Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me. A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination. After seeing this mother's

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Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.

A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

After seeing this mother’s sharing, netizens praised her: , with such a non-anxious attitude, she is simply an East Asian fairy mother.

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

Although some people say: This score has not even passed the 2nd line, what is there to be happy about.

But netizens who are sober in the world have retorted:

"If you fail to pass the second level, it does not mean that you will not be able to pass the exam. Do those who do not do well in the exam have to prepare to be unhappy all their lives and screw up their lives?"

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

Yes, College Entrance Examination The line is not the end line of life.

How can there be so many stories of high-scoring academics in real life?

Take Beijing as an example. There were 117 candidates with scores above 700, but more than 60,000 people took the exam, and most of the ordinary ones were not seen.

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

Compared with anxiety about scores, this mother takes her child's efforts seriously and builds strong self-confidence in her child.

She may not have raised her daughter to be a top student, but her daughter has been raised well. I believe this girl’s future will be good.

After all, there are only a few children standing in the spotlight. There are many more children who have also worked hard. This is also a grand event in their lives, but they have not received cheers or applause.

Today, I want to applaud all the children who are taking the college entrance examination and tell them:

The college entrance examination is just a test. If you don't perform well once, it doesn't mean you have lost in life.

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

Please applaud our children

The college entrance examination is indeed very important, but it is too small for a person's life.

Maybe at this stage, for children, the college entrance examination is a big deal.

Therefore, when they failed the college entrance examination, they were painful, confused, and felt that my life was over.

A boy who was checking his scores at a mobile phone store failed to make the list by one point. He couldn't control his emotions and broke down crying in the store.

When the boy saw the score, his face was filled with disappointment, but the first sentence he blurted out was: Mom, I'm sorry for you.

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

It’s not like many children haven’t worked hard.

They also lived under the stars, stayed up late reading at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and grew white hair at a young age.

Therefore, Compared with our loss, the frustration and sadness of these children should be seen more.

Life is so long, there is never a right answer.

Maybe the answer you think is wrong at this moment will be found at some point in the future, and everything is the best arrangement.

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

What happened to those who failed in the college entrance examination?

On Zhihu, there is a question asked by tens of thousands of people every year: "What kind of experience is it like to fail the college entrance examination?" The children in

were frustrated and annoyed, and without any accident they all said: It's over.

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

But looking back further, sometimes people come back to comment after many years, and the style of painting is very different.

They seemed to be saying to their former selves: "I failed the college entrance examination, but it will not fail my life."

How cool is this dialogue between time and space!

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

There is a documentary that focuses on those who failed the college entrance examination.

Are the lives of those who fail the college entrance examination really over?

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

Blogger Zhang Yiqing

took the college entrance examination three times in a row in order to get into the ideal school. When he was most desperate, he went to Tibet alone with a backpack on his back.

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

But this seemingly desperate journey made her realize that life is neither a test paper nor a school.

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

She broke through the confusion and moved forward calmly. A year later, her short film won the National Youth Film Award. In an interview with

, this girl, who has repeatedly fought against each other, said with relief: "As long as you can come out, as long as you don't get stuck in it, you will definitely gain a kind of strength.”

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

Top Scholar - Cactus Fairy

In the documentary, there is also a child who has been a top learner since childhood.

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

But who would have thought that such a top learner would fail in the college entrance examination and be 2 points away from the first-tier class.

Faced with such a result, She did not choose to re-study, but chose a second-tier college, then took the postgraduate entrance examination and studied for a Ph.D., and moved forward without hesitation.

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

She said: "The college entrance examination has indeed changed my life... but it does not determine my future. "My life is heading towards ".

The mother who was reluctant at first also gained a new understanding of the college entrance examination because of her daughter: "In life, you cannot deny your children just because you failed the college entrance examination." "

So, please put down your score anxiety, whether it is the college entrance examination, elementary school, or junior high school.

Block those slogans that "Grade XX is the watershed in a child's life."

As parents, we should first not set limits for our children's lives.

Life's issues are never measured by scores.

As long as the child has worked hard, there is nothing to be sad about. All roads lead to Rome. If this road does not work, we can find another way together.

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

Accept the diversity of children. , There is still a sea of ​​stars beyond the rankings.

Some time ago, there was a student who failed the college entrance examination 19 years ago and had to go to a junior college.

But at the same time, there was a hot search. This did not delay him from getting admitted to graduate school, and now he is working in a Fortune 500 company, with a successful career and a happy family.

Now that he is middle-aged, he looks back and realizes: "The college entrance examination is important, but it does not determine a person." life, there are many possibilities in the future. "

He said: I have spent 19 years proving that the college entrance examination cannot determine life.

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

Yes, life and the college entrance examination cannot be equated.

We can't just look at the highlight moments of checking high scores and feel as if we scored six or seven hundred points in the exam. It seems quite easy.

Don’t look down on the scores of 400 or 500 points. These are the things that children have worked hard to achieve.

We as parents must teach our children to work hard, but the most important thing is that is in. When the results are not so ideal, we must teach him to accept it.

Maybe our child is not the best at learning, which means that he is better at something.

We must believe that the college entrance examination score is an indicator of learning achievement, but It is definitely not the only criterion for judging life.

There are still stars in the sea.

If you still feel a little upset, read the following words aloud

"My child just made a mistake. Man,

he is just not on the list, but it is not that he has no way out.

No one will win everything because of exams,

No one will lose their life because of exams,

because the real test is always on the road. "


I am in my 40s this year and am studying as a graduate student in Tsinghua University.

I hope our children can know that ups and downs in life are normal, and there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome.

As long as you are always on the road!

Two days ago, I came across a piece of news that really touched me.      A mother happily posted that her daughter’s college entrance examination score was 438, and proudly said: Her daughter gave her best score in the college entrance examination.      After seeing this mother's - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment