues to make trouble in the competition system. On July 23, "Singer 2024" held a special live broadcast to announce the format and gameplay of the Battle of the King of Singers.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

This year’s finals are divided into two rounds. The first round is Bangbang Singing. Seven singers choose themselves to form three groups of duels, with no less than two and no more than three in each group. After each group sings, the jury will vote within the group, and the singer with the highest vote rate in the group will be the first candidate to become the King of Songs. After this round of singing, all pending singers will undergo hearing voting again to determine the fourth candidate for the King of Singing.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

The second round is for individual singing. After all four singer candidates have finished singing, the singer of this season will be voted on.

The whole grouping process can be described as "undercurrent". The little thoughts of the seven singers were written on their faces, and they couldn't hide it during the live broadcast.

html The 27 singers were ranked according to their historical performance and went to the competition stage in order to make selections. The more times you win first place in the regular season, the higher your results will be.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

Fanxia, ​​who won three first places in the regular season and has the highest average score, was the first to appear. She was calm and calm and automatically became a team.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

Shantimo, who also won the first place three times, then appeared. She did not choose to be in the same camp as Vancia, but chose her own camp without hesitation.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

The next person to appear was Sun Nan. He also directly avoided the two masters Fanxia and Shantimo and chose his own independent camp. The fourth player in

is Na Ying. This position is a bit awkward but the advantage is obvious. The three major camps have been established and there is a chance to choose the opponent first. But who to choose is a headache, and Na Ying appeared to be confused.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

But she was obviously prepared. Of course her good friend Sun Nan couldn't fight each other, and Van Xia was stronger, so she simply chose Shantimo, picking a weak persimmon, and the probability of breaking through in the first round was significantly increased.

Shanti Mo has always admired Na Ying in the program. She was moved to tears by Na Ying's singing many times. It is very exciting that two good programs are about to face off.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

The fifth person to appear is Tan Weiwei, which is a test for her acting skills. She was very conflicted as soon as she appeared on the stage. She emphasized her singing guest many times and wanted to ask for his opinion. But the rules don't allow it, and Tan Weiwei still has to make his own choice.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

This is indeed a difficult choice. Fanxia is stronger, but Sun Nan is a senior. After some struggle, Tan Weiwei chose to team up with Sun Nan for PK.This is actually a smarter choice. The probability of promotion against Sun Nan is greater, and it also leaves room for guest singers.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

Wang Sulong, who appeared for the sixth time, has already made his own choice in the process of Tan Weiwei's entanglement. He did not choose Fanxia, ​​but chose the camp of Shantimo and Naying, taking the lead in locking in a three-man combination, focusing on the surprise.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

However, Wang Sulong’s choice is very smart. If you choose Fanxia, ​​you will lose miserably. When you come to Shantimo’s group, there is still a slight chance of advancement. Even if you are eliminated, you will not lose face if you lose to the two seniors.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

Hailai Amu, the seventh player to appear, has no choice but to be assigned to the same camp as Fan Xiya. For him in the finals, there is a high probability that he will play a supporting role. Of course, it is not impossible for the program team to make bigger moves, and it is not impossible for Hailai Amu and Fanxia to advance together.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

At this point, the groupings for the first round of the "Singer 2024" finals have settled - the first group of , Fan Xiya and Hai Lai Amu; the second group of
, Shanti Mo, Na Ying, and Wang Sulong; the third group, Sun Nan and Tan Weiwei.

According to the competition system, 7 people will compete for the qualifications of the 4 singing king candidates. If nothing goes wrong, Fan Xia, Na Ying, and Sun Nan will advance smoothly, while Tan Weiwei and Shanti Mo will compete for the fourth promotion spot.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

With the announcement of the groupings, the singer of "Singer 2024" has also emerged. There is a high probability that it will be 1 from 3 - Na Ying, Sun Nan, and Fan Xia.

Fanxia is in the lead in terms of strength, and her performance throughout the season is the most stable. If the program team is willing to award the singing king to a foreigner, then Fanxia has the greatest chance of winning.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

Na Ying’s status in the world is there. Since participating in the competition, she has become the traffic and popularity of the program. In the last round of the regular season, Na Ying counterattacked and took first place. Once his performance is stable in the finals, he may also counterattack the singing king.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

Sun Nan’s singing skills are stable, but her singing style has been criticized. Sun Nan's withdrawal from the competition created a lot of topics back then. If he can win the singing title this year, it will also be a relatively big topic. The possibility of a big reversal by the program team cannot be ruled out.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

As for the final results and rankings of "Singer 2024", the guest singers actually played a vital role. Deng Chao directly rewrote the pattern of the finals back then, while Li Jian and others lost to the guest singers.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

At present, the guest singers of "Singer 2024" have not been officially announced. The versions circulated online one after another. The latest version of the list of guest singers is more credible - Na Ying Hui Chun Dan, Sun Nan Liu Huan, Xiang Timo Modi Mahi, Fancia Zhang Jie, Tan Weiwei Chen Chusheng, Wang Sulong Gu Juji, Hailai Amu Zhang Lei.

Text | Baked Entertainment has ranked first among the four networks for 11 consecutive issues, with ratings continuing to hit new highs, and social media popularity leading the way. The total communication volume on the entire network has reached 143.74 billion times, with both r - Lujuba

If this is the list of guest singers, then the finals of "Singer 2024" will still be full of highlights and topics. The heavy addition of Liu Huan undoubtedly tilted the balance of the singing king in favor of Sun Nan. Although Zhang Jie is powerful and popular, he doesn't seem to be a good match with Fan Xia. Chen Chusheng also came to help Tan Weiwei sing, and fans of the two fast boys may start to fight.

What are your expectations for the "Singer 2024" finals?

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