In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had "collapsed" one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li

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In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many people began to say that Prada’s past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had “collapsed” one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same.

Ever since Jia Ling lost weight, all kinds of vicious rumors have been pouring in.

Why are you being scolded this time?

After the release of "Hot and Spicy", a netizen on Douban gave a review, and his expectations turned into disappointment. This netizen watched "Hello!" "Li Huanying" felt that Jia Ling's work was sincere enough, so she was looking forward to future works, so she gave it 1 star.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

Some people say that it is just an inspirational film about weight loss, others say that the camera and aesthetics are not good, and others say that the promotion is overdone and the movie tickets are too expensive and not worth it.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

However, the Douban score still reached 7.7 points.

And what is hidden behind this? Let’s explore Jia Ling’s story.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

In April 1982, Jia Ling was born in a not-so-rich family in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province. Jia Ling also has a sister who is 5 years older than her.

19-year-old Jia Ling likes acting. She applied for two majors and was admitted to both majors. The Central Academy of Drama majored in drama performance and cross talk performance, but a wrong choice made by Jia Ling’s mother made Jia Ling attend a college class majoring in cross talk performance.

Due to poor family conditions, her sister gave up enrolling in the Beijing Broadcasting Institute in order to give Jia Ling a chance to study.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

Jia Ling’s father is in poor health, so the burden of the family falls on her mother and sister. But one month after Jia Ling entered the Chinese drama, her mother died unexpectedly. From then on, elder sister Jia Dan took on the important task of providing for her younger sister to study.

In 2003, Jia Ling won the first prize in the Beijing Crosstalk Competition with "What's Up". As a woman, it was difficult to take up crosstalk performances. Jia Ling still has not given up on the career of cross talk.

was admitted to the China Broadcasting Art Troupe in 2005 and studied under Feng Gong. Feng Gong saw Jia Ling's talent and hard work, and told Jia Ling that if I take a bite, you will take a bite.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

At that time, Jia Ling’s rent was 400 yuan a month. Feng Gong helped Jia Ling earn enough rent for 10 years in one year.

Jia Ling said: Master is just like his father, and I am his daughter.

In 2010, Jia Ling appeared on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala for the first time and became known to everyone. The next year she appeared on the Spring Festival Gala again, and Jia Ling became famous.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

At this time, many variety shows found Jia Ling. The most popular one was Hunan Satellite TV's "Variety Show" in 2012. This program brings a lot of joy to everyone.

But the two men looked unhappy, and they were not happy. Who are these two men?

One is that Jia Ling’s father was not happy after seeing it. He thought how could a girl even imitate a man? This is not good.

There is another person who is unhappy, that is Teacher Feng Gong. He said to Jia Ling: "You are a girl, you imitate others to lift your skirt, why do you want to get married?"

Because Jia Ling imitated Huo Feng and Marilyn Monroe in the show. One is a man, the other is Marilyn Monroe with her skirt lifted, these are the two characters the two dads are talking about.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

In order to make more money, Jia Ling was given money to ride an ostrich, so she rode the ostrich. But her figure was a little too strong to get up, and when she finally got up, the ostrich flew away and threw Jia Ling to the ground, hitting her chin and bleeding. She also joked that it looked like she had a beard.

She told Teacher Feng Gong, and Teacher Feng Gong said distressedly: "What are you doing? You can make some good works. You can still make money."

Jia Ling listened to her heart, so she came up with the following "Hello" , Li Huanying", some people may not understand this film, they only know that it is very good at the box office. Jia Ling made a lot of money.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

But after watching this movie, one family originally decided not to go back to their hometown to celebrate the New Year, but after watching it, they decided to drive home to celebrate the New Year.

This is the meaning of a good work. It allows this family to understand that time with family members is the best. "A son wants to be filial but not his relatives." Don't wait until you lose it before you know how to cherish it. In the limited time we have, we love our families well. Love the mother who sacrifices selflessly for us.

Jia Ling didn't think about how much the box office would be. She just wanted to express the love of her family after losing her family.

is an ordinary girl who was born as a crosstalk actor and became a director and screenwriter. One film can reach the top of the box office. Who wouldn't be jealous? This little seed of jealousy was planted in everyone's heart.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

After the transformation of "Hot and Spicy", some people said that Jia Ling didn't like her past self. She wanted to play a clown to make the audience laugh, but now she has become aloof.

Everyone thinks Jia Ling is fake. The girl who used to be so cheerful is now fake in the past. The audience does not accept the feeling of being cheated.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

But is this really the case?

Jia Ling said in the interview that actually going from fat to thin is a very painful process. I'm afraid that the audience won't like this thin me, but I want to give myself an explanation, a self that is not affected by my image. No matter how a person's appearance changes, his inner love will not change.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

Jia Ling is a girl with high emotional intelligence, and she has relieved many people's embarrassing scenes on stage.

The second sister Zhang Xinyi said on the show that many people said that I am fat and look like you. Jia Ling said that I may not look like you if I lose weight, and those who like you will not like me indirectly.

Na Ying said on a variety show, why do you and Shen Teng always interfere with me. Jia Ling replied to Na Ying, no, we are both notoriously bad characters. Na Ying was dumbfounded.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

Do you still remember the famous scene where Jia Ling heroically rescued Liu Yan?

At Bao Beier's wedding, a group of groomsmen wanted to trick the bridesmaid into throwing Liu Yan into the water, while Liu Yan was wearing a tube top. Once thrown into the water, you will get wet.

Jia Ling pushed away the crowd and found a piece of Liu Yan's chest exposed. Jia Ling was afraid that others would take Liu Yan's exposed photos, so she sat in front of Liu Yan.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

The best man group and the bridesmaid group were in a stalemate for a while. Jia Ling took out a stack of red envelopes and said with a smile: "Red envelopes can solve simple things." Jia Ling resolved the embarrassment and relieved Liu Yan with one sentence.

Jia Ling like this is the Jia Ling that everyone likes. Could it be that her emotional intelligence would not be high if she loses weight? Wouldn't it resolve the embarrassment?

Jia Ling, now 42 years old, showed in "Hot and Spicy" that people do not give up when faced with difficulties and setbacks, and persist in pursuing their dreams. She just underwent a transformation in appearance, but this was the most difficult for us.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

Losing weight is the most painful. How many people have the willpower to persevere? self-discipline? And Jia Ling just used this most difficult thing to explain that it's not too late and everything is within time, as long as she keeps working hard and doesn't give up.

The video will be screened on the first day of the Lunar New Year, when many schools start school on the 16th day of the first lunar month. Many caring teachers gave Jia Ling's "Everything Comes in Time" to the children, telling them that everything comes in time. It is never too late to study hard from now on, love yourself well and give yourself a better tomorrow.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

You have to win once in life.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

The final box office of Jia Ling's "Hot" was 3.46 billion. The box office results of the two movies made Jia Ling rank ninth on the box office list of Chinese directors. She is also the only female director to enter the top 10.

In early June, Prada chose Jia Ling as its new brand spokesperson. Many commentators began to say that Prada's past brand spokespersons Zheng Shuang, Li Yifeng, and Cai Xukun had 'collapsed' one after another. It is estimated that Jia Ling will soon be the same. Ever since Jia Li - Lujuba

From "Hello, Li Huanying" to "Hot and Spicy", the controversies Jia Ling encountered became more and more intense every time. As the saying goes, "There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people." If everyone sees something different, there will be controversy.

Jia Ling may not be so lovable when she loses weight, but she has opened up another life and can be the version of herself she likes. Of course, I also like my past self, but the changes now make my life different.

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Tags: entertainment