Nandu News Reporter Liu Yifan On July 5, the Cantonese opera film "The Lady of Qiao" was officially released nationwide and broke five film history records on the same day. On the day of the release, the film's lead star Zeng Xiaomin chose to spend time with her children. During

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Nandu News Reporter Liu Yifan On July 5, the Cantonese opera film "The Lady of Qiao" was officially released nationwide and broke five film history records on the same day. On the day of the release, the film's lead star Zeng Xiaomin chose to spend time with her children. During the day, she watched movies with the children from Guangzhou No. 17 Middle School; at night, she took the children into the "Douyin Knowledge Big V Enters Campus" live broadcast room. During the live broadcast that day, Zeng Xiaomin shared little-known behind-the-scenes stories during the filming of "Mrs. Qiao".


.28 million people gathered to watch “Mrs. The film broke five film history records in one go: the domestic box office of 2024 Chinese opera films, the domestic box office of 2024 domestic opera films, the number of people watching opera films in 2024, the number of people watching domestic opera films in 2024, and the total number of single-day screenings of Chinese opera films in mainland film history. Following "The Legend of White Snake: Love ", the "Innovative Trilogy of Cantonese Opera Films" jointly created by Pearl River Film Group and Guangdong Cantonese Theater has been hotly discussed.

Nandu News Reporter Liu Yifan On July 5, the Cantonese opera film 'The Lady of Qiao' was officially released nationwide and broke five film history records on the same day. On the day of the release, the film's lead star Zeng Xiaomin chose to spend time with her children. During  - Lujuba

On the first night of the screening, Zeng Xiaomin, director of the Guangdong Cantonese Theater, appeared in the live broadcast room of "Douyin Knowledge Big V Enters the Campus" in a simple and elegant white dress. Also appearing were Mo Mingmin, principal of Guangzhou No. 17 Middle School, Guangdong Zhuying Film and Television Production Liu Yicheng, director of the Film and Television Center of the Co., Ltd. and executive producer of the film "Mrs. Qiao". The live broadcast aroused the attention of the entire Internet, and more than 1.28 million netizens from all over the country entered the live broadcast room to meet "Mrs. Xian" (i.e. Mrs. Qiao Guo). In the comment area, many netizens who had watched the film that day expressed their personal opinions: "It's a good show, it's really worth it!" "I watched it and it was really delicious. I recommend this treasure movie to everyone!" "I I didn’t expect it to make me cry.” “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a realistic martial arts scene. I like it!” “I watched it today. It looks great. I’m already planning to watch it again tomorrow.”

Nandu News Reporter Liu Yifan On July 5, the Cantonese opera film 'The Lady of Qiao' was officially released nationwide and broke five film history records on the same day. On the day of the release, the film's lead star Zeng Xiaomin chose to spend time with her children. During  - Lujuba

Some viewers said: “Thank you! Teacher Zeng introduced me to Mrs. Qiao Guo. "There are also netizens from some cities who are asking for movie arrangements online: "The theater managers can help me arrange more movies, I really want to see it!"

Those who are attracted by the movie "The Legend of White Snake" Young movie fans who have fallen in love with Cantonese opera movies have finally waited for the second production of the Pearl River Film Group and the Guangdong Cantonese Theater Company, "The Lady of Qiao". Some netizens said that years of expectations have not come true: "The style is different, but the excitement is the same!" "I fell into the pit like a snake, and now I have seen Qiao Guo lying at the bottom of the pit and can't get out!"


Three perspectives to see "Qiao Guo" "Madam"

Huadan Qingyi Laodan interprets different age groups

The Cantonese opera movie "Madame Qiao" tells the story of Madam Xian, a famous politician and military strategist during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, who made outstanding contributions to safeguarding national unity, promoting national unity, and promoting the development of Lingnan. For thousands of years, Mrs. Xian's fame has been spread at home and abroad, and many areas still have the custom of commemorating her. But this is the first time that Madam Sin has appeared on the big screen as the heroine of a Cantonese opera film.

