There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day. Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.

entertainment 5261℃

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really means that there are programs to follow every day.

Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.

For example, " Running Man ", " Ace ", "Sister Lang", "Brother Pi", etc. These programs will definitely become big hits as soon as they are aired.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

Among these popular variety shows, they basically all have one characteristic, that is, they look good at the beginning, but then they become worse and worse.

In fact, this is a very normal thing. After all, the audience will feel fresh when all programs are first produced.

For example, "Sister Lang", there was no variety show at that time in which more than 30 female stars participated.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

Everyone has heard the saying that three women perform a drama. Now that more than thirty women gather together, there will naturally be a lot of topics to talk about.

Especially many of these sisters are powerful but not popular, or they are outdated.

For these sisters, they really need this opportunity to become popular, so they train very hard, which can be said to be a last-ditch battle.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

I believe you have also seen that all the sisters in these five seasons have worked very hard.

In these five seasons of the show, many sisters have successfully become famous, and unknown 18th-tier artists have become popular with constant resources.

It is precisely because of this that the variety show "Lang Jie" has never been short of guests for so many years.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

Many netizens felt that before this season’s show had even started airing, they felt that they wouldn’t be able to hire anyone for the guest lineup. After all, it has already been produced for five seasons.

didn’t expect to find out after looking at the list of sisters that Mango is still capable.

Qi Wei, Chen Lijun, Sa Dingding , Han Xue , Yuan Yawei , Shang Wenjie , Liu Xin, Guo Biting , etc. Many of them are sisters who are familiar to the audience and can indeed resonate with them. .

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

Not only that, this season we also invited six international sisters, each of whom has ceiling-level abilities.

Although two sisters withdrew from the competition at the beginning, and another one later, in the end the remaining three sisters, Joyce Jonathan, Zheng Nicole, and Sun Xialing, were all quite awesome.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

Joyce Jonathan’s singing skills are, without exaggeration, the best among all the sisters in this season.

Joyce Jonathan's voice is very grainy, and it can move the audience as soon as she opens her mouth, and instantly bring her into her world. There is no suspense in

. Joyce Jonathan finally formed a group, which can be said to be well-deserved.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

Of course, it is really disappointing that singing and dancing sisters like Zheng Nicole and Sun Xialing failed to form a group in the end.

If you look at professional abilities, then Zheng Nicole and Sun Xialing are the ones who should form a group the most. Singing and dancing are definitely the ceiling among these sisters.

If you look at the looks and figures, then Zheng Nicole and Sun Xialing are also the most girl group-like.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

In addition to these, Zheng Nicole and Sun Xialing also deserve to be a team when working hard.

As you can see in the latest program, Chen Lijun, Zheng Nicole, and Sun Xialing have the longest training time among these sisters.

Speaking of such a capable and hard-working sister, it’s really hard to explain why she doesn’t form a group.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

Speaking of things that are difficult to reconcile, I think there are some things in the latest episode that are quite embarrassing.

Next, let’s talk about this briefly.

Cai Wenjing, who was beyond the expectations of the program crew, and Qi Wei, who was beyond the expectations of the audience, made "Sister Lang" a slap in the face.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

No. 1, Cai Wenjing.

One of the awards in this award ceremony is "Chengfeng e Sister". The program team nominated two people, namely He Jie and Wan Nida .

To be honest, if you want to say that these two people are very e-like, there is nothing wrong with that, especially He Jie, who is the absolute ceiling for e-people.

However, in comparison, I feel that Wan Nida is not that e-e. After all, she was quite social-phobic when she first came here, and then she slowly became e-e. Obviously, she only became e-e after getting familiar with it. She cannot Call it a true e-person.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

Of course, when it comes to e-people, many people will definitely think of one person at once, and that is Cai Wenjing.

From the beginning of the show to now, Cai Wenjing has a lot of scenes in every episode, and every time it is a very famous scene.

When the name of this award appeared on the big screen, everyone felt that there must be Cai Wenjing, and I thought so too.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

To put it harshly, if Cai Wenjing doesn’t nominate her, it’s simply because the program team has no eyes.

I never expected that the program team would not nominate Cai Wenjing. This result is really embarrassing.

Fortunately, all the sisters nominated Cai Wenjing, which gave her a chance to compete with He Jiewan Nida.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

After some voting, Cai Wenjing, the sister who was not nominated by the program team, finally won this award.

To be honest, Cai Wenjing's award was really beyond the expectations of the program team. After all, she was not nominated by the program team.

Speaking of this, I have to ask the program team, do you feel like you are being slapped in the face?

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

To be honest, anyone who has watched the show will definitely regard Cai Wenjing as the number one e sister.

I really want to ask the program team, didn’t any of your staff who designed this award watch the program?

As a staff member of the program team, I think it is the least important thing to follow every episode of the program!

Why have the programs in these seasons become less and less enjoyable? Doesn’t it have something to do with the lack of professionalism of the staff?

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

Second, Qi Wei.

Another award in this program is the "Spiritual Advancement Award". The program team nominated Qi Wei and Guo Biting, and the sisters nominated Sa Dingding.

After some voting, Qi Wei finally won this award. After seeing this result, I really want to say that it was beyond the audience's expectations.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

After seeing this award, I believe everyone thought it was either Guo Biting or Sa Dingding. No one would think that Qi Wei would win the award!

Throughout the entire season of the show, Biting Guo was very Buddhist, and she was able to comfort Liu Xin when she had a mental breakdown.

To be honest, Guo Biting can definitely be called spiritually advanced by not fighting or grabbing, but also providing emotional value at the right time.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

Sa Dingding also leaves a deep impression on the audience, and they have a strong sense of belief before every performance.

To be honest, no matter what time it is, facing Sa Dingding's emotional value will definitely increase people's confidence.

Sa Dingding will definitely be able to convince the public if he wins the award.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

In contrast, what kind of spiritually advanced behavior does Qi Wei have? The footage provided by the

program team is of Qi Wei cheering for the team members when she was the captain.

To put it bluntly, if the program team didn't mention it, the audience would not be able to figure out why Qi Wei won the award.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

Qi Wei’s winning of this award was really beyond the audience’s expectations. Seeing this, I still want to ask the program team, did the staff really watch the program?

If you have watched the show, then I don’t think Qi Wei will be nominated.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

Perhaps some viewers will say that Qi Wei was ultimately elected by all the sisters, and the program team should not be blamed for this!

Actually, I want to say that Qi Wei’s popularity and celebrity status are there. Sisters should vote even out of social etiquette.

From the beginning to the present, Qi Wei has been the captain so many times. How can the former or current team members be embarrassed not to vote!

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

After looking at the overall picture, I think the nominations of the program team after these two awards were released are very embarrassing. At first glance, it feels like the staff did not watch the show to take pictures of the confusion.

There are really too many variety shows in the past two years. The combination of new and old variety shows every year really makes it possible to have programs to follow every day.      Of course, compared to those new variety shows, I think some old variety shows are better.    - Lujuba

If you were to let everyone choose, do you think Cai Wenjing should nominate "Sister Chengfeng E"? Shouldn't Qi Wei be nominated for the "Spiritual Advancement Award"?

Tags: entertainment