The much-anticipated suspense drama "Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2" from the cultural/entertainment school has finally met the audience. The drama relies on the complex cases, online actors' performances, movie-like scenes, and exquisite service. He quickly became popular among

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文/Entertainment Pai

The much-anticipated suspense drama "Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2" has finally met the audience. The drama relies on the complex cases, online actors' performances, movie-like scenes, and exquisite service. Highlight, it quickly became popular among many new dramas, and many viewers expressed their admiration for it.

The much-anticipated suspense drama 'Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2' from the cultural/entertainment school has finally met the audience. The drama relies on the complex cases, online actors' performances, movie-like scenes, and exquisite service. He quickly became popular among  - Lujuba

Many viewers have focused on Lu Lingfeng, played by Yang Xuwen , and Su Wuming, played by Yang Zhigang . One is a powerful but arrogant Jinwu Guard general, and the other is resourceful but a bit funny and lazy. of adults.

In the play, they are one civilized and one military, one strong and one soft. The two of them cooperate just right. While the suspenseful atmosphere is constantly increasing, the two of them also contribute various laughs, making people feel nervous and exciting. I couldn't help but smile knowingly. I have to say that the two of them not only fit their respective roles perfectly, but also contributed many highlights.

The much-anticipated suspense drama 'Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2' from the cultural/entertainment school has finally met the audience. The drama relies on the complex cases, online actors' performances, movie-like scenes, and exquisite service. He quickly became popular among  - Lujuba

However, in addition to the two of them, there is another character who is also impressive. She is Pei Xijun, the daughter of Pei Jian, the Minister of Civil Affairs, and the adopted sister of Su Wuming. She has a photographic memory and is quite good at painting. Talented, able to make portraits come to life with the help of scattered clues.

In fact, Pei Xijun in the play is a character who is very popular with the audience. He has a cheerful and lively personality. Although he is from a noble family, he does not have the airs of a young lady at all. His words and deeds also show the charm of a lady. When he meets the person he likes, he does not hide it at all. , and Lu Lingfeng fell in love at first sight. The two seemed to be a perfect match, and they were also well-matched.

The much-anticipated suspense drama 'Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2' from the cultural/entertainment school has finally met the audience. The drama relies on the complex cases, online actors' performances, movie-like scenes, and exquisite service. He quickly became popular among  - Lujuba

The actress who plays Pei Xijun is also a very cute girl named Gao Siwen. She was born in August 1999. She is a very young actress and her acting career is on the rise. Moreover, she is an actor who started out as a child star. Now only 24 years old, she has appeared in more than 40 film and television works and has rich acting experience.

In the first part of "The Strange Stories of the Tang Dynasty", Zhang Zijian played Xijun's father. In other words, Zhang Zijian and Gao Siwen played father and daughter in the play. Although there were not many scenes, there were also several rival scenes. Although Gao Siwen's The aura is not as good as that of Zhang Zijian, but his performance is still online, showing a certain acting skills.

The much-anticipated suspense drama 'Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2' from the cultural/entertainment school has finally met the audience. The drama relies on the complex cases, online actors' performances, movie-like scenes, and exquisite service. He quickly became popular among  - Lujuba

In the second part, the actor who plays Xijun is still Gao Siwen, but Zhang Zijian did not appear in the second part. Although it is a bit regretful, seeing the role of Xijun brings more joy and expectation. Although it is also a supporting role, but Every time I see her in the same frame as Lu Lingfeng or Su Wuming, I always feel reluctant to fast forward.

In the second part, there are not many emotional scenes between Pei Xijun and Lu Lingfeng at present. They are more about showing their roles in the process of solving the case, whether it is Lu Lingfeng investigating and collecting evidence, Su Wuming investigating everywhere, or Xijun and others assist in the investigation. Most of the scenes focus on the investigation and solving the case. This is also the charm of this drama. They are either investigating the case or on the way to investigate the case, without wasting any time.

The much-anticipated suspense drama 'Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2' from the cultural/entertainment school has finally met the audience. The drama relies on the complex cases, online actors' performances, movie-like scenes, and exquisite service. He quickly became popular among  - Lujuba

has only been aired for 5 days. The role of Xijun has attracted the attention of many viewers. Many viewers especially like her scenes with Lu Lingfeng. Some viewers even said that it is not enough and they should have more scenes together. , just having the two of them stand together is very eye-catching. This time the character Pei Xijun comes out of the circle again.

Putting aside the plot, the actor Gao Siwen who plays Xijun may not be very familiar to some viewers. After all, she is not very well-known in the entertainment industry. However, it is not difficult to see from previous works that Gao Siwen has starred in many roles. He has few works, has created many characters, and has collaborated with many powerful actors.

The much-anticipated suspense drama 'Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2' from the cultural/entertainment school has finally met the audience. The drama relies on the complex cases, online actors' performances, movie-like scenes, and exquisite service. He quickly became popular among  - Lujuba

Recently, in addition to partnering with Yang Xuwen and Yang Zhigang, she has also partnered with powerful actors such as Zeng Li, Fan Ming, Zhang Bo, Jiang Wenli, and Yu Rongguang. Going further, she has collaborated with powerful actors such as Qin Hailu, Wu Gang, Wang Zhiwen, Zhang Fengyi, and He Bing. At such a young age, she is enviable in terms of film and television resources. She is also known as He must be considered a capable actor.

In fact, it is not difficult to see from the role that Hao Siwen has not only played the childhood of many protagonists, but also played the daughters of many protagonists. For example, in the TV series " Mother Wants to Marry ", she played the daughter of the heroine Jiang Wenli. Fang, she was only in her teens at that time, and she could play face to face with Shi Hou. This opportunity was really precious.

The much-anticipated suspense drama 'Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2' from the cultural/entertainment school has finally met the audience. The drama relies on the complex cases, online actors' performances, movie-like scenes, and exquisite service. He quickly became popular among  - Lujuba

Nowadays, Hao Siwen has gradually become the protagonist in the drama from the supporting role in the past. She has obviously many more roles, and her whole person has changed a lot. Not only is she more beautiful, but her temperament is also better, and her overall state is She is very energetic, as the saying goes, "A woman's 18 changes make her look better and better."

In "Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2", although Gao Siwen and Lu Lingfeng love each other and they do like each other, their love is not that obvious. Instead, they both focus most of their energy on solving the case, so even if they have The emotional scenes did not affect the audience's desire to follow the drama at all, but they felt that it was not enough.

The much-anticipated suspense drama 'Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2' from the cultural/entertainment school has finally met the audience. The drama relies on the complex cases, online actors' performances, movie-like scenes, and exquisite service. He quickly became popular among  - Lujuba

In the play, whether Hao Siwen is acting opposite Yang Xuwen, opposite Yang Zhigang, or in the same frame as other staff, her aura and performance are not inferior to those of the other party, her lines are expressed clearly, and her emotions are in place. The expressions can be switched freely, leaving a deep impression on people.

Have you watched "Tang Dynasty Strange Stories 2"? What do you think of this one? Welcome to leave your opinions.

Tags: entertainment