Jimu News reporter Guoqian intern Chen Ruizhi and Cai Rui On June 27, Jimu News reporter learned that twin brothers Li Xumo and Li Xuyan, from Class 1, Grade 3, Wuhan No. 2 Middle School, scored 695 and 680 points respectively in physics. good results. Currently, my elder brother

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Jimu News reporter Guo Qian

Intern Chen Ruizhi and Cai Rui

html On June 27, Jimu News reporter learned that twin brothers Li Xumo and Li Xuyan, who are in class 3 (1) of Wuhan No. 2 Middle School, got 695 points and 695 points in physics respectively. A good score of 680 points. Currently, my elder brother has been admitted to Peking University's computer science major, and my younger brother has also joined Peking University's strong foundation program. In the future, the two brothers will realize their dream of Peking University together.

Jimu News reporter Guoqian intern Chen Ruizhi and Cai Rui On June 27, Jimu News reporter learned that twin brothers Li Xumo and Li Xuyan, from Class 1, Grade 3, Wuhan No. 2 Middle School, scored 695 and 680 points respectively in physics. good results. Currently, my elder brother - Lujuba Li Xumo (left) and Li Xuyan (right)

As a father, Mr. Li was very pleased to see the children's achievements. He recalled that the brothers had been eager for knowledge since childhood and enjoyed the satisfaction brought by learning. "One of the things that impressed me the most was when Li Xumo was still in kindergarten. I picked him up after school and didn't see anyone else. Finally, I found him sitting there reading quietly in the school library."

Mr. Li He believes that strict self-discipline is also an important factor for the brothers to achieve good results. "In junior high school, the two children were more fond of playing games, but after entering high school, they stopped playing these games at all and devoted themselves to their studies. As a parent, I never asked them not to play games. This was their conscious action, which also moved me very much," he said.

Jimu News reporter Guoqian intern Chen Ruizhi and Cai Rui On June 27, Jimu News reporter learned that twin brothers Li Xumo and Li Xuyan, from Class 1, Grade 3, Wuhan No. 2 Middle School, scored 695 and 680 points respectively in physics. good results. Currently, my elder brother - Lujuba Li Xuyan (left), Li Xumo (right) and the class teacher, Mr. Xiong (middle), take a photo

Mr. Li said that his brother always plays a role model in both study and daily life. "Li Xumo has been more calm since he was a child. The younger brother will regard his elder brother as his role model and motivation to move forward. He will strictly demand himself and make progress together with his elder brother." As for the different personalities of the two brothers, Mr. Li said that his elder brother's down-to-earth attitude His calmness and his younger brother's liveliness complement each other perfectly, and the two of them can make progress together in their studies.

Jimu News reporter Guoqian intern Chen Ruizhi and Cai Rui On June 27, Jimu News reporter learned that twin brothers Li Xumo and Li Xuyan, from Class 1, Grade 3, Wuhan No. 2 Middle School, scored 695 and 680 points respectively in physics. good results. Currently, my elder brother - Lujuba Li Xumo

It is understood that both brothers have participated in physics competitions and both have achieved excellent results. Li Xumo participated in the finals of the 40th National Middle School Physics Competition and won a national gold medal. Li Xuyan won the first prize in Hubei Province in the 40th National Physics Competition.

Jimu News reporter Guoqian intern Chen Ruizhi and Cai Rui On June 27, Jimu News reporter learned that twin brothers Li Xumo and Li Xuyan, from Class 1, Grade 3, Wuhan No. 2 Middle School, scored 695 and 680 points respectively in physics. good results. Currently, my elder brother - Lujuba Li Xuyan

The two brothers agreed that "carefulness" is their most important learning experience. "For dominant subjects, you must answer carefully and not be careless. For example, there are many small knowledge points in chemistry, and the test points are very trivial and tricky. Therefore, I will continue to read books during the study process and focus on memorizing and practicing some small knowledge points. "Li Xuyan said.

Jimu News reporter Guoqian intern Chen Ruizhi and Cai Rui On June 27, Jimu News reporter learned that twin brothers Li Xumo and Li Xuyan, from Class 1, Grade 3, Wuhan No. 2 Middle School, scored 695 and 680 points respectively in physics. good results. Currently, my elder brother - Lujuba Li Xuyan

The dominant subject of younger brother Li Xuyan is physics. In this college entrance examination, he got full marks in physics. He believes that the most important way to learn physics is to maintain a sense of the questions through a large number of questions. He said: "Every time you do a test paper after class, you should time it, speed up your writing speed, and have time to check back and do it with ease. This is the best state."

