"Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears..." The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the "Baoli

entertainment 8602℃

"Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears..."

The childish language in the lyrics, coupled with the serious expression of the little girl, creates a wonderful contrast. , quickly detonating the network.

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

Papa "Baoli Turtle" self-media account, "hoodie" girl was born in the Year of the Ox, nicknamed "Niu".

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

Quotes about "hoodie" girls became popular on the Internet.

Netizens asked: Is Meng Po's soup mixed with water?

In addition to this popular song, the "Hoodie" girl also often makes surprising remarks in life, often making famous sentences, showing her unique perspective and innocent language. It makes many adults feel ashamed.

has a video of a mother watching her put a heart sticker upside down. She replied: "I can see it as soon as I lift my legs. I spend my own money just to make myself happy."

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

It is common for children to bump into each other. Every time they fall, it is an opportunity for growth. Once, the cow's nose was broken, and her mother asked her with concern if she was crying. She answered in a way that adults would not expect: "Of course, then you don't shed a single tear, what do you think about your nose?"

This answer , awesome! Feeling the feeling of the nose personally, it is not only humorous, but also wise, and even has the compassion of a human cub.

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

There is a video where her mother asked her: "Why do you give away a gift you like, only to get half of it back when you can't bear to part with it?"

Niu said: "Don't let embarrassment delay you."

Awesome, transparent and straightforward Bai, don’t be shy!

During the rainy season, the cow transformed into a little philosopher and sat in front of the window, staring at the rainwater that wetted the flowers and leaves, and sighed: "People will cherish what they have worked hard to get; if it is a one-time use, people will not know it at all." Care. "

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

Look, this three-year-old baby has such a keen insight into life, which is amazing.

She would even pick up flowers scattered on the roadside, put them on her head, and say happily: "Falling flowers are free and beautiful!"

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

Oh my god, these are words that adults can never think of in their lifetime.

No wonder the comment section said that she came from heaven, and thanked her mother for waiting for her for 500 years! She was like an angel who came to the world, but she still didn't drink Meng Po soup, or Meng Po soup was mixed with water. Ha ha!

Niu has quite a lot of good quotes, so I’ll give them in a package. More golden quotes are on the way, see which one can surprise you:

1, "There is nothing good or bad about laughter, people who laugh will never be ugly."

2, "I don't need to apologize, I Just need balance. "

3, "The material is extremely rich, and people can do whatever they want."

4, "I ate up my happiness at the age of 2. At the age of 3, I already know that I am very happy now."

5, "Free. Comfort. "Comfort is reserved for those who are prepared."

6, "You must be smart when you go out today."

These golden sentences are so interesting, full of innocence, and so philosophical that it makes people laugh. At the same time, I was also moved by it, which probably made many adults feel inferior.

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

The reason why Cow is so "cow" is because of Cow's father and Cow's mother!

It is said that children are copies of their parents. What kind of awesome parents are behind the popularity of the "hoodie" girl?

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

Cow’s father is a turtle, and he usually communicates with Cow in American English. The mother speaks Chinese and the bilingual baby is "cow". This has already made the 40-year-old adult who is mute in English spend half his life in vain.

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

In fact, many cute children can also make amazing speeches when they were young. Cow mother "Baoli Turtle" is a thoughtful person. When she finds out that the little girl says some magical metaphors, she will pick up her mobile phone, reproduce the conversation, ask the little girl to describe it again, and give affirmation and likes, and the little girl encourages it. As time went on, he became more and more willing to express himself, so he recorded the moments of Niu Wa's growth and healed himself into an adult.

They all say, "Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles."In Niu's home, reading and learning are rewards and joys.

Whenever she has time, Niu’s parents and Niu’s mother will take her outdoors to unlock new scenes for her. When he was one year old, he watched the moon in the middle of the night. When he was less than three years old, he went to see Shenzhou No. 7. He took Niu to ride camels and participated in various activities. Everything along the way and the explanations from Niu's parents and Niu's mother have subtly become part of Niu's thoughts.

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

More importantly, cow parents and cow mothers will not handle things on behalf of their children . Even if the cows eat noodles everywhere, they will just let the cows use their own brains.

When Niu was thinking about how to answer, Niu's parents and Niu's mother were very patient and did not show off the "smartness" of adults. There are almost no imperative sentences in the

video. You can't do this and you can't do that. On the contrary, they respect Niuniu's ideas, encourage her to express herself, and patiently guide her to think about and solve problems.

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

With no money and no time,

Can an ordinary family be rich enough to raise a "hoodie girl"?

Many parents may think that for children like "Hoodie Girl", the family must have money and the parents must have time.

However, Niu Dad and Niu Mom tell us: The real "enrichment" is not material accumulation, but spiritual nourishment.

Ordinary families may not be able to provide a bilingual environment, nor may they be able to take their children on trips frequently, but we can learn from the educational philosophy of Niu Niu’s parents, focusing on cultivating children’s character and abilities in daily life.

Such as unconditional love and acceptance. When the cow loses her temper and worries about whether her father still loves her. Dad Niu told her gently: "Daddy loves you when you are happy, and he also loves you when you are unhappy. He loves you when you are particularly happy, and he also loves you when you are particularly unhappy..."

Wow, It feels so warm and safe, right?

helps children master the correct handling methods. For example, when a cow cries because he is sleeping, the cow's father will say that crying cannot solve the problem, but communication can help you!

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

It is this kind of unconditional love that gives Niuniu a great sense of security and self-confidence, allowing her to express herself bravely and be her true self.

But how do most families do it? Some parents' love is conditional. If their grades are poor, they are disobedient, or they do wrong things, their love will be compromised. Do you have?

Niu, who grew up in a loving environment, blurted out a golden sentence on his third birthday: "Thank you for waiting for me after I was born!" Oh, my God, after hearing this, the 40-year-old adult was heartbroken. It’s all going to be cute.

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

And when my mother said I was so tired, the cow would say without hesitation: "Mom, a kiss is on the way!"

'Hello, I have a hoodie. When I put it on, I look very loyal, like a dwarf with big ears...' The childish language in the lyrics, combined with the serious expression of the little girl, created a wonderful contrast, cute and quickly Blow up the internet. According to the 'Baoli  - Lujuba

The appearance of the "hoodie" girl is an elf who fell into the world, allowing us to see the cultivation Another possibility for human pups.

I hope that we will accompany you more, communicate more, and encourage you more, so that every child can shine like the "hoodie girl".

Author of this article | Youfeng Laiyi

Editor in charge | Blue Orange

Planning | Xiao Ke

Tags: entertainment