"There are no more precious fruits in the world, and the jade snow skin is covered with crimson gauze." If you ask about the role of good-looking and delicious fruits nowadays, there must be a place for lychee. In July, it is the ripe season of lychees. Walking into the Baita Com

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"There are no more precious fruits in the world, and the jade snow skin is covered with crimson gauze." If you ask about the role of good-looking and delicious fruits nowadays, there must be a place for lychee. In July, it is the ripe season of lychees.

'There are no more precious fruits in the world, and the jade snow skin is covered with crimson gauze.' If you ask about the role of good-looking and delicious fruits nowadays, there must be a place for lychee. In July, it is the ripe season of lychees. Walking into the Baita Com - Lujuba

Walking into the Baita Community Agricultural Products Trading Center of Mengdi Farm, Yongde County, Lincang City, workers were busy sorting, packaging, and boxing the freshly picked lychees. The packaged lychees will be transported to all parts of the country via cold chain transport vehicles, allowing consumers from all over the world to taste the freshest Yongde lychees.

'There are no more precious fruits in the world, and the jade snow skin is covered with crimson gauze.' If you ask about the role of good-looking and delicious fruits nowadays, there must be a place for lychee. In July, it is the ripe season of lychees. Walking into the Baita Com - Lujuba

“The lychees have been snapped up by Guangdong lychee merchants as soon as they bloom! Merchants use the 'flower guarantee' method to buy out the picking and management rights of orchards with good flowering rates, including the later management and picking, all of which are invested by merchants. "Liu Yixiang, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Neighborhood Committee of Baita Community in Mengdi Farm, said that this year, affected by weather and other factors, lychee production has decreased in most parts of the country. Compared with other lychee-producing areas, the decrease in lychee production in Yongde County is smaller. , compared with previous years, the production has been reduced by about 20%, and the output is relatively stable.

'There are no more precious fruits in the world, and the jade snow skin is covered with crimson gauze.' If you ask about the role of good-looking and delicious fruits nowadays, there must be a place for lychee. In July, it is the ripe season of lychees. Walking into the Baita Com - Lujuba

"The quality of this year's lychees is very good, especially sweet, and the price is also very gratifying. Taking Guiwei lychees as an example, the price in previous years was 8 yuan to 10 yuan per catty, and this year's purchase price is 20 yuan to 23 yuan per catty. , the price has nearly tripled, setting a new high for the purchase price of Yongde Guiwei lychees in recent years, and they have been booked before the trees even fall. Generally speaking, the market is in short supply. The daily trading volume of the Baita Community Agricultural Products Trading Center is now at. About 30 tons," said grower Shen Wen.

'There are no more precious fruits in the world, and the jade snow skin is covered with crimson gauze.' If you ask about the role of good-looking and delicious fruits nowadays, there must be a place for lychee. In July, it is the ripe season of lychees. Walking into the Baita Com - Lujuba

Yongde County is located in the western border of Yunnan and is one of the high-quality late-maturing lychee production areas in Yunnan. At present, the lychee planting area in the county is about 5,000 acres, of which the lychee planting area in Mengdi Farm reaches 2,596 acres. After three generations of hard work by farmers, the lychee industry in Mengdi Farm has grown from scratch, ranging in scale from small to large, from planting, management, and sales to conducting lychee-themed tastings, forming a relatively complete industrial chain. .

'There are no more precious fruits in the world, and the jade snow skin is covered with crimson gauze.' If you ask about the role of good-looking and delicious fruits nowadays, there must be a place for lychee. In July, it is the ripe season of lychees. Walking into the Baita Com - Lujuba

html Over the past decade, lychee planting in Yongde has been affected by factors such as technology and varieties. The income from planting lychees is not high, which has affected the enthusiasm of lychee farmers. Some growers even have the idea of ​​​​giving up planting lychees. Yongde County attaches great importance to this and actively introduces Hu Guibing's expert workstation to "check the pulse" of the development of the lychee industry. Through the construction of a technical system for breeding improved varieties, it has established two lychee parent gardens with an area of ​​15 acres, and screened out Bingli and Guanyin. Five improved varieties, including Lu, Xianjinfeng, Lingfeng Nuo and Xinqiu Mili, are suitable for local planting. Grafting technology has been standardized, and technology promotion and demonstrations such as simple and easy control of ears and thinning of flowers and fruits, and tree cultivation with high light efficiency have been integrated. At the same time, we will carry out technical training on lychee planting management, formulate production technical standards, and create a plateau "Guiwei" lychee brand. At present, the county has successfully implemented high-inoculation replacement of more than 2,000 acres of inefficient litchi orchards.

'There are no more precious fruits in the world, and the jade snow skin is covered with crimson gauze.' If you ask about the role of good-looking and delicious fruits nowadays, there must be a place for lychee. In July, it is the ripe season of lychees. Walking into the Baita Com - Lujuba

It is reported that the lychee planting area in Yongde County is more than 5,000 acres, mainly including Guiwei, Xianjinfeng, Feizixiao, White Sugar Poppy and other varieties. The output is expected to be more than 2,000 tons in 2024, and the output value can be more than 40 million yuan.

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