Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect. After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation "wsc" for the first time, Wa

entertainment 4743℃

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.

After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation "wsc" for the first time, Wang Sicong himself responded and denied it, telling Huang Yiming not to go crazy because of alcohol and to do whatever he was supposed to do.

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

wanted Wang Sicong to see the child but was blocked. Huang Yiming broke down emotionally. Coupled with the increasing popularity of the Internet, she later simply posted a video to officially announce that Wang Sicong was the father of the child. There was no doubt.

However, Huang Yiming denied at the time that he broke the news to gain Wang Sicong's popularity, otherwise the child would be exposed when he was born. He earned the money to raise his child by trying on 100 to 200 contact lenses every day.

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

However, Huang Yiming's subsequent actions were completely different from the response at the time. Not only did he firmly grasp this wave of traffic, but he also publicly admitted that he was riding on Wang Sicong's popularity.

Although this matter has become so "hot", Wang Sicong never admitted it. When he responded for the second time, he even scolded Huang Yiming for being shameless. What kind of entanglement is there between the two people? What is Huang Yiming's current mentality? A detailed interview is really needed.

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

Recently, veteran media person Du Enhu had an exclusive interview with Huang Yiming. The latter talked about his alma mater and future career plans. Of course, the focus was on meeting Wang Sicong, falling in love, breaking up, getting pregnant and having a daughter, and being a single mother raising a baby alone. .

It is worth mentioning that Du Enhu was once the chief reporter of the Ministry of Culture of a well-known paper media. He was the first and most successful person to report on the Spring Festival Gala in China. He was known as the "first person to report on the Spring Festival Gala" in the industry. He once disguised himself as a migrant worker to sneak in. Backstage at the Spring Festival Gala, someone claimed that CCTV security personnel had a photo of him.

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

Therefore, even though Du Enhu said that Huang Yiming was initially unwilling to discuss personal matters with Wang Sicong, after "sincere communication", Huang Yiming still accepted his interview. He was indeed a reporter who was able to sneak into the Spring Festival Gala for an interview.

Generally speaking, Huang Yiming's interview did not contain much explosive information. Most of it was consistent with the information she had already exposed, but there were also some expressions that were completely inconsistent, or words and deeds were inconsistent, and she still had reservations.

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

At the beginning of the interview, the reporter still first asked whether Wang Sicong was the biological father of Huang Yiming's daughter. Huang Yiming once again gave an affirmative answer, saying that he would not lie and would tell the truth.

In the subsequent interview, Huang Yiming said that he and Wang Sicong met in 2022, when he graduated, at an event in Chengdu.

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

On the day they met, Huang Yiming and Wang Sicong had a very happy conversation. Huang Yiming used the word "we hate meeting each other so late". Their love for each other began with mutual care.

From acquaintance to falling in love to passionate love, Huang Yiming said that the relationship between the two was very sincere. He also said that Wang Sicong at that time was a very noble and caring boy.

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

But not long after, Huang Yiming was broken up by Wang Sicong. The breakup was peaceful and without any conflicts. Although Huang Yiming did not mention the specific reason, netizens should be able to guess it. After all, it was Wang Sicong, and no one can let him stay now.

One day after the breakup, Huang Yiming suddenly remembered that he had not had his period for two months. It was then that he found out that he was pregnant with Wang Sicong's child. Although he wanted to have an abortion at the time, the doctor told him that it would be difficult to get pregnant again after the abortion was bad.

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

Huang Yiming said that he wanted to save face and was shy, and his hometown was also very traditional. Pregnancy before marriage would be criticized by others, so he still had the idea of ​​​​aborting many times, but in the end, with the encouragement of his mother and family, he gave birth to the child and named it "Twinkle".

Huang Yiming’s self-report of the above information is quite sincere. After all, it is not painful and it is quite official. However, her answers to the next few questions are disappointing because they are completely different from the responses during the recent live broadcast. .

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

Huang Yiming said that Wang Sicong was completely unaware of his pregnancy and childbirth because it was all after the breakup.

However, this is not what Huang Yiming said during the recent live broadcast. What she said during the live broadcast was that Wang Sicong knew the whole process. When she was about 3 months pregnant, she said that Wang Sicong told her to have a baby if she wanted to, but not long after that he advised her not to give birth. .

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

mentioned the reason for the exposure. Huang Yiming’s statement was not much different from before. He said that he was a single mother and had a hard time raising a child. One day, he was in a bad mood and wanted Wang Sicong to see the child but was blocked. He was accidentally exposed after drinking. this matter.

Of course, as for how drunk Huang Yiming was at the time, it’s a matter of opinion. After all, some people can’t do anything when they are drunk, but when she was drunk, she was able to post two videos in a row, and clearly edited "wsc, you are a der "Sentences like "wsc to be honest, I hate you so much".

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

After the two videos sparked heated discussions, Huang Yiming chose to clarify the whole matter through video. However, she told reporter Du Enhu that she did not want to take advantage of Wang Sicong's popularity, but just wanted to tell Wang Sicong that he had a daughter. Blood is thicker than water, but He is not required to pay child support.

Huang Yiming's expression is once again completely different from her recent remarks in live broadcasts, because she has publicly admitted more than once that she is riding on Wang Sicong's popularity, and behaves in the same way.

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

Huang Yiming said in a live broadcast that he used his child’s father’s traffic to make some money, but he didn’t ask him for money. It was normal to use a little traffic.

In addition, Huang Yiming originally sold colored contact lenses, but after his traffic with Wang Sicong increased, he has recently begun to sell products related to "onions", such as green onions, onion rings, scallion oil noodles, chive biscuits, etc. Isn't this just trying to get Wang Sicong's traffic?

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

In addition, Huang Yiming recently had a live broadcast with Wang Sicong's previous girlfriend Xiao Yu. The two gave each other green onion gifts and danced with green onions. Xiao Yu not only called Huang Yiming "sister", but also said that she was unsatisfied after losing the PK. To even Mai Sun Yining.

In this regard, some people ridiculed that it is commendable that the harem is so harmonious, but more people find it difficult to understand their behavior. It is understandable to be obsessed with their ex-boyfriend, but it is shameful for sisters to join forces to share the popularity. The three views are so unbearable.

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

In subsequent interviews, Huang Yiming also highlighted two points. One is that if Wang Sicong really does not admit that his daughter is Shining, then Huang Yiming is willing to take his daughter for a paternity test.

Secondly, regarding the issue of property inheritance that netizens are concerned about, Huang Yiming expressed that of course he supports his daughter inheriting Wang Sicong's property when she grows up, because he hopes that his daughter will be more happy in the future. Of course, if Wang Sicong doesn't admit it, it doesn't matter.

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

Generally speaking, Huang Yiming's exclusive interview did not contain the explosive information that netizens imagined. Instead, it gave people the feeling of lying, especially whether Wang Sicong knew that she was pregnant and gave birth to a child, and whether she was taking advantage of Wang Sicong's popularity. These two points.

can only say that Huang Yiming really does not want to ask for a large amount of child support from Wang Sicong, and has not even publicly called for Wang Sicong to recognize his daughter.

Huang Yiming's revelation that his child's father is Wang Sicong is undoubtedly the hottest gossip in the entertainment industry in recent times, and it has a long tail effect.      After Huang Yiming posted a video late at night with the abbreviation 'wsc' for the first time, Wa - Lujuba

Huang Yiming’s operation is not directed at Wang Sicong, but at netizens. What she wants is traffic, which is stable, and Wang Sicong’s alimony is not stable. “Netizens and Sicong share the same Burden" was really her wish.

Tags: entertainment