Recently, Pingjiang County in Hunan, known as the "Hometown of Chinese Spicy Tiao", suffered the worst flood since meteorological records began. On July 3, news of the shutdown of the factory of Hunan Spicy Prince Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Spicy Prince"), a well

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Recently, Pingjiang County in Hunan, known as the "Hometown of Chinese Spicy Tiao", suffered the worst flood since meteorological records began. On July 3, news of the shutdown of the factory of Hunan Spicy Prince Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Spicy Prince"), a well-known local food company, became a hot search topic.

Spicy Prince issued a response saying that the factory was shut down for two days due to factors such as water outage, and has now gradually resumed work. On July 2, Prince Mala donated 1 million to Pingjiang County’s “Great Love Pingjiang” charity foundation to support Pingjiang’s flood prevention and disaster relief.

Recently, Pingjiang County in Hunan, known as the 'Hometown of Chinese Spicy Tiao', suffered the worst flood since meteorological records began. On July 3, news of the shutdown of the factory of Hunan Spicy Prince Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'Spicy Prince'), a well - Lujuba

▲On July 2, rescue workers searched and rescued trapped people in the urban area in Pingjiang County, Hunan. (Photo by China News Service reporter Yang Huafeng) Photo by Visual China/China News Service

It is reported that the relevant person in charge of Spicy Prince once introduced that the sales target in 2024 is 1.5 billion yuan. In early 2024, the son of Spicy Prince boss Zhang Yudong became popular on the Internet because he was "hidden by his wealthy father for 20 years about his family assets." He was called the "second generation rich man descended from heaven."

html On the afternoon of the 3rd, a staff member of the Pingjiang High-tech Industrial Park Management Committee where the Mala Prince Factory is located said that the direct losses caused by the flood were limited and controllable, but the water outage caused by the flood had a greater impact on factory production; it is expected that the water supply will be restored tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and the park will be fully Resumption of work is expected to take a week.

Mala Prince Factory suspended operations due to heavy rain

donated 1 million yuan to fight floods

On July 3, the news of the Mala Prince Factory shutdown became a hot search topic on various platforms. On the morning of the 3rd, the official Weibo of Mala Prince announced that Pingjiang County has recently suffered the worst flood since meteorological records began. The Mala Prince factory was temporarily suspended for two days due to factors such as water outage. As the floods gradually recede and emergency water sources are in place, the factory has gradually resumed work. Currently, two workshops have resumed production, and it is expected that it will take another week for all operations to resume. The person in charge of the

factory said in a recent interview with the media that traffic obstruction and employee injuries are also among the reasons for the shutdown of the factory. Previously, the factory's daily shipment volume was about 5 million packages, and order delivery will be delayed.

html On the afternoon of the 3rd, a reporter from Red Star News called the customer service department of Spicy Prince. The staff said that the suspension information will be subject to the official Weibo release, and the latest resumption of work will also be announced through Weibo.

On July 2, Pingjiang County’s “Great Love Pingjiang” Charitable Foundation released the “Love Donation List”, showing that Spicy Prince donated 1 million yuan.

Recently, Pingjiang County in Hunan, known as the 'Hometown of Chinese Spicy Tiao', suffered the worst flood since meteorological records began. On July 3, news of the shutdown of the factory of Hunan Spicy Prince Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'Spicy Prince'), a well - Lujuba

▲ "Great Love Pingjiang" charity foundation charity donation list (part)

became popular due to "the second generation of rich people descended from heaven"

is building a spicy strip industrial park with an annual output of 250,000 tons

Public information shows that Pingjiang County is known as "China "Hometown of Spicy Tiao", there are 116 spicy tiao companies with an annual output value of more than 20 billion yuan. The spicy strip industry provides more than 102,000 jobs, and Spicy Prince is one of them.

In February this year, Xinhua News Agency reported on the local spicy tiao industry with the title "Pingjiang Spicy Tiao's "Breakthrough"". Li Manliang, deputy general manager of Spicy Prince, said at the time that the company's four production lines were operating at full capacity and could produce about 200 tons of spicy strips every day. In 2023, Spicy Prince's sales will reach 1.092 billion yuan, and taxes will exceed 100 million yuan. This year's target is sales of 1.5 billion yuan.

Li Manliang also mentioned in the interview that the Spicy Prince "La Tiao Industrial Park with an annual output of 250,000 tons" project has started construction, and the first phase is expected to be put into production by the end of this year. Tianyancha data shows that the "250,000 tons of spicy strips industrial park with an annual output" project has conducted multiple biddings since 2023.

Recently, Pingjiang County in Hunan, known as the 'Hometown of Chinese Spicy Tiao', suffered the worst flood since meteorological records began. On July 3, news of the shutdown of the factory of Hunan Spicy Prince Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as 'Spicy Prince'), a well - Lujuba

▲ Spicy Prince production workshop Photo according to Xinhua News Agency

In early 2024, Zhang Zilong, the son of Spicy Prince boss Zhang Yudong, became famous on the Internet because he was "hidden by his wealthy father for 20 years about his family assets." He was called the "second generation of rich people descended from heaven."

Zhang Zilong said in a related video that his father always told him that the family owed money and asked him to live in a small house in the county. It was not until he graduated from college that he failed to find a job many times and was told that he had hundreds of millions of properties, villas, and luxury cars. This plot, which can be called a "cool article", made Zhang Zilong quickly become popular. He registered a personal account and tried to create a personal IP, which became a typical case of second-generation entrepreneurship.

Pingjiang High-tech Industrial Park:

Water supply equipment is damaged, and some factories cannot start operation

Public information shows that Pingjiang County High-tech Industrial Park is recognized as the "Hunan High-tech Industrial Park" and has gathered more than 200 companies including Mala Prince. . The map shows that the straight-line distance between the park and the Miluo River is less than two kilometers. During this flood, the water supply equipment in the park was damaged, causing many factories, including Mala Prince, to shut down.

On the afternoon of July 3, a staff member of the park management committee told the Red Star News reporter that transportation and electricity have basically been restored, but water supply has not yet been restored, resulting in some enterprises with large production demands for water unable to start operations normally.

The staff member said that the direct losses caused by the floods such as factory building collapse and equipment flooding were limited and within the controllable range. However, floods caused water resource pollution and water plant facilities were damaged, leaving no time for repairs, which had a relatively large impact on production and life.

"Emergency repairs are under way, and the water supply is expected to be restored tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. However, most workers in the park live in the county, and the flooding is serious, so they need to go home for disaster relief. It is expected that it will take about a week for the factories in the park to fully resume operations." The staff member said.

Red Star News reporter Fu Yao, intern reporter Liu Yazhou

editor Zhang Xun editor-in-chief Li Binbin

Tags: entertainment