I still feel that after the last regular season, no matter how poor Naying's previous performance was, she seems to have reason to become a candidate for the King of Singing. The reason is: Top coffee positions have first-place performance. Getting first place before the finals i

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I still feel that after the last regular season, no matter how poor Naying's previous performance was, she seems to have reason to become a candidate for the King of Singing.

The reason is: top coffee, with first place performance.

It is most exciting to get first place before the finals. Na Ying kissed Yang Yang directly and you can see how excited she is.


It was actually unexpected that the rankings could change so much before the finals.

Na Ying has always given people the impression that his singing skills are extremely unstable, but in the latest issue, I must seriously say that Na Ying is very stable, and in this issue of "The Light Wrapped in the Heart", apart from the so-called gasping, there is nothing to be found On to other big issues.

I still feel that after the last regular season, no matter how poor Naying's previous performance was, she seems to have reason to become a candidate for the King of Singing. The reason is: Top coffee positions have first-place performance. Getting first place before the finals i - Lujuba

Through this song, it can be proved that Na Ying's current singing skills are completely qualified. Many of the previous problems can actually be attributed to: inappropriate song selection and arrangement.

For example, the bass is unstable - this song "Light Wrapped in the Heart" perfectly solves this problem. There is no bass directly, and the opening is the midrange part, which greatly improves the audibility of Na Ying's voice.

I think Na Ying's team has noticed this problem. The previous "Brilliant You" was a very successful attempt. Na Ying's performance in the alto and treble was very good, and the state of balanced mixing in closed accents was also very good.

personally believes that when Na Ying selects songs for the finals, it is most appropriate not to consider the bass part of the verse, but to start directly with the mid-range and high notes.

For example, the previous "Stranded" was criticized by the public because the bass part performed too poorly, and the function switching part was not smooth, and the listening experience was greatly reduced.

This problem seems to have been completely solved at present, not by improving singing skills, but by changing the song selection and arrangement.

Another example is nervousness - in fact, all nervousness can be attributed to insufficient breath.

Na Ying's current breath problem cannot be solved in the short term. This problem can only be solved by minimizing the sustained high-pitched passages and low-pitched bass passages.

Personally, I still hope that Na Ying will win the championship. After all, among all the singers currently, it seems that only Na Ying has some possibility of winning the championship. Since there is a chance for the singer to stay in the Chinese music scene, then naturally I have to cheer for Na Ying.

I still feel that after the last regular season, no matter how poor Naying's previous performance was, she seems to have reason to become a candidate for the King of Singing. The reason is: Top coffee positions have first-place performance. Getting first place before the finals i - Lujuba


Fanxia's performance in this episode is still very good, but I personally think that if she wants to become the king of singers, she needs to work harder.

I still feel that after the last regular season, no matter how poor Naying's previous performance was, she seems to have reason to become a candidate for the King of Singing. The reason is: Top coffee positions have first-place performance. Getting first place before the finals i - Lujuba

In fact, judging from the performance of the entire season, it is most suitable for Fanxia to win the championship. Her ranking has never fallen out of the top three.

However, after all, live voting still depends on the performance of the singer in the finals. If you just look at the overall ranking, then you can directly declare Fanxia the winner.

From the current point of view, if Fanxia wants to win the championship, it is best to use the appropriate help-singing guest amplification method during the singing session.

ps: I personally do not recommend that Fanxia invite rapper Liu Cong to help. Although Liu Cong has good rap skills, the public currently has negative reviews on rap. In the final analysis, it is still a niche and many people cannot appreciate it.

In addition, Bang Bang Sing will find a singer from the Chinese music scene to sing a Chinese song to ensure that you can directly enter the finals. In the finals,

came up with another one of his best songs. This season has come to a successful conclusion!

I still feel that after the last regular season, no matter how poor Naying's previous performance was, she seems to have reason to become a candidate for the King of Singing. The reason is: Top coffee positions have first-place performance. Getting first place before the finals i - Lujuba

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