Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family. Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really any other "trick" behind her? However, I saw Xi Mengyao at the birth

entertainment 2572℃

Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family.

Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really some other "trick" behind her?

Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family.      Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really any other 'trick' behind her?      However, I saw Xi Mengyao at the birth - Lujuba

However, after seeing a detail of Xi Mengyao at the birthday party of the gambling king’s beloved daughter He Chaoxin, everyone discovered that Xi Mengyao’s ability to occupy such a high position in the gambling king’s family was largely due to her own high emotional intelligence and effort.

Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family.      Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really any other 'trick' behind her?      However, I saw Xi Mengyao at the birth - Lujuba

It can be seen from the birthday photos of He Chaoxin, Xi Mengyao and others that Xi Mengyao was dressed very ordinary, without elaborate makeup and hair, and only wore a very simple white shirt.

But despite this, her overall condition is still good.

is also very beautiful even if she is naked. She is sitting next to He Chaoxin, the protagonist of the banquet. She is very low-key and unassuming, but she exudes a "mistress of the house" temperament.

Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family.      Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really any other 'trick' behind her?      However, I saw Xi Mengyao at the birth - Lujuba

Xi Mengyao deliberately dressed plainly to avoid He Chaoxin's edge and gave up her C position to the birthday girl.

Moreover, she never stood in a conspicuous position, always standing behind or to the side of He Chaoxin, in order to avoid stealing He Chaoxin's limelight.

However, even if she has been humble to this extent, she is still noticed because her temperament is too conspicuous.

Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family.      Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really any other 'trick' behind her?      However, I saw Xi Mengyao at the birth - Lujuba

As an international supermodel, Xi Mengyao is superior to ordinary people in terms of figure and complexion, and she appears to be much more refined than ordinary people.

But because of this, she pays attention to dressing differently on different occasions.

When she needs to show herself, she is full of aura. When she doesn't need to show herself, she is a little low-key and reserved.

Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family.      Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really any other 'trick' behind her?      However, I saw Xi Mengyao at the birth - Lujuba

As early as the last time Xi Mengyao held a birthday party for her daughter, she dressed very low-key.

When attending the wedding of Xtep little princess Ding Jiamin, she only wore an elegant lotus root pink dress.

In fact, these ordinary dresses are not the only ones in her wardrobe. However, while observing basic etiquette, she will also try her best to make the guests more outstanding.

Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family.      Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really any other 'trick' behind her?      However, I saw Xi Mengyao at the birth - Lujuba

Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family.      Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really any other 'trick' behind her?      However, I saw Xi Mengyao at the birth - Lujuba

Xi Mengyao was originally just an ordinary Shanghai girl, born in a warm and well-off family.

has been outstanding in height since she was a child. After graduating from college, fate threw an olive branch to her. She got an opportunity to participate in a modeling competition because of her height.

Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family.      Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really any other 'trick' behind her?      However, I saw Xi Mengyao at the birth - Lujuba

Then she relied on her natural advantages to shine on the stage and won the top five in Shanghai.

From then on, she embarked on the road of modeling and eventually broke into the international arena.

Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family.      Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really any other 'trick' behind her?      However, I saw Xi Mengyao at the birth - Lujuba

However, after entering the international arena, she was ridiculed for a Victoria's Secret catwalk, had an accident during a fall, and was questioned for embarrassing the Chinese people. During the time of

, she became much more popular in China, but many of them were negative controversies.

Unexpectedly, she got a blessing in disguise and gained the attention of He Youjun, the gambling king's son.

He Youjun fell in love with her so much that he put down his figure and proposed in a rustic way. She married into a wealthy family and gave birth to her eldest grandson, and her life entered a different realm.

Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family.      Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really any other 'trick' behind her?      However, I saw Xi Mengyao at the birth - Lujuba

But many people hold a negative attitude towards Xi Mengyao marrying into a wealthy family.

even believes that she has become a child-bearing machine for the wealthy family, and the so-called love is just a facade to maintain the family's face.

However, after she and He Youjun appeared on the variety show "Study Trip of Love", the audience was shocked to find that Xi Mengyao and He Youjun were so sweet.

Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family.      Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really any other 'trick' behind her?      However, I saw Xi Mengyao at the birth - Lujuba

Today, Xi Mengyao has become a real winner in life, sitting on the eldest grandson of the gambling king family.

Being doted on by her husband, the fourth wife of the gambling king also treats her children as treasures. She has no worries about food and clothing for the rest of her life. Normally, she just needs to be a sophisticated rich woman. She is much better than many female celebrities and Internet celebrities who are neither high nor low.

Xi Mengyao has become a winner in life in the gambling king family.      Many people have questioned how she went from being a model with a mediocre family to becoming the winner she is now. Is there really any other 'trick' behind her?      However, I saw Xi Mengyao at the birth - Lujuba

However, such a life is not just because Xi Mengyao is lucky, but she also earned it on her own. It seems that marrying into a rich family still requires high emotional intelligence.

Tags: entertainment