Recently, Stephen Chow's short play "Golden Pigs and Jade Leaves" came to an end. It was highly anticipated before it was aired, but it went "high and low" after the airing. The imaginary drama of a great director reorganizing the short drama market was not seen and could not be

entertainment 9557℃

Recently, Stephen Chow's short play "Golden Pigs and Jade Leaves" came to an end. It was highly anticipated before the broadcast. After the premiere, it went "high and low". I didn't see the exciting drama of the great director rectifying the short drama market, nor did I see it. Can there be a hot hit like "I Became a Stepmother in the 1980s" that sparked heated discussions at the beginning of the year. The short drama industry has reached the middle of the year, and it’s time to summarize.

Stephen Chow enters short dramas, but it doesn’t work?

At the beginning of this year, the short drama market was in a "turbulent" stage, and Stephen Chow's entry into the market shocked the industry and beyond. Stephen Chow said that short dramas are a rapidly developing field of technological innovation and media innovation in recent years. He hopes that this micro-short drama can bring more joy to the audience. He is looking forward to this new attempt and everyone will support it.

has the golden signature of "Stephen Chow", and "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf" has attracted much attention from all walks of life since its filming. The play is not only Stephen Chow's first short play as a producer, but also the first work of the "9527 Theater" co-created by him and Douyin. The famous film and television actor Yi Xiaoxing is invited to serve as the producer, and professional actors star. , comedians, and many Internet celebrities have joined the cast. This lineup is truly the best in a short play.

Recently, Stephen Chow's short play 'Golden Pigs and Jade Leaves' came to an end. It was highly anticipated before it was aired, but it went 'high and low' after the airing. The imaginary drama of a great director reorganizing the short drama market was not seen and could not be  - Lujuba

html In June, "Golden Pig and Jade Leaf", which had high hopes from the market, was launched. The number of views exceeded one million in the first hour of its launch. However, what followed was a high start and a low fall. Top Chinese film directors reduced the dimension to attack the short drama industry. The drama did not take place as scheduled, but instead aroused doubts. The cross-border short drama had a bad start. Stephen Chow failed in the short drama market and was even questioned for "selling sheep over dogs." In this work of

, Stephen Chow avoided the popular themes of short dramas, such as bosses, rebirth, revenge, ancient costumes, etc., and chose to focus on the social theme "Pig Killing Plate" fraud case. However, the audience reported that the plot wanted too much, and in the end it ended up being "four different". Many netizens came here for Stephen Chow, but judging from the content, it did not reflect the distinctive Stephen Chow style. "It's not funny, it has nothing to do with Stephen Chow." "Forcibly adding nonsensical style to social issues." "What age are you still making homophonic memes? It's boring." Not only that, the so-called "movie feel" is not reflected much, and the broadcast data is not as good as the works of unknown short play directors. According to official information, the producers and directors of "Golden Pigs and Jade Leaves" are Yi Xiaoxing and Ma Shi respectively, and Stephen Chow is participating in the production as a theater promoter. But since it is going to be launched under the name of "Stephen Chow", I am afraid that "Sing Ye" who is responsible for the lower-than-expected playback volume will not be able to get rid of it.

The market is increasingly standardized

html At the beginning of 2011, the short drama market was booming. Short dramas represented by "I Became a Stepmother in the 1980s" continued the "myth of wealth creation" of the previous year. Dataeye, a micro-short drama research platform, once released the "2024 Micro-Short Drama Purchase and Intake Data Report", predicting that the scale of China's micro-short dramas will reach approximately 42 billion yuan in 2024, and the industry's prospects are generally optimistic. But by the middle of the year, in the "White Paper on the Investment of Micro-Short Dramas in the First Half of 2024" recently released by dataeye, the real data has shrunk. The investment scale in the first half of the year is about 11.6 billion yuan, and it is expected to be 25-30 billion yuan for the whole year. The dataeye research institute stated that this is due to the rapid intensification of competition in the industry, the impact of piracy, etc., but the industry is tending to develop with high quality.