Jimu News reporter Guoqian intern Chen Ruizhi and Cai Rui On June 27, Jimu News reporter learned that twin brothers Li Xumo and Li Xuyan, from Class 1, Grade 3, Wuhan No. 2 Middle School, scored 695 and 680 points respectively in physics. good results. Currently, my elder brother - Lujuba Screenshot of Li Xuyan's results

Li Xumo My brother believes that when facing difficult questions, an exam-oriented mentality is very important. You need to prioritize and not "pick up the sesame seeds and lose the watermelons." He said: "Mathematics is my dominant subject, but there are some knowledge points in mathematics that are difficult to understand in a short period of time. For example, in this year's college entrance examination, the last question in mathematics is very difficult. I generally do not force myself to solve such questions. , and will not spend too much time on it, so as not to affect the score for other questions." At the same time, he also suggested that candidates focus on practicing basic questions and mid-range questions to reduce unnecessary points loss.

Li Xumo said that for weak subjects, it is more important to "ask if you don't understand", focus on accumulation, clarify and digest every knowledge point that you do not understand. "I wasn't very good at Chinese, and I was very anxious at the time, fearing that it would hold me back. So my Chinese teacher gave me a lot of valuable advice. For example, I should pay attention to accumulation, don't talk empty words, don't pile up words, etc. I will also use these. The suggestions were applied to every exam, and his Chinese ability was gradually improved. "In the college entrance examination, Li Xumo also achieved good results in Chinese.

Jimu News reporter Guoqian intern Chen Ruizhi and Cai Rui On June 27, Jimu News reporter learned that twin brothers Li Xumo and Li Xuyan, from Class 1, Grade 3, Wuhan No. 2 Middle School, scored 695 and 680 points respectively in physics. good results. Currently, my elder brother - Lujuba Screenshot of Li Xumo’s college entrance examination results

Compared with other subjects, Chinese is also a subject in which his younger brother Li Xuyan is weak. He believes that the most important thing in learning Chinese is to “catch points.” “Chinese questions are divided into many categories, such as For reading comprehension, classical Chinese and basic knowledge fill-in-the-blank questions, we can start with question types that are easy to score points, review them by question type, and solve them one by one," Li Xuyan said.

"Chinese is a weak subject for most competitive students. After children return to comprehensive classes in their second year of high school, they show varying degrees of anxiety about Chinese learning. Our teachers not only teach learning methods, but also provide psychological counseling to build confidence and reduce Anxious." Chinese teacher Zhang said, "The characteristics of the two brothers Mo Yan are that they are very practical, have strong implementation ability, and can apply what they have learned. The writing methods just taught in class can often be reflected in their compositions. I am very pleased to discover the shining points of their brothers in daily study. "

's learning method of "getting points by matching points" can also be applied to English subjects. Li Xuyan suggested to the students: "Practice listening questions more often to develop your sense of language. For reading questions, you need to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the question and analyze the intention of the person who asked the question to prevent making the same type of mistakes again." At the same time, he also reminded , in daily study, you need to accumulate more phrases and practice your words well.

Both brothers also mentioned that it is also very important to stabilize their mentality. In the last mock exam, Li Xumo's score was not ideal, so he inevitably fell into confusion and anxiety. But with the help of his teachers and parents, he quickly got into the test state. This confused mentality did not affect his next college entrance examination too much. He said: "When I am not in good condition, I will seek some help from teachers or parents. Teachers will substantively solve some of my learning problems, and my parents will enlighten me more and give me spiritual support. "

Li Xumo also believes that you can't be completely stress-free about exams, but you can't be too stressed either. It's best to maintain a moderate level of tension. "I hope I can turn pressure into motivation to hit the goal. At the same time, I will tell myself that as long as I go all out, I can accept any result." Li Xumo said. He also suggested that you should maintain self-confidence and a sense of normalcy regarding the college entrance examination, and not disrupt your normal life routine and cause yourself physical discomfort.

Besides studying, the two brothers also like to play Go together. Li Xumo believes, “These hobbies can allow me to relax physically and mentally during intense study. Studying all the time may also lead to physical and mental exhaustion. At this time, I need to combine work and rest, and change my mind. This may achieve Better learning results.”

During the summer vacation, they all plan to relax and develop their hobbies. Li Xumo plans to study computer-related content in a targeted manner; Li Xuyan plans to go out more and increase his knowledge to prepare for college life.

(Picture provided by interviewee)

(Source: Jimu News)

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