1 I wrote "Silent Kill" before, and many people asked me to watch "Catch a Baby". I went to see it in the past two days. I find this movie difficult to evaluate. If we only talk objectively, then this movie should have some laughs, some depth, and quality. It is a top-notch work

entertainment 5254℃

1 I wrote 'Silent Kill' before, and many people asked me to watch 'Catch a Baby'. I went to see it in the past two days. I find this movie difficult to evaluate. If we only talk objectively, then this movie should have some laughs, some depth, and quality. It is a top-notch work  - Lujuba


I wrote "Silent Kill" before, and many people asked me to watch Catch a Baby.

I went to see it in the past two days.

1 I wrote 'Silent Kill' before, and many people asked me to watch 'Catch a Baby'. I went to see it in the past two days. I find this movie difficult to evaluate. If we only talk objectively, then this movie should have some laughs, some depth, and quality. It is a top-notch work  - Lujuba

I find this movie difficult to evaluate.

If we only talk about objectivity, then this movie should have some laughs, some depth, and quality. It is a top-notch work among Happy Twist's works.

But to be subjective, my overall experience when watching this movie was very bad. I choked on the spot many times and almost died on the spot.

note that this is not a movie quality issue, but a content issue.

It is like a childhood shadow excavator, running over at a speed of 180 yards, lifting up your skull, digging out all the childhood shadows that have been hidden in your mind for many years and long forgotten, and giving them back. Got a spoon.

all say that a good comedy is a tragedy, but the tragedy of this movie has reached the point where it would be too conservative to describe it as a tragedy. This has already reached the category of a horror movie.

What Chinese Cthulhu.


Although the title says "catching" dolls, the actual performance is "chicken" dolls.

It's just that the chicken's way is not to fill him with cram schools, but to flood him with "poor raising".

Ma Chenggang, played by Shen Teng, is an unknown millionaire. His eldest son was successfully disabled by him, so he decided not to raise the child richly, but to let the child fully feel the pain he has endured since he was a child, so as to train him A "strong" personality will help you inherit the family business in the future.

In order to achieve this goal, he and his wife pretended to be poor and lived in a dilapidated house to let their son feel the beatings of the world.

Yes, it’s the joke about “I really wish my dad would suddenly tell me that I am a billionaire, after all these years he has been testing me”.

After watching this movie, you will find that only people who have never experienced this can laugh at this joke.

has a family of 4, and the monthly expenses are less than 2,000. Household water mainly relies on water dripping from the faucet. Every day, he reads under dim light bulbs and takes care of his "grandma who is paralyzed in bed" in the morning.

The neighbors are all hired employees. They monitor the children's lives in all directions and use various methods to instill various knowledge points into the children anytime and anywhere.

On the way to school, he would mysteriously meet a foreigner who asked for directions and helped him practice his spoken English. When the elder sister downstairs was drying his hair, he would explain the physical principles of a hair dryer. The diary written by

was carefully locked in a drawer. It turned out that the drawer had a back door and was checked by parents every day. It was also used for psychological analysis by experts.

Such days lasted for sixteen years. If the story of

was made into an ordinary movie, most people might not be able to last ten minutes and would have fled the cinema.

It’s useless no matter how good you take the photo, it’s just too suffocating, suffocating, and suffocating. I can't even breathe after writing this setting for


Fortunately, the whole story is packaged as a comedy. Under the control of two talented directors, Yan Fei and Peng Damo, and Shen Teng and Ma Li, a pair of comedy masters, the film's dense laughter effectively dilutes this suffocating atmosphere.

When the laughter is most intense in the middle of the story, you will really forget what kind of life this child lives.

Unfortunately, I just forgot about it temporarily.

As the story develops, everything still has to be put on the table.

When everything is put on the table and everyone is honest about their feelings, you will feel the ultimate suffocation.


I remember there was a hot search before, probably called,

"Let the education of suffering end from this generation."

