Preface There are many people around the world who are unhappy when Trump is attacked, but it is certain that Zelensky is definitely one of them. According to a report by Agence France-Presse on July 19, Trump had a phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky, which was ext

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There are many people around the world who are unhappy when Trump is attacked, but it is certain that Zelensky is definitely one of them.

According to an Agence France-Presse report on July 19, Trump had a phone call with Ukrainian President Zelenskiy. Returning to the White House will 'end' the 'war' between Ukraine and Russia."

I don’t know what Zelensky was thinking when he heard the news, but I always feel that the Democratic Party must be so angry that he would lift the table at home.

I guess Zelensky also felt that there was no suspense about Trump’s election. He turned around and posted on be fair and truly lasting”.

As early as the beginning of the Russia-Ukraine war, Trump repeatedly accused Biden of this incident, saying that if he were still the president of the United States, he would never let this happen. But now that raw rice has been cooked into mature meat, is it really that easy to reverse it quickly?

Preface There are many people around the world who are unhappy when Trump is attacked, but it is certain that Zelensky is definitely one of them.      According to a report by Agence France-Presse on July 19, Trump had a phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky, which was ext - Lujuba

Will the Russia-Ukraine war end soon?

Just as Biden was building momentum for his withdrawal from the election, he first said, "If you are not in good health, you will withdraw from the election." Then, "if you are healthy," various Democratic Party insiders revealed the information. Trump also started making various noises.

On July 20, many media around the world reported US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s remarks, which roughly stated that “if Trump wins the November election, the United States may not be able to continue to guarantee support for Ukraine.”

Then Blinken said on one side that the United States may withdraw funding from the Ukrainian project, and on the other side said, "If we (the United States) renege on our words, I think it is possible, but fortunately, we have another 20 ( Western) countries have similar agreements with Kyiv. We are moving towards the goal of more than 30 countries, and they will also take the same actions."

Blinken couldn't help but say this. People deeply admire the face of the United States - it breaks its promise so openly and so confidently. A certain big Eastern country even cried with envy. Well, I'm talking about India.

Let’s talk about Trump’s attitude towards Russia and Ukraine. He has said Trump’s thoughts countless times before, all of which are that he will never aid Ukraine again. The American family has no food left. He is kind-hearted and cannot tolerate the poor. Ukraine You'd better leave quickly.

But if the issue of the Russia-Ukraine war can be resolved quickly in a short period of time, such as Trump saying that the conflict will end within 24 hours after taking office, then it is obviously taken for granted. Because under the continued operation of the Democratic Party for several years, it is really difficult for the United States to immediately achieve peace and then gather strength. What's more, there is also a clause in the Republican Party platform that "should strengthen the US military and maintain its advantage as the world's number one."

On the one hand, it wants to shrink its sphere of influence and on the other hand, it wants to increase military spending. What does the United States want to do?

Also, where does the money come from? Although Trump said that he wants to bring manufacturing back to the United States, rebuilding industrialization will not happen overnight. He will definitely lose money in the short term. One term of the US president only lasts so long, and when all aspects are short of money, Will Trump easily let go of Ukraine, a blood bag that can always be used to bleed Europe? Moreover, Trump wants to end the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, give up his support for Ukraine, and also plans to blackmail Europe. Obviously, these are difficult to achieve within 24 hours or in the short term. Therefore, when Trump takes office, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will end, but it will not be short-term and will still be delayed for some time.

Preface There are many people around the world who are unhappy when Trump is attacked, but it is certain that Zelensky is definitely one of them.      According to a report by Agence France-Presse on July 19, Trump had a phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky, which was ext - Lujuba Russia-Ukraine conflict

Europe’s problems

Trump is a businessman, so he often makes many actions that are not consistent with a politician. For a businessman, everything can be sold, the question is whether the price is appropriate.

Even if Trump is successfully elected this time, he will not be re-elected because his body can no longer support it. In the last four years, he will definitely try his best to solve the problems of the Democratic Party and want to sell all the bargaining chips on hand at a good price. This does not mean that he will betray the country as a comprador, but that he will sell other chips. Used on the United States.

At present, Ukraine has almost sold it, such as the package sale of Ukrainian state-owned assets.

As for Russia, since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia has not known what a good life is. It has gone from being penniless to being heavily in debt. It is so poor that it only has weapons. It is an extremely tough person. The United States wants to get benefits from Russia unless there is a big hemorrhage. , otherwise don’t think about it. It itself wants to gain benefits, but now it wants the United States to take the initiative to bleed. Isn’t that putting the cart before the horse?

does not work in Ukraine or Russia, so there is only one object left.


In our section, Europe will always be the last victim of the United States. There is no way, who said that Europe is in a state of disunity and is easily manipulated by the United States every day?

Faced with such a person, there is no longer a lot of money for him, so I would be sorry for myself if I don't kill him twice.

Preface There are many people around the world who are unhappy when Trump is attacked, but it is certain that Zelensky is definitely one of them.      According to a report by Agence France-Presse on July 19, Trump had a phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky, which was ext - Lujuba

So Trump is likely to take this opportunity to put pressure on Europe again, just like he did at the beginning, throwing the mess directly to Europe, and the United States may even eat both sides, and then talk to Ukraine and let Ukraine continue to buy arms. After Ukraine has been drained of its last value, it is time to negotiate with Russia to sell Ukraine at a good price.

