China News Service, Urumqi, July 1 (Shi Yujiang) "Growers' demand for technology makes me realize my own value and responsibility." On June 30, the 56-year-old horticulture subject leader and doctoral student at Xinjiang Tarim University Instructor Wu Cuiyun said that scientific

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China News Service, Urumqi, July 1 (Shi Yujiang) "Growers' demand for technology makes me realize my own value and responsibility." On June 30, the 56-year-old horticulture subject leader of Xinjiang Tarim University and Ph.D. Student tutor Wu Cuiyun said that scientific research is a long process, and only persistence and hard work will lead to "fruitful results".

 Either "soaking" in the laboratory with team members and students, or "immersing" in the orchard with local technicians and growers... This is the normal routine of Wu Cuiyun's work and life. Over the years, she has become the "Princess of Red Dates" in the eyes of fruit farmers and "Mama Wu" in the hearts of students.

China News Service, Urumqi, July 1 (Shi Yujiang) 'Growers' demand for technology makes me realize my own value and responsibility.' On June 30, the 56-year-old horticulture subject leader and doctoral student at Xinjiang Tarim University Instructor Wu Cuiyun said that scientific  - Lujuba

Wu Cuiyun is the "Princess of Red Dates" in the eyes of fruit farmers and "Mama Wu" in the hearts of students. (File map) Photo provided by interviewee

Over the past 34 years, Wu Cuiyun has traveled all over southern Xinjiang, leading a team to promote high-efficiency and high-quality cultivation technology in dense jujube orchards; most of the master's and doctoral students he has trained with his heart have become experts in various fields in southern Xinjiang. backbone. In 2019, she was awarded the honorary title of "National May 1st Women's Model", in 2020, she was awarded "National Advanced Worker", and in 2023, she was selected as the leader of the "National College Huang Danian-style Teacher Team" awarded by the Ministry of Education.

 "Agriculture is inseparable from the fields"

 Growing up on the edge of the Taklimakan Desert, Wu Cuiyun was admitted to Tarim University in 1986. The "Golden Marshal" and "Marshal" apples on the school farm opened her "new world of fruits." "I didn't expect apples to be so delicious." She deeply felt the charm of technology.

After graduation, Wu Cuiyun chose to stay in school and joined Professor Yan Chunyu’s research team to engage in the breeding of new early-maturing pear varieties. In 2000, "Xinli No. 7" was launched. "The new varieties have delicate meat, are large in size, and have a lot of water. You can eat good pears one month earlier every year."

In 2008, the red date industry in southern Xinjiang developed rapidly. Wu Cuiyun turned his attention to red dates. "The growth of an industry's scale will continue to highlight problems such as planting technology and fruit quality improvement, and it is necessary to breed new varieties suitable for southern Xinjiang."

In 2020, Wu Cuiyun and his team visited Pishan Farm in Kunyu City for investigation and proposed solutions. The jujube orchard implements strategies to improve quality and efficiency by density, thinning, lifting and crown expansion. "Later, I went to Pishan Farm many times. When the jujube trees were bearing fruit, the farmer pulled me and said happily, 'The tree is taller than before, and the fruits are more and bigger than before.'"

"For For us Lin scholars, knowledge is not only in books, but also in the fields." Wu Cuiyun told reporters that agriculture is inseparable from the fields.

"Our research team goes out for more than a hundred days every year." Wu Cuiyun said that she arranges her courses from Tuesday to Thursday, and sets out by car every Friday to provide technical services to various places in southern Xinjiang. For more than 30 years, everyone has affectionately called her the "Princess of Red Dates".

 “If Southern Xinjiang wants to develop, it depends on talents.”

 “If Southern Xinjiang wants to develop, it depends on talents.” Wu Cuiyun told reporters that the red date industry affects the hearts of people of all ethnic groups in Southern Xinjiang.

In 2020, Wu Cuiyun promoted the "Science and Technology College" graduate training model. She led 16 graduate students to stay in the "Science and Technology Institute" for three months. During the day, they trained and demonstrated operations in Zaoyuan. In the evening, she guided the students to design research plans, organize data to make reports, and compile training materials.

"Not only must you be able to enter the laboratory, but you must also be able to work in orchards, guide industries and serve farmers." Wu Cuiyun said that this is what she says most to young teachers and students.

China News Service, Urumqi, July 1 (Shi Yujiang) 'Growers' demand for technology makes me realize my own value and responsibility.' On June 30, the 56-year-old horticulture subject leader and doctoral student at Xinjiang Tarim University Instructor Wu Cuiyun said that scientific  - Lujuba

Wu Cuiyun said that it is her happiest thing to be able to cultivate more talents who love the people and promote agriculture in southern Xinjiang. (File picture) Photo provided by interviewee

Wu Cuiyun, together with his team members and research fellows, has been stationed at the "Jujube Science and Technology Academy" in Kunyu City for many years, training 25 master's students and providing comprehensive scientific and technological support for the local jujube industry.

The relevant person in charge of Tarim University said that the research team led by Wu Cuiyun built a characteristic fruit tree germplasm resource nursery and preserved thousands of resources, laying the foundation for the innovation of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps' seed industry. She leads the team to continuously optimize the red date cultivation model and promote the transformation and upgrading of Xinjiang's date industry.

With unremitting persistence and enterprising spirit, Wu Cuiyun not only won 5 provincial and ministerial science and technology progress awards, but the Department of Horticulture and Forestry led by her also won honors such as the National March 8th Red Flag Collective, the National Women’s Civilization Post, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Women’s Civilization Post.

"I am lucky to be able to engage in scientific research all my life; it is my wish to breed excellent fruit tree varieties for Xinjiang." Wu Cuiyun said that it is her happiest thing to be able to cultivate more talents who love the people and promote agriculture in southern Xinjiang. (End)

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