The second season of "Shang Xiang Si" ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness. And Xiaoyao, after all th

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The second season of " Sauvignon Blanc " ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized his wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.

And Xiaoyao, after all this is over, marries Tu Shanjing, leaves Xiyan and travels around the world, living the free life she wants.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

However, until Xiang Liu died in the battle, Xiao Yao didn't know the love hidden in the big-bellied doll.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

Three Secrets

No one can figure out Xiaoyao's charm. This is a dead end alley, but Xiang Liu finds a glimmer of hope for her.

He used his own two lives to untie Xiaoyao's poison. He was able to do this without asking for anything or asking for anything. He even asked Queen Mother Xi and A Nian to keep it a secret.

If it’s not love, what is it?

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

Xiang Liu’s love for Xiao Yao is so deep and strong.

But in the end, not even a thought was left for her, even the shadow hidden in the mirror had to be erased.

Ke Xiangliu’s secret to Xiaoyao was not just about undoing the poison.

Before Xiang Liu prepared to fight to the death, he hid the crystal ball Xiaoyao had given him in the pot-bellied doll.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

Even if Ah Nian got this "gift" later, he didn't know what was inside. He only knew that it was a "wedding gift" entrusted to Xiaoyao by Xiang Liu before his death.

However, Ah Nian must have guessed the specialness of this gift, so he told Xiaoyao to take this "big-bellied doll" with him wherever he goes in the future to see the scenery he has never seen before.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

However, apart from these secrets, Xiang Liu also kept one last thing from Xiao Yao.

html Accompanying each other at the bottom of the sea in 037, Xiang Liu hid it from everyone and left Xiaoyao’s tear in the shell.

The moment he died on the battlefield, the teardrop held in his hand turned into a tear and merged into his right eye.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

In this life, Xiang Liu lived up to his adoptive father Hong Jiang, the soldiers Chenrong, and even Xiaoyao. The only thing he failed at was himself.

That tear was all his righteous selfishness, the proof that he loved Xiaoyao carefully, and it was also the treasure he secretly left behind in his greed at the end.

When he closed his eyes and held the tears in his eyes, he smiled contentedly. He will remember every moment of getting along with Xiaoyao until his death, and he will never forget it until his death.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

seems to be saying, I wish I could remember the past!

This may be the best ending for Xiang Liu. He left behind the love that he wanted to keep the most, and also kept that drop of "pearl" tears.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

Xiang Liu’s ending may seem regretful, but it is in line with the fate of his character.

Until his death, Xiang Liu left with a smile. He never had any regrets in his life.

Such him, such an ending, is also a kind of satisfaction.

Five Perfections

In addition to Xiangliu, Xuanxuan also has a happy ending.

Although he couldn't really be with Xiaoyao.

However, they once said in the Phoenix Forest that as long as Xiaoyao would always be Xuanxuan's sister, they could be together forever.

Perhaps, the relationship between relatives is more suitable for them and lasts longer than being a lover.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

After Xuanxuan became the King of Xiyan, he always wanted to tie Xiaoyao to his side, wanted to marry her, and wanted to drive away all suitors.

But when Tu Shanjing died, Xuanxuan saw Xiaoyao's crazy look and realized that he could not give her wholehearted love.

obviously kept walking with the goal of protecting Xiaoyao, but the final destination was not her.

Between the throne and Xiaoyao, he chose to protect the people of the world.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

It’s not that he doesn’t love her, it’s just because he loves her so much that he chooses to protect this world and let Xiaoyao live freely in this stable world. This is the promise he can give and the best way he can protect Xiaoyao.

Loving someone is not to be a shackles to her, but to let go and be able to let her live the life she wants.

Whether he travels around the world or goes to Qingshui Town to help the world, Xiaoyao can always be himself as long as he stays in this land guarded by his brother Xuanxuan.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

The beginning of Xuanxuan letting go of her obsession is also the reason for Xiaoyao to put on Mu Ruohua.

Ah Nian is also perfect.

She has transformed from the unruly and willful Princess Wang into the Queen of Xiyan who protects the stability of her side. What she desires and hopes for is no longer limited to the love of one glance, but the people of the entire wilderness.