Since 2023, short dramas have entered the public eye. With their fast pace and many exciting points, they have become a traffic harvester. Good news has been reported frequently in the capital market, and tens of millions of yuan in bonuses are often recharged. Many practitioners have caught wind of this and switched from horizontal screens to Vertical screen, and even joked about "Hengdian becoming vertical store". But at the same time, the micro-short dramas that have grown wildly have also been exposed one after another. Some micro-short dramas are vulgar in content and have bad value orientation. The industry is in urgent need of rectification.

Since November 2023, relevant departments have begun to intensively rectify short dramas. In the first half of 2024, the short drama industry ushered in a series of new regulations. ‌Among them, the "Latest Work Tips on the Registration of Micro-Short Dramas" issued by the State Administration of Radio and Television requires that, starting from June 1, micro-short dramas will begin to be subject to classified and hierarchical review. Micro-short plays may not be disseminated online. ‌According to different investment amounts, ‌micro-short dramas are divided into three categories: "key, ‌ordinary, ‌other", ‌managed by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, ‌provincial radio and television departments and platforms respectively.The hierarchical review method facilitates fine control of content and raises the industry entry threshold. ‌

Industry insiders believe that ‌the new regulations have promoted further standardization of the industry. ‌Whether it is the domestic market or overseas market, ‌short dramas require a more complete talent training system and supporting facilities. ‌Although it may have an impact on some start-up companies in the short term, ‌this is an inevitable process to raise the overall threshold of the industry. ‌In the long run, ‌these new regulations will undoubtedly be beneficial to the healthy development of the industry. ‌‌

Recently, Stephen Chow's short play 'Golden Pigs and Jade Leaves' came to an end. It was highly anticipated before it was aired, but it went 'high and low' after the airing. The imaginary drama of a great director reorganizing the short drama market was not seen and could not be  - Lujuba

"I was a stepmother in the 1980s"

Quality is the way out

When it comes to short plays, many people's first impression is of vertical screen short plays. In fact, domestic short plays are divided into three categories: Category 1 It is a drama series broadcast on video platforms such as Youaiteng. It has obtained an online drama distribution license and even a domestic TV drama distribution license. It is mostly horizontal screen. The investment specifications are equivalent to ordinary online dramas. Profit can be obtained through platform purchases or account sharing. . The second type is short dramas that are widely spread on short video platforms, usually lasting a few minutes per episode and less than 30 episodes, and are shot in a vertical screen. There is also a small program short drama that started to enter the public eye last year. It is shorter but has a larger total number of episodes. The first few episodes are generally free. To unlock the subsequent content, you need to purchase it. The price of one drama is equivalent to a movie ticket. Shooting in portrait mode.

Zhai Zhiwei is a short play director born in the 1990s. His short play "My Girl with Special Effect Medicine" ranked third on Maoyan after it was launched. In 2023, he switched from horizontal screen short plays to vertical screen short plays, and was once very optimistic about mini program short plays. But in the first half of this year, Zhai Zhiwei returned to the field of horizontal screen short dramas after trying vertical screen dramas. There are many reasons for making a new choice. “After analyzing with colleagues, the first one is that everyone is visually tired of mini program short dramas, because after all, the content presented in the vertical screen is very limited, and the subject matter is also limited. The second is distribution and platform. Small program short dramas are too subject to streaming. Some less formal distribution companies have opaque data and cannot even earn back the production fee minus streaming fees. However, the long drama platform provides some Support from policy funds. "But Zhai Zhiwei is still very confident in the short drama industry because the audience has developed the habit of watching short dramas. After the

mini-program short drama became popular, some practitioners in the traditional film and television industry got wind of it, but then left as competition intensified. Some people leave, and some stick to it. Du Xiaohua, founder of Sichuan Character Universe, said that the biggest change in the industry in the first half of this year is that there are more high-quality products, and it shows a trend from the male channel market to the female channel market. The "White Paper on the Investment of Micro-Short Dramas in the First Half of 2024" mentioned that the investment scale in the first half of this year was about 11.6 billion yuan, of which the heat value of female channels accounted for 57%, ahead of the 43% of male channels. According to Drama Chacha, "I Am Mom", "Peerless Beauty" and "The No. 1 Scholar" with high popularity in June are also female-channeled dramas.

