On July 21, The Paper learned from the Ministry of Water Resources that Li Guoying, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, presided over an enlarged party group meeting and flood control conference. The meeting emphasized that wat

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On July 21, The Paper learned from the Ministry of Water Resources that Li Guoying, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, presided over an enlarged party group meeting and flood control conference. The meeting emphasized that water conservancy departments at all levels must anchor "no casualties, no reservoir collapse, and important With the goal of ensuring that embankments are not breached and important infrastructure is not impacted, we must firmly shoulder the responsibility of preventing floods and droughts, comprehensively investigate potential risks, implement various measures, be brave and responsible, and take practical actions to effectively protect the safety and security of people's lives and property. The overall social situation is stable.

On July 21, The Paper learned from the Ministry of Water Resources that Li Guoying, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Water Resources, presided over an enlarged party group meeting and flood control conference. The meeting emphasized that wat - Lujuba

On July 21, rescue workers conducted search and rescue operations in Xinhua Village, Malie Township, Hanyuan County, Ya'an City, Sichuan Province (drone photo). According to the Xinhua News Agency

meeting, arrangements were made for flood prevention work in major river basins in the coming week.

Regarding the Pearl River Basin, the Ministry of Water Resources requires that emphasis be placed on preparations for typhoons and floods, and to prevent and resolve risks such as floods in small and medium rivers and mountain torrents.

In the Yangtze River Basin, it is necessary to systematically, scientifically, safely and accurately regulate the reservoir group in the middle and upper reaches of the Yangtze River with the Three Gorges Reservoir as the core, so as to reduce the flood control pressure on the middle and lower reaches of the river, especially the Dongting Lake area and Poyang Lake area; strengthen the Yangtze River main embankment and Dongting during the receding stage Lake and Poyang Lake polder and other embankments are inspected and defended to ensure early prediction, early detection, early treatment and early elimination of dangerous situations.

In the Taihu Lake Basin, we must continue to increase drainage efforts in Taihu Lake and river network areas to be fully prepared for typhoons, rains and floods.

In the Huaihe River Basin, it is necessary to scientifically divert the floodwaters from the Yishusi River System eastward into the Yellow Sea to reduce the flood control pressure on Hongze Lake; increase the drainage flow of Hongze Lake to create conditions for the release of floods in the middle reaches of the Huaihe River.

In the Yellow River Basin, it is necessary to strengthen flood and sediment monitoring and forecasting, and accurately regulate and operate reservoirs such as Xiaolangdi under high sediment floods; strengthen the safety of check dams on the Loess Plateau to survive floods; strengthen wandering river control projects and inspections of dangerous sections. Defense.

In the Haihe River Basin, it is necessary to regulate the pre-discharge and release of reservoirs in areas affected by rainfall; to give full play to the role of reservoirs in blocking floods and peak peak shifting after floods; and to unblock all flood channels.

In the Liaohe River Basin, it is necessary to coordinate flood prevention and connect the entire western Liaohe River.

In the Songhua River Basin, controlled reservoirs must be pre-discharged and emptied; after floods, the role of reservoirs in blocking floods and peak peak shifting must be fully utilized; the inspection and defense of embankments in main streams and important tributaries should be strengthened; and people in areas threatened by floods should be evacuated in a timely manner.

The Ministry of Water Resources also made arrangements for typhoon storm and flood prevention work, requiring that we closely monitor the formation and development process of Typhoon No. 3 and Typhoon No. 4, encrypt rolling forecasts, and accurately grasp the typhoon landing location, movement path, scope of impact and other information. Forecast and warning information will be sent directly to various river basin management agencies and localities, and plans for typhoon, rain and flood prevention, personnel relocation, etc. will be formulated in advance.

Source: The Paper

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