"Everyone has a Mrs. "Looking up", the creator's "looking down" on the character, and the actor's "looking down" on the character. She said: "I will step into Mrs. Xian's world and imagine what she will think and do when a certain historical event occurs."

Nandu News Reporter Liu Yifan On July 5, the Cantonese opera film 'The Lady of Qiao' was officially released nationwide and broke five film history records on the same day. On the day of the release, the film's lead star Zeng Xiaomin chose to spend time with her children. During  - Lujuba

In the end, she understood Mrs. Xian: "Mrs. "Women." solved the most fundamental creative idea, and nothing else could trouble Zeng Xiaomin. For example, cross-age roles are regarded as a huge challenge by many film actors. As a Cantonese opera performing artist, she has her own methodology: "Using stylized performances, opera actors can play various roles. Huadan can play a girl, and boudoir actor can play a girl." To play a young woman, Tsing Yi is used to show the middle-aged state, and the elderly Mrs. Xian can naturally be played in the same way as an old lady. "The only thing I need to remind myself is that "too much is not enough." "Opera actors have many 'magic weapons', such as water sleeves and kicking guns, but they cannot be used indiscriminately. All methods must be based on an accurate understanding of the characters."She said, "Everything has to be just right - not too much, not too little. "


One scene in "The Legend of White Snake" left a regret.

This time I finally had to make up for it. In the movie "Mrs. Qiao Guo", Mrs. Xian showed her outstanding skills and benevolent heart when she was a girl. One rainy night, she Flying over walls and killing enemies to save people. For this scene, director Xiao Feng prepared a stand-in for Zeng Xiaomin early in the morning to prevent her from being injured as soon as the filming started, which would delay the crew's filming process. However, Zeng Xiaomin declined the director's proposal after some consideration. .

In the live broadcast room that night, Zeng Xiaomin revealed for the first time the "hate" behind his reluctance to use a substitute. "When I was filming "White Snake: Love", there was one thing that made me very regretful. "She revealed that in "The Legend of White Snake: Love", the water covered the golden mountain, and the white snake sank to the bottom after being defeated. There was a scene in that scene where the white snake was pressed into the lake by the water and slowly sank in the water. Because Zeng Xiaomin himself could not swim. For safety reasons, a stuntman was used to shoot the scene. Afterwards, Zeng Xiaomin still insisted on taking the risk, but she failed because the set of the scene had been demolished. Because of this, she insisted on filming in "Mrs. Qiaoguo". "There is no regret in the action scene. In that rainy night fight scene, Zeng Xiaomin hung up a wire and ran and fell repeatedly on the slippery roof. When filming this scene, the outdoor temperature was less than 10 degrees Celsius, and every two shots were taken. Every time, Zeng Xiaomin's wet clothes would be dried by body heat. In order to continue filming, the staff had to carry a water pipe up and shower again... until the rainy night scene was finally completed.


Zeng Xiaomin had a fever and finished filming. The marriage-seeking drama

joked that people need to exercise more to be able to endure it

When filming the movie "Mrs. Qiaoguo", Zeng Xiaomin overcame her fear of riding horses. She shared: "The horses on the set are all veteran actors, and they only listen to the director's instructions. . "In one of the expedition scenes, as soon as the director shouted "Start," her character, Mrs. Xian, had not even had time to shout out the "Go" line, and the horses were already running wildly. She was so shocked that her face turned pale in the middle of the group of horses. There was also Once, the crew filmed a scene where Mrs. Xian and her brother were riding horses side by side from the top of the mountain to the lake. In the camera, they both looked quite "relaxed", but in fact the two horses were walking side by side on a very steep trail. Zeng Xiaomin laughed. He admitted: “I had to bite the bullet and finish the filming. "

Listening to the behind-the-scenes horse riding scene shared by Zeng Xiaomin, the audience in the live broadcast room "knocked" laughter on the screen. "Hahahahahahahaha" and "I fell down laughing" once filled the screen. Zeng Xiaomin also conducted Cantonese teaching on the spot, " "Mrs. Qiao" executive producer Liu Yicheng was "named" as a demonstration. The latter's hard-working but slightly "hot" Cantonese pronunciation once again aroused laughter from online and offline audiences.