Recently, Stephen Chow's short play 'Golden Pigs and Jade Leaves' came to an end. It was highly anticipated before it was aired, but it went 'high and low' after the airing. The imaginary drama of a great director reorganizing the short drama market was not seen and could not be  - Lujuba

Is the

short drama not popular? the answer is negative. In the words of Wang Xiaofei, president of Fujian Xinle Pictures Group, "In the past six months, vertical screen dramas have been inundated like crazy, and horizontal screen dramas have become more sophisticated and high-quality. Nowadays, people have to queue up to rent filming locations in Hengdian." The fire continues. Fujian Xinle Film Group specializes in the production of horizontal screen short dramas. In the first half of this year, it jointly produced a well-known short drama "Hard to Find" with Mango TV. Wang Xiaofei believes that many changes and new gameplay in the short drama track are related to the market, platform and policy.

The reason why some practitioners have switched from vertical screen to horizontal screen, Wang Xiaofei said, is mainly because the industry is becoming more and more "volume". "The vertical screen drama track will start in late 2023 and early 2024. Since the market development speed has doubled exponentially, Major leading companies, led by Jiuzhou, Capacity, and Dianzhong, have begun to implement policy reforms in the production ratio of various vertical screen drama projects. In the first half of 2023, a short drama can only be put into production in 15 to 30 days, but starting in the second half of the year. , short dramas whose ROI does not reach 1:1.2 will be abandoned by the broadcaster in three days. This year, they are even more "scrolled" and have no profit, so many vertical screens are changed back to horizontal screens, and then they are divided into platforms. After June 1st, all micro-short dramas need to be classified and stratified according to the investment amount, which has reduced a lot of industry chaos."

has experienced many years of development. The industry position of the leading short drama platform and leading production organization has become increasingly stable, and more commercial methods are being explored. Although Stephen Chow, who has high hopes, has not brought a blockbuster movie that is enough to change the industry. However, the pursuit of quality is already the consensus of the short drama industry. Whether they are engaged in horizontal screen short dramas or vertical screen short dramas, among the many industry insiders interviewed by New Yellow River reporters, they are all without exception. Mentioned the future of short dramas - high-quality content. Wang Xiaofei said, "High-quality content is our main pursuit now. The content must not only be refined, but also condensed and innovative. The short drama industry still has great potential in the future. ”

Reporter: Ren Xiaofei Editor: Xu Min Proofreader: Li Li

The hierarchical review method facilitates fine control of content and raises the industry entry threshold. ‌

Industry insiders believe that ‌the new regulations have promoted further standardization of the industry. ‌Whether it is the domestic market or overseas market, ‌short dramas require a more complete talent training system and supporting facilities. ‌Although it may have an impact on some start-up companies in the short term, ‌this is an inevitable process to raise the overall threshold of the industry. ‌In the long run, ‌these new regulations will undoubtedly be beneficial to the healthy development of the industry. ‌‌

Recently, Stephen Chow's short play 'Golden Pigs and Jade Leaves' came to an end. It was highly anticipated before it was aired, but it went 'high and low' after the airing. The imaginary drama of a great director reorganizing the short drama market was not seen and could not be  - Lujuba

"I was a stepmother in the 1980s"

Quality is the way out

When it comes to short plays, many people's first impression is of vertical screen short plays. In fact, domestic short plays are divided into three categories: Category 1 It is a drama series broadcast on video platforms such as Youaiteng. It has obtained an online drama distribution license and even a domestic TV drama distribution license. It is mostly horizontal screen. The investment specifications are equivalent to ordinary online dramas. Profit can be obtained through platform purchases or account sharing. . The second type is short dramas that are widely spread on short video platforms, usually lasting a few minutes per episode and less than 30 episodes, and are shot in a vertical screen. There is also a small program short drama that started to enter the public eye last year. It is shorter but has a larger total number of episodes. The first few episodes are generally free. To unlock the subsequent content, you need to purchase it. The price of one drama is equivalent to a movie ticket. Shooting in portrait mode.