Many people came out to share their children’s compositions and diaries.

Everyone lamented that finally, primary school students’ compositions were no longer “Mom has worked hard, dad has not been easy, I must study hard to live up to my kindness to my parents.”

is "Mom is a phobia of choice, dad is lazy, and he is always sent to pick up express delivery and takeout."

At that moment, I felt that these children were so happy to live, and they no longer had to hold their noses and write things against their will.

Parents born in the 1980s and 1990s have the ability to add a guilt enchantment to any normal communication.

There is clearly a table of dishes on the table, but they insist on staring at you, stuffing the good ones for you, and then saying that mom won’t eat them, and they will give you all the delicious ones.

I obviously have enough money for food and clothing at home, but every time I make a purchase, I have to cry about my poverty for half an hour, telling you that it’s not easy at home.

is to make you feel that you owe them a lifetime of unending kindness.

If you play games for a while, eat more snacks, or become bored and idle, they will complain crazily. It seems that because of these small things, your life has been ruined and there will no longer be hope.

Then one day, when you find that you have become a person accustomed to this poor life, they will jump out and ask you why you don't live a good life.

You may even have to think about it for a while to figure out what weird logic there is.

It's just like many parents who don't let their children fall in love while they are studying, but expect them to get married and have children as soon as they graduate from college.


Ma Jiye in the movie is a good boy.

But this good boy is actually dead.

Ma Chenggang is a winner, and such winners always have two illusions.

The first is that he believes that his success depends on his own unique characteristics.

The second reason is that he thinks his success can be replicated.

He mistakenly believed that his success was due to the pain he experienced in childhood, and then hoped that his son would gain the same qualities as himself through these pains.

To describe him as "carving a boat and seeking a sword" would be an exaggeration.

And he completely ignored the different qualities required at different stages of life.

To put it bluntly, the quality requirements for conquering the world and defending the world are different.

In fact, it is a lie that Ma Jiye is not crazy. It is normal for him to have some mental problems in an environment where he is constantly being punished.

Especially, the longer he has been suppressed, the easier it will be for him to go crazy when he discovers the truth.

It's like a mortal in the forest suddenly sees the sun, then looks up and looks directly at the ancient god.

Even if Ma Jiye finally ran for freedom, he still couldn't change his instinctive reaction of wanting to pick up an empty bottle when he saw it.

san is all gone.


What I like most are the easter eggs in this movie. To be precise, I really like the character Ma Dajun.

is a coward, ineffective, and is being manipulated by his father with his credit card.

But he never had any bad intentions.

He sincerely loved his younger brother and sincerely hoped that his father would recognize him. In the end, he really found something he could do in his own way and proved that he could make a difference.

Even this matter must be useless in the eyes of the entrepreneur father, but he successfully escaped the curse that wrapped around himself.

To some extent, he is better and freer than Ma Jiye in the ending.

Many parents will complain that their children do not communicate with them and are unwilling to tell them anything.

But from the perspective of their children, some parents are actually the most unsuitable people in the world for sharing.

is sometimes too close.

After all, some parents have the ability to turn the scene where you seriously want to share something interesting with them into a small educational class.

Ma Jiye in this movie has lived for more than ten years in an environment where everyone would suddenly give him questions in class. The only reason why he did not become an autistic young man unwilling to communicate with others was because of the screenwriter. The screenwriter of

deliberately designed the story to be suspended in order to cover up the true cruelty of the story.

As a father of a child, and also a child who has been raped (no results have been achieved yet), while watching it, I was invaded by the shadow of my childhood, and at the same time, I was led away by Ma Chenggang's views as a father.

almost didn't crack.

I can imagine that if I really brought my parents over to watch this movie, what I would get in the end would definitely not be their reflections, but my parents’ feelings that it would not be easy for them, and that they hope their children will succeed.

can only say that I hope everyone will never live with guilt.

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