"The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West" attracted the attention of netizens as soon as it was aired. After watching more than a dozen episodes, I just want to say that "The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West" really did not disappoint.

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"The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West" attracted the attention of netizens as soon as it was aired. After watching more than a dozen episodes, I just want to say that "The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West" really did not disappoint.

First of all, "The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West" still maintains the style of the first part. The whole drama creates a suspenseful and thrilling atmosphere very well.

In "The Death of Tsukuru", in the scene where Harujo jumped out of the window, he was really startled by the sudden appearance of Cao Hui. It can be said that he was unprepared. I wonder if anyone has been shocked?

'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' attracted the attention of netizens as soon as it was aired. After watching more than a dozen episodes, I just want to say that 'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' really did not disappoint. - Lujuba

And after Cao Hui went insane, every time he showed his face, it gave people a gloomy feeling, and those who watched it could not help but feel chills on their backs.

Since it is a mysterious detective drama, this kind of bluffing atmosphere is still necessary, otherwise the audience will easily get into trouble.

When the atmosphere is created well and the audience puts themselves into the case, the feeling of following the drama will be comfortable.

Secondly, the plot logic is smooth and the narrative is smooth.

In detective dramas, logic is very important. The biggest fear is to deliberately create suspense in order to pursue a sense of suspense. In the end, you can't justify it, and you can only rely on adding characters or passing by to get past it.

'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' attracted the attention of netizens as soon as it was aired. After watching more than a dozen episodes, I just want to say that 'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' really did not disappoint. - Lujuba

"The Strange Cases of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West" does not have this problem. The details of each case are carefully picked out.

For example, in the unit "Death of Zusaku", the story that happened one night, the time, place, and characters are all connected. The whole story can be said to be seamless and without any loopholes.

In the end, the original cast was very enjoyable to watch.

After the success of the first part of "Tang Dynasty Strange Stories", many viewers began to worry that the original cast would not be available for the second part.

Audience friends have a reason to be worried. All film and television dramas are like this. The original cast will continue to star, and audience friends will soon join the show. Once a person is changed midway, no matter whether the person's acting skills are good or bad, it will affect the audience's speed of accepting the scene. After all, the audience friends have to adapt to the new actor first.

'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' attracted the attention of netizens as soon as it was aired. After watching more than a dozen episodes, I just want to say that 'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' really did not disappoint. - Lujuba

Take Yan Bingyun played by Wu Xingjian in " Celebrating More Than Years 2". In the first film, the role of Yan Bingyun was played by Xiao Zhan. At that time, many people felt that Xiao Zhan's performance was not good, and they kept clamoring for a replacement. As a result, after changing people, everyone realized that they were already used to Yan Bingyun played by Xiao Zhan.

'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' attracted the attention of netizens as soon as it was aired. After watching more than a dozen episodes, I just want to say that 'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' really did not disappoint. - Lujuba

There is also the character He Zongwei, played by Xiao Haoran in the first season. Although Xiao Haoran is not well-known, the audience and friends think that he acted very well. In the second season of

, after He Zongwei was played by Manifesto, the audience immediately felt bad.

'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' attracted the attention of netizens as soon as it was aired. After watching more than a dozen episodes, I just want to say that 'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' really did not disappoint. - Lujuba

Although it is only a small role and does not have many roles, it directly affects the audience's experience of following the drama. This has nothing to do with acting, it's purely a preconceived impression.

It is precisely because of this that the original cast of "The Secret of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West" has won from the beginning.

Before the broadcast of "The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West", the crew released a series of promotional videos. Among these promotional videos, there was a promotional video called "The Tang Dynasty Super Dimension Investigation Team" that was very unique.

'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' attracted the attention of netizens as soon as it was aired. After watching more than a dozen episodes, I just want to say that 'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' really did not disappoint. - Lujuba

In this promotional video, the five leading actors of "The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West" all took off their ancient costumes and put on modern clothes.

uses black and white images throughout the promotional video, and the sense of suspense comes instantly.

Although there is not a single line in the entire promotional video, it can be seen from the performances of the actors that they are still investigating the case. When

saw this scene, he couldn't help but sigh. If the original cast of "The Strange Story of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West" came together to make a modern detective drama, it would be very good.

'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' attracted the attention of netizens as soon as it was aired. After watching more than a dozen episodes, I just want to say that 'The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty: Journey to the West' really did not disappoint. - Lujuba

If it can be more closely related to costume dramas, then I guess this modern drama will also become popular.What do you think?

Tags: entertainment