In addition, Mrs. Xian in the movie. The heroic posture of bending the bow and shooting the arrow is impressive, but behind the handsomeness is hard work. Zeng Xiaomin revealed that in order to achieve a sense of reality, the bow and arrows used by Mrs. Xian were made of real iron and were very heavy. I had to use all my strength every time, and even after finally pulling away, I still had to maintain my posture, and my arms were secretly shaking. " Zeng Xiaomin said that after several shootings, the hard and tight bow strings wore out her hands. In order not to affect the shooting, she always quietly put on a hemostatic patch and continued shooting.

Although all opera actors are made of steel, "Qiao Guo" On the 21st day of filming "Madam", Zeng Xiaomin was still so tired that she had a fever. However, the crew had another major night scene that night - the girl Xian Ying went to the home of her future husband Feng Bao to propose marriage. Zeng Xiaomin did not want to delay the progress. After getting the injection, she went to the set. She smiled and asked netizens: "Do you think my energy is pretty good after watching that scene?" So people still have to be able to endure it.How can I survive? Regular exercise is enough! Netizens in the comment area were amused by her, but also felt sorry for her: "Zeng Yuan's proud little expression is so cute!" "Take care of yourself!" "This is the spirit of an artist. I am looking forward to this movie more and more!" "


Guangzhou middle school students formed a group to watch "Mrs. Qiao Guo"

The principal said that the trip benefited a lot

Before participating in the live broadcast that day, teachers and students from Guangzhou No. 17 Middle School watched the movie "Mrs. Qiao Guo" together. As Guangzhou Yuexiu Guangzhou No. 17 Middle School, a century-old school in the district, became the first Cantonese singing base of the Guangdong Cantonese Theater last year. The school makes Cantonese opera a compulsory music course in the junior middle school compulsory education stage, and offers Cantonese opera in high school. As an elective course, the students' Cantonese singing skills were strengthened during the performance. In the live broadcast room, the children sang the film's promotional song "One World, One Heart" in Cantonese together with Zeng Xiaomin. During the live broadcast, Zeng Xiaomin also sang to the children. A new lesson was learned. She took the important scene in "The Lady of Qiao" where the elderly Mrs. Xian stood firm in her home and asked her grandson to escort Yang Guang away, leaving her alone to resist the enemy. She demonstrated how to "act with eyes" in the movie. In the song "Sword Standing", Mrs. Xian clung to her last bit of strength and did not give up her last hope in a desperate situation. Her spirit and will moved countless viewers to tears. Zeng Xiaomin revealed: "The one who filmed that scene. At that time, there was actually nothing around the set. It was all up to the director to tell me what was happening at the moment, and then I would 'fill in' the picture in my mind, filling my heart with emotions. "She didn't know how well she performed until she saw the finished product. Zeng Xiaomin said frankly: "Every time I see this section now, like everyone else, I can't help but burst into tears. "

Zeng Xiaomin also suggested that when watching "Mrs. Qiaoguo", student audiences can "take" it together with the historical knowledge of the era in which the film was set, and the experience will be deeper.

Mo Mingmin, principal of Guangzhou No. 17 Middle School, said that the movie "The Lady of Qiao" has benefited children a lot: "The film integrates the freehand expression of opera into the historical environment and mountains, rivers and seas, uses rich lens language to lead the audience into the depth of history, and leads students to step into the long river of history. , follow the melody and feel the surging moments of family and country feelings. This will not only inspire their sense of historical responsibility and national pride, but also help them broaden their artistic horizons, improve their aesthetic literacy, and enhance their cultural confidence. "

Nandu News Reporter Liu Yifan On July 5, the Cantonese opera film 'The Lady of Qiao' was officially released nationwide and broke five film history records on the same day. On the day of the release, the film's lead star Zeng Xiaomin chose to spend time with her children. During  - Lujuba

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