Nandu News Reporter Cai Liyi On July 19, Hunan Radio and Television held the Mango short drama "Spark Project" and a seminar for screenwriters. Cai Huaijun, deputy secretary of the party committee, general manager and deputy director of Hunan Radio, Film and Television Group (Hun

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Nandu News Reporter Cai Liyi On July 19, Hunan Radio and Television held the Mango short drama "Spark Project" and a seminar for screenwriters. Cai Huaijun, deputy secretary of the party committee, general manager and deputy director of Hunan Radio, Film and Television Group (Hunan Radio and Television), said at the event that micro-short dramas have become a new spark for Mango. This year, Hunan Radio and Television will closely focus on the integration of culture and technology, elevate the development of micro-short dramas to the group's strategic level, strengthen the Mango TV Damang plan, upgrade the "New Style", and vigorously promote the Mango short drama "Spark Project".

Nandu News Reporter Cai Liyi On July 19, Hunan Radio and Television held the Mango short drama 'Spark Project' and a seminar for screenwriters. Cai Huaijun, deputy secretary of the party committee, general manager and deputy director of Hunan Radio, Film and Television Group (Hun - Lujuba


Screenwriters are the core in the creation of micro-short dramas

Hunan Radio and Television has elevated the entry of micro-short dramas into group strategies

According to Cai Huaijun, Mango has set up a micro-innovation center this year and deployed a youth commando team to create new content and business new directions. "Concentrated training camp" model. At the same time, the Mango short drama "Spark Project" will build a more aggregated and effective platform system, use more vivid innovative mechanisms to discover and cultivate more creative talents, and bring together more professional forces from upstream and downstream industries to jointly build Mango Professional short drama production and operation system. He said that Hunan Radio and Television’s layout of micro-short dramas is an integrated consideration, a fully open attitude, and a global exploration. In the future, Hunan Radio and Television will open up the long, medium and short content matrix of Mango, link Mango’s unique variety show brand, artist resources, large and small screen platforms, and communication systems to explore micro-short dramas + cultural tourism, micro-short dramas + e-commerce, etc., and use AI , AR, virtual studio shooting and other new technologies to explore new forms of micro-short dramas.

Nandu News Reporter Cai Liyi On July 19, Hunan Radio and Television held the Mango short drama 'Spark Project' and a seminar for screenwriters. Cai Huaijun, deputy secretary of the party committee, general manager and deputy director of Hunan Radio, Film and Television Group (Hun - Lujuba

Xu Rong, deputy director of Hunan Radio and Television Station, awarded the "Mango Short Play Co-actor" certificates to the young actor representatives Yang Qiyuan, Zhao Yijia and Wang Nuoyi who came to the event. Xu Rong said that screenwriters are the core of the creation of micro-short dramas. Hunan Radio and Television has upgraded the entry of micro-short dramas into the group's strategy. She hopes to work with screenwriters and producers to use professionalism to create more high-quality products that users will like. Mini drama. At the

event, the person in charge of short dramas from Mango TV and Fengmang Media and Shanghai Hengcan Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Dongyang Xingyong Film and Television Culture Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Juhaowan Culture Technology Media Co., Ltd., Shanghai Xianglin Jinshu Culture Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Xue Manshe Pictures Co., Ltd. signed an annual strategic cooperation agreement to lock in front-line creators and high-quality scripts in the micro-short drama industry in advance to seize content, talent and creative opportunities.


