Author: Insight Muye Recently, Peking University released a promotional video for 2024 admissions. A freshman who has just entered school is busy every day. When he sees what others are doing, he will rush to join in for fear of falling behind others. One day, his foots

entertainment 1978℃

Author: Insight Muye Recently, Peking University released a promotional video for 2024 admissions.      A freshman who has just entered school is busy every day. When he sees what others are doing, he will rush to join in for fear of falling behind others.      One day, his foots - Lujuba

Author: Insight muye

Recently, Peking University released a promotional video for 2024 admissions.

A freshman who has just entered school is busy every day. When he sees what others are doing, he will join in hastily for fear of falling behind others.

One day, when he was passing by the courtyard of Peking University in a hurry, he met the aesthetic master Zhu Guangqian who was watering the flowers.

Zhu Guangqian picked a small flower and gave it to him, and told him with a smile: Walk slowly and appreciate it.

Author: Insight Muye Recently, Peking University released a promotional video for 2024 admissions.      A freshman who has just entered school is busy every day. When he sees what others are doing, he will rush to join in for fear of falling behind others.      One day, his foots - Lujuba

The student was stuck in place, unable to guess the teacher’s intention.

In fact, what Zhu Guangqian wanted to tell him was:

"Everyone's flowering period is different. If you only focus on others running faster and forget your own rhythm, it is easy to go the wrong way.

Every little flower will bloom, just in time Different times. Stay calm, don't be anxious, and wait for your own flowering period. "

Life requires the wisdom of "slowness" and the patience of "waiting". Isn't this true of education?

Recently, the results of the college entrance examination were released. Some children were very proud of their achievements, while others were not satisfied with their results.

Give some time to children who do not do well in the exam. Perhaps in the near future, he will also usher in his own flowering period and bloom with unique beauty.


Some time ago, "People's Daily" reported the heartwarming story of Xu Wenteng, a junior college girl who went to her favorite university in both directions.

Xu Wenteng, who failed the college entrance examination, chose to study at Yantai Vocational College. When she arrived at school, she decided to upgrade to a bachelor's degree.

She gave up socializing, put down all activities, and concentrated on spending time in the library, studying at least 9 hours a day.

In this way, she was successfully admitted to a second-tier college - Texas College.

While attending Texas College, she had the idea of ​​taking the postgraduate entrance examination and set her sights on Ocean University of China.

The days of preparing for the exam were boring and exhausting. When she couldn't persevere, she would leave a message on the official WeChat account of Ocean University of China.

would reply to her immediately every time on her official Weibo account, and also gave her a lot of encouragement.

Author: Insight Muye Recently, Peking University released a promotional video for 2024 admissions.      A freshman who has just entered school is busy every day. When he sees what others are doing, he will rush to join in for fear of falling behind others.      One day, his foots - Lujuba

Finally, in the postgraduate entrance examination in April this year, Xu Wenteng successfully landed.

The flowering period of each child is different. Some children have a late flowering period and may not be able to pass the college entrance examination to even the most common undergraduate colleges.

But this does not mean that they will never have a chance to be a double first-class university in this life.

As long as he has a progressive heart, does not complain about the environment, and keeps working hard, he will be able to successfully get ashore sooner or later.

Zhang Huanteng from Henan Province went to a technical secondary school because he failed in the high school entrance examination.

In three years of technical secondary school, he studied professional knowledge seriously, ranked first in his grade, and won many scholarships.

The teacher suggested that he take the college entrance examination.

In the college entrance examination, his results were not satisfactory and he was only admitted to Chongqing Medical College.

Go to bed at ten o'clock every day, get up at six o'clock in the morning, never be late, never ask for leave, never bring a mobile phone to class, always sit in the first row...

This is what Zhang Huanteng studied in Chongqing Medical College for three years. daily.

Later, under the guidance of his teacher, Zhang Huanteng decided to upgrade from junior college to bachelor's degree and was successfully admitted to Chongqing Medical University.

While studying at Chongqing Medical University, he eagerly learned professional knowledge and decided to take the postgraduate entrance examination to continue his studies. On the first day when

took the postgraduate re-examination, Professor Yang Mei, deputy secretary of the party committee of the college, personally cheered him on.

Zhang Huanteng lived up to his expectations and was admitted to the Department of Medicine of Tsinghua University.

From a junior college student, to a junior college to a bachelor's degree, and finally admitted to Tsinghua University, his destiny was completely rewritten.

Now that the college entrance examination is over, children’s grades are not satisfactory and parents are anxious. This is human nature.