Zhai Zhiwei is a short play director born in the 1990s. His short play "My Girl with Special Effect Medicine" ranked third on Maoyan after it was launched. In 2023, he switched from horizontal screen short plays to vertical screen short plays, and was once very optimistic about mini program short plays. But in the first half of this year, Zhai Zhiwei returned to the field of horizontal screen short dramas after trying vertical screen dramas. There are many reasons for making a new choice. “After analyzing with colleagues, the first one is that everyone is visually tired of mini program short dramas, because after all, the content presented in the vertical screen is very limited, and the subject matter is also limited. The second is distribution and platform. Small program short dramas are too subject to streaming. Some less formal distribution companies have opaque data and cannot even earn back the production fee minus streaming fees. However, the long drama platform provides some Support from policy funds. "But Zhai Zhiwei is still very confident in the short drama industry because the audience has developed the habit of watching short dramas. After the

mini-program short drama became popular, some practitioners in the traditional film and television industry got wind of it, but then left as competition intensified. Some people leave, and some stick to it. Du Xiaohua, founder of Sichuan Character Universe, said that the biggest change in the industry in the first half of this year is that there are more high-quality products, and it shows a trend from the male channel market to the female channel market. The "White Paper on the Investment of Micro-Short Dramas in the First Half of 2024" mentioned that the investment scale in the first half of this year was about 11.6 billion yuan, of which the heat value of female channels accounted for 57%, ahead of the 43% of male channels. According to Drama Chacha, "I Am Mom", "Peerless Beauty" and "The No. 1 Scholar" with high popularity in June are also female-channeled dramas.

Recently, Stephen Chow's short play 'Golden Pigs and Jade Leaves' came to an end. It was highly anticipated before it was aired, but it went 'high and low' after the airing. The imaginary drama of a great director reorganizing the short drama market was not seen and could not be  - Lujuba

Is the

short drama not popular? the answer is negative. In the words of Wang Xiaofei, president of Fujian Xinle Pictures Group, "In the past six months, vertical screen dramas have been inundated like crazy, and horizontal screen dramas have become more sophisticated and high-quality. Nowadays, people have to queue up to rent filming locations in Hengdian." The fire continues. Fujian Xinle Film Group specializes in the production of horizontal screen short dramas. In the first half of this year, it jointly produced a well-known short drama "Hard to Find" with Mango TV. Wang Xiaofei believes that many changes and new gameplay in the short drama track are related to the market, platform and policy.

The reason why some practitioners have switched from vertical screen to horizontal screen, Wang Xiaofei said, is mainly because the industry is becoming more and more "volume". "The vertical screen drama track will start in late 2023 and early 2024. Since the market development speed has doubled exponentially, Major leading companies, led by Jiuzhou, Capacity, and Dianzhong, have begun to implement policy reforms in the production ratio of various vertical screen drama projects. In the first half of 2023, a short drama can only be put into production in 15 to 30 days, but starting in the second half of the year. , short dramas whose ROI does not reach 1:1.2 will be abandoned by the broadcaster in three days. This year, they are even more "scrolled" and have no profit, so many vertical screens are changed back to horizontal screens, and then they are divided into platforms. After June 1st, all micro-short dramas need to be classified and stratified according to the investment amount, which has reduced a lot of industry chaos."

has experienced many years of development. The industry position of the leading short drama platform and leading production organization has become increasingly stable, and more commercial methods are being explored. Although Stephen Chow, who has high hopes, has not brought a blockbuster movie that is enough to change the industry. However, the pursuit of quality is already the consensus of the short drama industry. Whether they are engaged in horizontal screen short dramas or vertical screen short dramas, among the many industry insiders interviewed by New Yellow River reporters, they are all without exception. Mentioned the future of short dramas - high-quality content. Wang Xiaofei said, "High-quality content is our main pursuit now. The content must not only be refined, but also condensed and innovative. The short drama industry still has great potential in the future. ”

Reporter: Ren Xiaofei Editor: Xu Min Proofreader: Li Li

Tags: entertainment