Jimu News Commentator Shi Ping It is another college entrance examination season. Rumors about multiple celebrities being involved in the fraud of national athlete certificates have made the public pay close attention to the qualifications and paths of sports students to enter pr

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Jimu News Commentator Shi Ping

It is another college entrance examination season. Rumors about multiple celebrities being involved in the fraud of national athlete certificates have made the public pay close attention to the qualifications and paths of sports students to enter prestigious schools. Recently, the list of qualified athletes in the special test for high-level athletes at Peking University was announced. One of the boys in Beijing's No. 4 Middle School has once again attracted attention because his mother is suspected to be a well-known actor. His record of scoring 0 points in many games has been questioned by netizens: the national first-level athletes Do you have any qualifications? As of now, the relevant actors have not responded to the matter. ()

Jimu News Commentator Shi Ping It is another college entrance examination season. Rumors about multiple celebrities being involved in the fraud of national athlete certificates have made the public pay close attention to the qualifications and paths of sports students to enter pr - Lujuba 2023 Beijing Youth Basketball Championship (picture from the official website of Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau) The

incident caused controversy because some netizens combed through public information and found that the boy scored fewer points on the court and played shorter playing time. In some games The results in the competition were not outstanding either. Coupled with her mother's status as a well-known actress and her involvement in a well-known institution of higher learning such as Peking University, netizens have raised concerns about the fairness and justice of college entrance examination admissions.

A blogger posted that the "Basketball Player Technical Level Standards" indicate that as long as the school team is ranked in the national competition, even if the player does not play, he still has the opportunity to obtain the title of national first-class athlete. It does not rule out that the certificate is secretly manipulated. space.

In fact, the country’s qualification determination of athletes is very complicated, and these public information may not prove anything. An industry insider said that you can't tell anything by just looking at the score. How many points a basketball player scores cannot determine his actual level and contribution. There is some truth to the statement

. Because basketball is a team game, if a certain player scores 0 points, it does not mean that he has not made any contribution to the game. This is completely different from a candidate scoring 0 points by doing the test paper. A report by showed that the player involved once represented the No. 4 Middle School in an overtime victory over another school, and obtained the team's highest 19 rebounds and 12 steals.

Specific to the requirements of Peking University’s high-level sports team this year, candidates must obtain the title of national first-class athlete or above and must participate in the unified national sports test. Professionals also said that in terms of special tests, this year they must pass the national unified test. The unified test has surveillance video and is connected to the national network. Candidates must take all the tests by themselves, and they must not fake them. Finally, they will be admitted according to their rankings.

That is to say, even if the boy obtains the qualification of a national first-class athlete through "operation", it will still be difficult to pass the unified national sports test if he has no actual ability. Of course, some people may think that, as a well-known actress, her mother does not rule out having such energy. This requires officials to publicly respond to public questions and resolve doubts.

College entrance examination recruitment is about fairness and justice. Peking University publishes relevant lists for public supervision. The reason why the country requires unified tests for national sports this year and to raise standards for cultural achievements is also to reduce public doubts, not to give anyone room to operate, and to be as fair and just as possible.

It should be said that with the improvement of the system, the loopholes for college entrance examination recruitment are getting smaller and smaller. However, just because the loopholes are getting smaller and smaller does not mean that no one is taking advantage of them. In any case, since the relevant parties have announced the relevant list, it must be subject to public scrutiny. If netizens cause misunderstanding due to information asymmetry, it would be better to explain clearly. Of course, until the facts are unclear, there is no need to conclude that there is something wrong with the boy.

Therefore, whether the mother speaks is not the key. She said there was no fraud, does anyone believe her? This requires relevant departments to announce relevant results. If the boy has outstanding abilities and standards, it will be easy to eliminate public doubts. If there are problems with the certification and testing process, it may be difficult to escape public scrutiny, and they should be dealt with seriously in accordance with laws and regulations.

(Source: Jimu News)

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