But we cannot deny a child's life just because he failed in one exam.

The college entrance examination is just one stop in life.

Those children who failed the college entrance examination will still have the opportunity to attend prestigious schools in the future as long as they work hard unremittingly.


Writer Wan Xie recalled that on the day when her college entrance examination results were announced, she lay in bed and cried loudly.

"I cried with tears all over my face. My mother couldn't get up no matter how hard she pulled me. I wished I could die right away so that I wouldn't have to face the future."

Because her college entrance examination results were very poor, she went to a local junior college. After graduating from school, I worked as an accountant in a company.

During the boring days that were endless, she insisted on filling the spiritual emptiness with reading.

Later, she began to try writing, and unexpectedly discovered her writing talent.

She published several best-selling books and became an influential author.

Some children may fail in learning, but it does not mean that they will not achieve success in other places in the future.

As long as he finds his talent, he can still shine in other fields.

Mr. Ba Jin entered an English cram school when he was 14 years old. At that time, he had the desire to go to university.

At the age of 21, Ba Jin applied for Peking University. In order to realize his ideal, he came to Beijing alone.

While preparing for the exam intensely day and night, Ba Jin was found to have lung disease during a physical examination and had to return to Shanghai to recuperate.

Because of this illness, Ba Jin missed the college entrance examination that he had been preparing for for more than ten years, and his dream of going to college was shattered.

Later Ba Jin met Shen Congwen, who also had not attended university.

Through the conversation with Shen Congwen, Ba Jin realized that: the college entrance examination is just a fork in life, and failure does not mean that there is no way out in life.

Therefore, Ba Jin decided to devote himself to the study of literature, wrote dozens of books, and became a master of modern literature.

A senior high school teacher comforted the students who failed the college entrance examination and said: You are just not on the list, but you are not without a path.

Life is a wilderness, not a track.

There is more than just studying, taking exams, and entering higher education.

The world is big and the examination room is small. No one will win everything because of one exam, and no one will lose everything because of one exam.

You must believe that if you fail to do so in this exam, there are many other choices in life.


In the documentary "High School Senior", students were roughly divided into three categories based on their grades: good students, average students, and poor students.

Lin Jiayan is a representative of good students and was admitted to the Minzu University of China.

After graduation, Lin Jiayan stayed in Beijing. During the interview, she dressed exquisitely and spoke confidently, just like an urban white-collar worker.

Author: Insight Muye Recently, Peking University released a promotional video for 2024 admissions.      A freshman who has just entered school is busy every day. When he sees what others are doing, he will rush to join in for fear of falling behind others.      One day, his foots - Lujuba

Picture source: Documentary "High School Senior"

But behind the glamor is the unknown pressure of life.

Because they could not afford a house in Beijing, the family lived in a cramped rental house outside the Fifth Ring Road.

Because she does not have a Beijing household registration, her child will have to return to her hometown to take the college entrance examination and re-travel the same path she has walked.

Good student Lin Jiayan successfully passed the college entrance examination, but she still can't escape the troubles of life.In the

documentary, Zhong Shengming is the representative of poor students, with the lowest test scores.

After failing the college entrance examination for the first time, he was admitted to a third-tier college after a year of repeated studies.

In the year of his graduation, when domestic e-commerce was booming, Zhong Shengming keenly seized this opportunity and joined a logistics company.

With his outstanding work ability, he developed this company into a large company with a daily turnover of tens of millions, and was promoted to the vice president of the company.

Later, he became his own boss, focusing on the field of physical e-commerce. His annual income from the clothing business alone exceeded 10 million, and he had achieved financial freedom.

If you succeed in the college entrance examination, will your life be smooth and brilliant?

If you fail the college entrance examination, will your life be miserable and gloomy?

From Lin Jiayan and Zhong Shengming, we found the answer.

There is a saying circulating on the Internet:

A diploma is just a train ticket. Tsinghua University is a soft sleeper, undergraduate is a hard sleeper, and junior college is a hard seat. You get off the train at the station to look for a job, only to find that the boss does not care how you got here, only Care about what you will do.

The college entrance examination is just a watershed in life.

As long as it is a piece of gold, it will sparkle wherever it goes.

When Dong Yuhui talked about education in the live broadcast room, he said meaningfully:

"Don't worry about your apples ripening later than others. That means your apples are sweeter than everyone else's. Remember, give Time for flowers to bloom. "

If your child does not do well in the exam this time, don't yell at him or scold him. Please protect this "seedling".

Believe in the children and wait for the flowers to bloom.

Because not every flower will bloom in spring.

Like and encourage all parents.

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