In the hit drama "The Story of a Rose", Su Gengsheng, played by Wan Qian, is an independent and capable "cold sister" who walks with style. What is not known is that she is also faced with a family of origin that is difficult to escape from, and there is always a shadow in her he

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In the popular drama "The Story of a Rose", Wan Qian plays Su Gengsheng, an independent and capable "cold sister" who walks with style. What is not known is that she is also faced with a family of origin that is difficult to escape from, and there is always a shadow in her heart.

In the hit drama 'The Story of a Rose', Su Gengsheng, played by Wan Qian, is an independent and capable 'cold sister' who walks with style. What is not known is that she is also faced with a family of origin that is difficult to escape from, and there is always a shadow in her he - Lujuba

"When I saw the script, the first thing I realized was the strong contrast in Su Gengsheng." Wan Qian felt that Su Gengsheng is like a cactus. There may be many thorns on the outside, but it is soft on the inside and can also shoot. Very bright, brilliant flowers that bear fruit. "

In Wan Qian's view, Su Gengsheng's unfortunate childhood experience will make her appear in a state of self-protection. She is like a rubber band, sometimes feeling stretched to the limit. But this The tightness gradually disappeared after meeting Huang Yimei, Huang Zhenhua and others. "These people warmed her up. We can see that the rubber band regained its elasticity bit by bit and became a person who can pursue freedom like them." people. "

In the hit drama 'The Story of a Rose', Su Gengsheng, played by Wan Qian, is an independent and capable 'cold sister' who walks with style. What is not known is that she is also faced with a family of origin that is difficult to escape from, and there is always a shadow in her he - Lujuba

In order to present this sense of tightness, Wan Qian will pay more attention to details when performing. "Su Gengsheng is always in a very clean environment, and will habitually fold napkins into one when eating. Small squares, wipe the sides clean, there should be no stains. This does not mean that she must be mysophobic, but she will have a sense of tension. This kind of detail (design) can externalize the character's characteristics. "

In the play, Wan Qian and Liu Yifei have many scenes opposite each other. Although it is their first time working together, Wan Qian believes that the two of them do not need any running-in. "I have almost no running-in period with her, because she is a person who knows her own way. I feel very comfortable and safe as an actor who opens her heart completely, accepts the information her opponent gives her unconditionally, and dedicates herself at the same time. "Wan Qian recalled that Liu Yifei was very dedicated. Even though her scenes had been filmed, she still stayed at the scene to observe everyone's performances and wait quietly.

In the hit drama 'The Story of a Rose', Su Gengsheng, played by Wan Qian, is an independent and capable 'cold sister' who walks with style. What is not known is that she is also faced with a family of origin that is difficult to escape from, and there is always a shadow in her he - Lujuba

In the play, Huang Yimei is bright and enthusiastic, while Su Gengsheng is calm and rational. In Wan Qian's view, Su Gengsheng and Huang Yimei are attracted to each other, "When Su Gengsheng sees Huang Yimei, he will think that Huang Yimei is like the sun, because Huang Yimei radiates her own heat all the time. Her heat and Su Gengsheng produced some kind of photosynthesis, and the two of them could support each other. I think this kind of relationship is extremely comfortable and practical. "

In the hit drama 'The Story of a Rose', Su Gengsheng, played by Wan Qian, is an independent and capable 'cold sister' who walks with style. What is not known is that she is also faced with a family of origin that is difficult to escape from, and there is always a shadow in her he - Lujuba

Because of his native family, Su Gengsheng always treats relationships with restraint and alienation. So, when did Huang Zhenhua really get into Su Gengsheng's heart?" After Su Gengsheng told Huang Zhenhua his past experience, then Huang Zhenhua When he opened his arms and hugged her without any reservation. "Wan Qian said that although the original family was not perfect, the Huang family brothers and sisters healed Su Gengsheng with warmth and love, giving her a full sense of security.

Currently, the drama is being broadcast on Jiangsu Satellite TV.

Red Star News reporter Qiu Junfeng edited Su Jing

Tags: entertainment