She has experienced the feeling of not being able to love, has seen Xiaoyao and Tu Shanjing's life-and-death love, and understands Xiang Liu's preference to keep love in his heart forever even if he dies.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

has experienced, seen, and understood, and there is nothing in this world that can hold her back.

Love, which she once knew nothing about, is ultimately just a trivial thing in life. Her confidence and strength are precisely the confidence to walk side by side with Xuanxuan.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

She no longer desires happiness, nor does she pursue love, because she herself is happiness, and the person standing next to her is what love once looked like, so the ending is satisfactory enough.

And Chen Rong Xinyue’s ending is actually a happy one.

When he was a child, he replaced his brother as a hostage for more than a hundred years. He was frightened day and night, with no one to protect him and no one to love him. When

grew up, he became unreasonable, pampered and wanton, but in the final analysis, he wanted to be protected, loved and pampered.

But he fell in love with Xingxuan, who couldn't tolerate anyone in his heart.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

You must know that it was Xuanxuan who "provoked" her first from the beginning.

Until Fenglong blocked an arrow for Xuanxuan, he did one last thing for his sister, exchanging his life's achievements for a promise to protect her.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

Zeng Chenrong Xinyue thought that no one loved her and no one protected her. Even when she planned to kill Tu Shanjing and Xiao Yao, she blamed her brother for not helping her.

But after Fenglong's death, she woke up from the "absurdity" of the past.

Nothing is more important than seeing yourself clearly.

Her lost dignity and lost pride were all picked up piece by piece by her brother who loved her most. The rest of her life was bought by her brother at the cost of his life.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

once thought she had nothing, but in the end, she found herself again and became the sister who made her brother proud.

Not many people can see themselves clearly in this life, but her ending is already the best ending.

In the whole drama, everyone is in love but cannot get it, only Xiaoyao and Tu Shanjing get what they want and finally get married.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

Behind their happy ending is Xuanxuan's letting go, Fangfeng Yiying's fulfillment, and Xiang Liu's rescue again and again.

Three secrets, five perfections, but I saw Xiaoyao’s biggest regret behind them.

Xiaoyao didn't know how much Xiang Liu loved her until her death.

Everyone except Xiaoyao knew how much Xiang Liu loved her.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

Xuanxuan knew this 37 years ago when Xiang Liu risked his life and took Xiaoyao away to the bottom of the sea to heal.

Tu Shanjing knew it, from when he dressed up as Fangfeng Bei and taught Xiaoyao the ability to defend herself in archery.

Anian and the Queen Mother of the West witnessed with their own eyes that a once noble nine-headed demon was willing to kill himself for the sake of his love and became a disgusted six-headed snake demon in the sea.

But Xiaoyao didn’t know any of this.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

This is not cruel to Xiao Yao. Xiang Liu loves Xiao Yao very much, but he does not give her the right to choose and decides whether to stay or leave this relationship privately.

Even if Xiang Liu died in the battle, Xiao Yao looked at the empty mirror and still blamed herself for being disliked by him.

She didn't know how much Xiang Liu loved her, let alone the "pearl tear" that was treasured in her heart.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

didn't even know that when the tears fell in Xiang Liu's eyes, this nine-headed demon who never smiled was being called a cold-blooded and ruthless Xiang Liu.

actually smiled in the end and kept the tears privately without any regrets.

This is a secret that he has treasured for his whole life. It is also because of him that the five people are happy. Xiang Liu left with a smile until his death. However, Xiao Yao does not know this love. How regretful this life must be!

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

What do you think about this? Please leave your opinions below in the comment area.

[Note: This article is original by the author Gan Shuimuqi. You are welcome to forward the article, subscribe and follow. Unauthorized plagiarism will be investigated! 】

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

The beginning of Xuanxuan letting go of her obsession is also the reason for Xiaoyao to put on Mu Ruohua.

Ah Nian is also perfect.

She has transformed from the unruly and willful Princess Wang into the Queen of Xiyan who protects the stability of her side. What she desires and hopes for is no longer limited to the love of one glance, but the people of the entire wilderness.

