Recently, the "ticket discrepancy" incident of singer Xiang Xiang's Nanjing concert has become a hot topic. Many fans reported that they spent 580 yuan to buy seats on, but after the ticket was issued, they were assigned to the 380 yuan area on the original seat map. Af

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Recently, the "ticket discrepancy" incident of singer Xiang Xiang's Nanjing concert has become a hot topic. Many fans reported that they spent 580 yuan to buy seats on, but after the ticket was issued, they were assigned to the 380 yuan area on the original seat map. After the incident, customer service quietly changed the seat map on the grounds that the picture was "rendered incorrectly," causing dissatisfaction among fans.

At present, has explained that the above situation is not intentional. In the future, these fans will be refunded the original price or change their location. After consulting a lawyer, a reporter from Modern Express learned that the merchant did not arrange seats according to the positions of fans announced at the time of ticket sales, and the act of adjusting seats privately constituted consumer fraud, and consumers can safeguard their rights according to law.

High-priced tickets were exchanged for low-priced areas, Damai: Free refunds or changing areas

html On July 6, singer Zhang Xinzhe will hold a tour concert at the Nanjing Olympic Sports Center. Tickets for the concert will go on sale on June 18. Many fans are conducted a rush purchase. Before purchasing the tickets, you can see from the seating map provided by that the 580 yuan tickets are all located in the blue area facing the stage, and the 380 yuan tickets are in the green areas on both sides.

After tickets were issued, many fans discovered that the seats they bought for 580 yuan had been "replaced" to the original ticket price area of ​​380 yuan, and the seat map on Damai's website had also changed. The seats originally sold for 380 yuan In areas 103 and 111, the price has quietly increased to 580 yuan.

Recently, the 'ticket discrepancy' incident of singer Xiang Xiang's Nanjing concert has become a hot topic. Many fans reported that they spent 580 yuan to buy seats on, but after the ticket was issued, they were assigned to the 380 yuan area on the original seat map. Af - Lujuba

△ Comparison before and after the seat map replacement

Reporters saw on the platform that Shanghai Xuntu Culture Media Co., Ltd. has responded: Areas 103 and 111 are priced at 580 during project planning, and the seat map will be sent to each party before pre-sale. The design rendering error on the ticketing platform was actually caused by the company's work error, and it was definitely not intentional. After discovering the problem, the ticketing platforms Damai and Maoyan were notified as soon as possible to make replacements.

At the same time, two solutions were also proposed: free refunds for users in areas 103 and 111, or switching to other 580 areas. It also said that it has helped some users change seats on the basis of ensuring multiple seats, and has also provided free refunds to users who chose to refund their tickets.

Recently, the 'ticket discrepancy' incident of singer Xiang Xiang's Nanjing concert has become a hot topic. Many fans reported that they spent 580 yuan to buy seats on, but after the ticket was issued, they were assigned to the 380 yuan area on the original seat map. Af - Lujuba

△ Damai responded

However, these two plans were not recognized by the fans. They believed that refunding the price difference was more reasonable. "The difference in seats offered by Damai is not once or twice. This time, I directly changed the area. It's really Unreasonable. "Strongly requesting a refund of the price difference!"

Reporters learned that there was an incident of "high-priced tickets being exchanged to low-priced areas" during Xue Zhiqian's "Extraterrestrial" tour concert held in Shantou. Damai will deal with this part. Ticket purchasers in the area will be refunded the price difference, and each ticket in the area involved will be refunded 200 yuan.

Merchants privately adjusting fans' seats constitutes consumer fraud. Consumers can safeguard their rights according to law.

Merchants privately adjusting fans' seats at Zhang Xinzhe's concert does this involve infringement of consumer rights? Ding Peipei, a lawyer at Jiangsu Manxiu Law Firm, said that the merchant did not arrange seats according to the positions of fans announced at the time of ticket sales, and the act of adjusting seats privately constituted consumer fraud.

Ding Peipei said that according to Article 55 of the "Consumer Rights Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", consumers can request a refund and require the merchant to pay three times the purchase amount. The industrial and commercial administrative department may, depending on the circumstances of the business, issue a warning, confiscate the illegal income, or impose a fine of not less than one time but not more than ten times the illegal income, etc., either alone or in combination.

The ticket price of the concert set by the merchant is determined according to the area where the seats are located. Different areas have different feelings about the look and feel of the concert. The 580 yuan seat area is significantly better than the 380 yuan area. When fans purchase tickets, they decide whether to purchase concert tickets based on the seating areas and corresponding ticket prices they see on After the ticket is sold, the behavior of adjusting the 580 yuan seat area to the 380 yuan seat area without the fans (consumers) without the merchant has constituted consumer fraud. Although the concert has not yet started, the merchant has made it clear that it cannot arrange seats for fans according to the 580 yuan seat area when the ticket is sold.

In view of this, if the fans want to terminate the contract, they can ask the merchant to refund one price and compensate three times; if the fans want to continue attending the concert, they can ask the merchant to refund the price difference and pay three times the price of the ticket.

Modern Express/Modern+ Reporter Ding Mengsha Ji Yu Ren Yufeng


Tags: entertainment