Don’t call me malicious speculation, the United States can really be so shameless. They even tried to get China to pay for Taiwan. China felt that the United States was out of ideas.

Trump’s philosophy of governing the country has been the same in the past four years. It is nothing more than putting America first, isolation diplomacy, withdrawing all organizations that are not beneficial, not doing anything that is not beneficial, and all money must be kept in the hands of the United States.

Someone may want to ask at this point, is Europe so obediently being sucked out of blood by the United States? To be honest, before Nord Stream 2 was bombed, I might have analyzed the consequences of offending Europe, but now everyone has seen the results. Bullying Europe is equivalent to kicking the cotton. The only resistance in Europe now is the civil right. Turn around, every one of the ruling parties is still weak.

Europe's current right turn is not like that of the Nazis during World War II. Basically, they are lying down and don't want to deal with anything. The United States threatens Europe every day if it does not support Ukraine and Russia. If they do, just come over. , anyway, some people in Europe lie down first.

For those in Europe, they can tolerate it as long as they don’t go too far. Anyway, no matter how outrageous Trump is, it will only last four years. After four years, there will be another maga, right? Even if we come back, it will be four years later.

Preface There are many people around the world who are unhappy when Trump is attacked, but it is certain that Zelensky is definitely one of them.      According to a report by Agence France-Presse on July 19, Trump had a phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky, which was ext - Lujuba Trump

The United States has a good calculation about the world situation

The United States just wants to give up Ukraine and support Israel and then return to the Middle East, and then deal with China.

is a great idea, but can it be done?

The assassination of Trump has indeed secured Trump’s election. His attitude is exactly that of a future president of the United States. Not only him, but the outside world also feels this way.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov made a positive comment on Vance's nomination as the US Republican vice presidential candidate, praising him for his outspoken hope of ending the Russia-Ukraine conflict through negotiations.

Internal strife has also begun in Ukraine. Mariana Bezugraya, a member of the Supreme Parliament of Ukraine, said on social platforms that the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian army Alexander Silsky only agreed with the surrender of the Ukrainian army and was a criminal. "Every day, he is letting the Ukrainian army surrender." Ukrainians are dying", weakening Ukraine's fighting capacity. Zelensky also relaxed and announced another peace summit before November, emphasizing that "this time there will be Russia."

It’s like a car hit a tree and turned around. At this time, those who didn’t know thought he was determined to wait for the final results of the presidential election.

After all, Zelensky was originally an opportunist. He was once a popular figure in the Kremlin and performed for Putin. Later, when the Democratic Party came, he immediately switched sides and surrendered as a courtesy. Unexpectedly, the United States treated him like a sheep, gathering wool and milking the sheep every day, and now he wanted to kill the sheep. Seeing that the Democratic Party is in tatters, his comprador government can no longer hold on. I just feel sorry for the Ukrainian people. With such fertile land and superior environment, they could have lived very well.

But in the final analysis, the US election has not yet begun. Variables will still exist in the next few months. No one can say whether news that will shock the world will happen.

Preface There are many people around the world who are unhappy when Trump is attacked, but it is certain that Zelensky is definitely one of them.      According to a report by Agence France-Presse on July 19, Trump had a phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky, which was ext - Lujuba

Secondly, the Russia-Ukraine war has been going on for several years, and now it is no longer something that can be stopped just by the two heads of state. If it stops, not to mention that the EU, which has been hemorrhaging money and providing human resources, will definitely not be able to bear it, but will the "Smith Experts" who said that "the food and clothing of millions of workers depend on it" to make money from the Russia-Ukraine war will agree? There are also American dignitaries who have invested heavily in Ukraine and Blackstone, which has accepted Ukrainian land and resources. Will these capitalists agree?

As for Trump’s idea of ​​“alliance with Russia to resist China”, this is very difficult. It’s not that Russia will never agree, but just like the Ukraine matter, it involves too many things.

If you want to unite with Russia, you must let NATO lift the blockade on Russia, right? Sanctions must also be lifted, and cooperation regulations must be given. Is Trump’s four years in office worth the entire Western world’s resistance to the Soviet Union and Russia since 1991, or in other words, since 1922?

At present, Russia's economy has improved. More and more substitutes are appearing in Russia, and the shelves are full of various Chinese products. Russia simply cannot make a sudden 180-degree turn.

Preface There are many people around the world who are unhappy when Trump is attacked, but it is certain that Zelensky is definitely one of them.      According to a report by Agence France-Presse on July 19, Trump had a phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky, which was ext - Lujuba The United States and Ukraine

End of

"Uniting with Russia to resist China" is unrealistic. Kissinger, who proposed the idea, also passed away last year. This is something that even the last strategist of the United States, known as the United States, cannot do. In such a short time, Trump Even harder to achieve.

Another point is that Trump is very vindictive. Zelensky also has evidence of Hunter Biden. If Zelensky annoys him, he might even think that he might join forces with Russia to attack Ukraine. action. Basically, he doesn’t care about the future and wants to see the results now.

This is not his short-sightedness, nor is it his problem alone. The president of the United States is like this. The term of office is too short, and there are still half of four years to face elections. There is no long-term plan at all, and it can only be realized immediately.

So I think there is still some trouble in Ukraine.

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