Constructing a growth ecosystem for micro-short drama screenwriters from the three dimensions of "people, motivation, and growth"

It is reported that Mango TV Damang Plan has planned 24 horizontal-screen premium dramas and 200 vertical-screen micro-short dramas in 2024, and there will be more in the future It will be further upgraded to an independent app for micro-short dramas, and horizontal-screen high-quality content will be gradually broadcast on the dual platforms of Hunan Satellite TV and Mango TV to provide partners with better services, explore more cooperation space, and create more together. Fine art. The details of the "Spark Plan" were announced at the event from the three dimensions of "people, motivation and growth". It is reported that the "Spark Project" will build a platform content system, improve the quality of film and television works, attract and cultivate top screenwriter talents, and attract outstanding screenwriters or screenwriting teams to sign contracts with Mango TV through a series of policy incentive mechanisms and financial account sharing plans, and transfer resources to Mango TV. Full tilt towards contracted creators. On this basis, we will also provide a wealth of Mang-related courses and Mang-related resources to build a comprehensive growth ecology and promotion mechanism. After the signing ceremony of

, the heads of Mango short drama sectors such as Damang Project and Fengmang Media held discussions with a number of well-known screenwriters and representatives of production companies in the industry to jointly explore the ways of "creation", "innovation" and "breaking the circle" of micro short dramas .

Nandu News Reporter Cai Liyi On July 19, Hunan Radio and Television held the Mango short drama 'Spark Project' and a seminar for screenwriters. Cai Huaijun, deputy secretary of the party committee, general manager and deputy director of Hunan Radio, Film and Television Group (Hun - Lujuba

In the first round of experience sharing meeting, five industry representatives, Yu Fei, Wang Liping, Li Lichi, Tian Yusheng and Bai Zhongchun, shared their creative experience. Screenwriter Yu Fei said, "A good work must have three focuses: find your excitement, find your emotions, find your reason, and combine them into complete content. In this way, whether it is a long, medium or short drama, it can achieve great success." success."At the same time, Yu Fei believes that in order to open up the creation methods of long, medium and short plays, if a professional team of screenwriters and directors can enter the micro-short play track, the industry will undergo earth-shaking changes.

screenwriter Wang Liping shared her creation with the audience Experience. She believes that creators should do basic but necessary desk work before creating, such as writing detailed character biographies, detailed episode outlines, etc.; secondly, creators should go deep into life and have long-term accumulation of life; finally, they should Grasp the details of the lines, "Lines are like kneading dough, they need to be kneaded and grounded."

The famous Hong Kong director Li Lichi believes that the soul of the story lies in the screenwriter and director. He hopes that the story of the hard work of the little people will always be infectious. Discover and adapt more from real people, accumulate basic skills, maintain your ideals and work hard to persevere.

director Tian Yusheng started from his own creative stories during his screenwriting period, and used cases such as "The Man on the Road" and "The Ex" series to encourage young people. People look for themes from their own perspective. He believes that "there are many things to explore in life, and themes are everywhere."

Bai Zhongchun, the founder of Wanhetianyi who has long-term experience in short drama production, believes that "micro-short dramas are the best." It is easy to cultivate high-quality creators." Bai Zhongchun said that the micro-short drama track has given many creators room to show their talents, and many young creative talents have taken the path from advertising to micro-short dramas to movies. As long as the creators Those who are imaginative can stand out if creative companies can provide them with opportunities.

In the second round of discussions, six industry representatives, Yang Qianzi, Xiao Shiyao, Hu Yiwen, Faye Wong, Zhou Jiuqin, and Chen Wenting, met with the audience. Exchanges were held. Lively discussions were held around topics such as the type and theme selection of micro-short drama creation, the relationship between creators and platforms, quality production standards, and the long-term breakthrough of micro-short dramas, and jointly explored the overall development of the micro-short drama industry. direction and the idea of ​​pursuing ecological win-win.

At present, multiple long-form video platforms have entered the micro-short drama industry, which will inevitably promote the increasingly high-quality and standardized development of the micro-short drama industry. The content principle of "small but not weak, short but not shallow, and high-quality dramas" will further release high-quality productivity from the upstream end of the micro-short drama production chain, and the release of the Mango short drama "Spark Project" will also further promote Hunan. Institutional innovation and industrial ecological extension of the radio and television micro-short drama sector.

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