Original title: Brave young man, promising future. Recently, a young man who bravely rushed into a fire to save others has attracted the attention of many netizens. According to a report on Xinhua News Agency’s WeChat public account, Wu Binbin, an 18-year-old boy from Suinin

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Original title: Brave young man, promising future. Recently, a young man who bravely rushed into a fire to save others has attracted the attention of many netizens.      According to a report on Xinhua News Agency’s WeChat public account, Wu Binbin, an 18-year-old boy from Suinin - Lujuba

Original title: Brave young man, promising future

Recently, a young man who bravely rushed into a fire to save others has attracted the attention of many netizens.

According to the Xinhua News Agency’s WeChat public account, Wu Binbin, an 18-year-old boy from Suining City, Sichuan Province, had just finished his college entrance examination and was resting at home when he discovered thick smoke coming from his neighbor’s house. Something unexpected happened and time was urgent. Wu Binbin immediately rushed over to check. After

ran to the scene, Wu Binbin learned that two elderly people in their 70s were still in the house. Seeing that the fire was getting bigger and bigger, Wu Binbin rushed into the fire scene to search and rescue regardless of his own safety. Finally, he found two old men in the kitchen.

"I approached them and shouted 'fire' loudly, and then prepared to pull them out. But at that time, the old man wanted to go up to the second floor to get something. There was no other way, so I had to hold an old man and rush out first." Wu Binbin recalled.

Seeing the fire getting bigger and bigger, Wu Binbin entered the house again and rescued another old man. After confirming that both elderly people were safe, Wu Binbin rushed into the fire scene for the third time and decisively turned off the power switch to prevent the fire from spreading further.

Subsequently, firefighters arrived at the scene in time and immediately put out the fire. Soon, the fire was under control, and Wu Binbin quietly left and returned home.

Later, local villagers informed the firefighters that there was a young man who bravely saved people when the fire broke out, and Wu Binbin’s rescue process became known to everyone.

After the incident, Wu Binbin said in an interview: "Fortunately, nothing happened to anyone. Although I was still a little scared, I just felt that I should save people. If I didn't save people, I would feel guilty for a long time."

Currently, the local government is Apply to grant Wu Binbin the honorary title of "Courageous Citizen".

Many netizens praised Wu Binbin. Netizen "Xinran" said: "Wu Binbin, you have achieved full marks in the test of kindness and bravery!" Netizen "Hemerocallis" said: "Thumbs up for you! Brave young man, you have a promising future." (Li Zhen)

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