She has experienced the feeling of not being able to love, has seen Xiaoyao and Tu Shanjing's life-and-death love, and understands Xiang Liu's preference to keep love in his heart forever even if he dies.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

has experienced, seen, and understood, and there is nothing in this world that can hold her back.

Love, which she once knew nothing about, is ultimately just a trivial thing in life. Her confidence and strength are precisely the confidence to walk side by side with Xuanxuan.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

She no longer desires happiness, nor does she pursue love, because she herself is happiness, and the person standing next to her is what love once looked like, so the ending is satisfactory enough.

And Chen Rong Xinyue’s ending is actually a happy one.

When he was a child, he replaced his brother as a hostage for more than a hundred years. He was frightened day and night, with no one to protect him and no one to love him. When

grew up, he became unreasonable, pampered and wanton, but in the final analysis, he wanted to be protected, loved and pampered.

But he fell in love with Xingxuan, who couldn't tolerate anyone in his heart.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

You must know that it was Xuanxuan who "provoked" her first from the beginning.

Until Fenglong blocked an arrow for Xuanxuan, he did one last thing for his sister, exchanging his life's achievements for a promise to protect her.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

Zeng Chenrong Xinyue thought that no one loved her and no one protected her. Even when she planned to kill Tu Shanjing and Xiao Yao, she blamed her brother for not helping her.

But after Fenglong's death, she woke up from the "absurdity" of the past.

Nothing is more important than seeing yourself clearly.

Her lost dignity and lost pride were all picked up piece by piece by her brother who loved her most. The rest of her life was bought by her brother at the cost of his life.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

once thought she had nothing, but in the end, she found herself again and became the sister who made her brother proud.

Not many people can see themselves clearly in this life, but her ending is already the best ending.

In the whole drama, everyone is in love but cannot get it, only Xiaoyao and Tu Shanjing get what they want and finally get married.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

Behind their happy ending is Xuanxuan's letting go, Fangfeng Yiying's fulfillment, and Xiang Liu's rescue again and again.

Three secrets, five perfections, but I saw Xiaoyao’s biggest regret behind them.

Xiaoyao didn't know how much Xiang Liu loved her until her death.

Everyone except Xiaoyao knew how much Xiang Liu loved her.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

Xuanxuan knew this 37 years ago when Xiang Liu risked his life and took Xiaoyao away to the bottom of the sea to heal.

Tu Shanjing knew it, from when he dressed up as Fangfeng Bei and taught Xiaoyao the ability to defend herself in archery.

Anian and the Queen Mother of the West witnessed with their own eyes that a once noble nine-headed demon was willing to kill himself for the sake of his love and became a disgusted six-headed snake demon in the sea.

But Xiaoyao didn’t know any of this.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

This is not cruel to Xiao Yao. Xiang Liu loves Xiao Yao very much, but he does not give her the right to choose and decides whether to stay or leave this relationship privately.

Even if Xiang Liu died in the battle, Xiao Yao looked at the empty mirror and still blamed herself for being disliked by him.

She didn't know how much Xiang Liu loved her, let alone the "pearl tear" that was treasured in her heart.

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

didn't even know that when the tears fell in Xiang Liu's eyes, this nine-headed demon who never smiled was being called a cold-blooded and ruthless Xiang Liu.

actually smiled in the end and kept the tears privately without any regrets.

This is a secret that he has treasured for his whole life. It is also because of him that the five people are happy. Xiang Liu left with a smile until his death. However, Xiao Yao does not know this love. How regretful this life must be!

The second season of 'Shang Xiang Si' ended with 23 episodes. Soldier Chen Rong died in the battle with Xiang Liu and ended in complete failure. Xuanxuan finally realized her wish to unify the wilderness and became the true master of the wilderness.      And Xiaoyao, after all th - Lujuba

What do you think about this? Please leave your opinions below in the comment area.

[Note: This article is original by the author Gan Shuimuqi. You are welcome to forward the article, subscribe and follow. Unauthorized plagiarism will be investigated! 】

Tags: entertainment