As soon as the TV series "Rose Story" was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded "Qing Yu Nian 2" to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine

entertainment 9637℃
As soon as the

TV series " Rose Story " was aired, the popularity of Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded " Qing Yu Nian 2 " to become the first on the entire network. This drama starring Liu Yifei uses the twenty-year life of the heroine Huang Yimei as a clue to tell several of her emotional stories and growth process.

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

As of June 18, the popularity of "Rose Story" on Tencent Video Station has reached 31,000.

In the years before "The Story of the Rose", Wang Jun filmed many contemporary reality-themed works such as " Little Farewell ", Little Joy , and "Xiao Min's Family", focusing on social issues such as education and family reorganization. He said frankly that over the years, he has filmed many realistic themes, "but I feel that social problems cannot be solved by literary and artistic works." When Xinlilai invited him to direct the project "The Story of a Rose," his first feeling was Novel, "I haven't filmed a purely emotional film in many years."

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

Liu Yifei as Huang Yimei

From "daughter" to "big girl"

He read Yi Shu's original work and realized the huge difficulty in adapting it.

"I quite like the novel, but after all, it was written about Hong Kong in the 1970s and 1980s of the last century. The spiritual temperament of the era is too far away from the present. In addition, the heroine is a daughter of Hong Kong's upper class. "If such a character is transplanted to the mainland, he will not adapt to the local environment."

Another difficulty comes from the narrative perspective. The original story is unfolded from the first-person perspective of several men, telling the story of Huang Yimei at different stages of life as they saw it. "You can't see the inner monologue of the heroine in the novel. Everything about her comes from the eyes of others." Therefore, Huang Yimei in the original work is a character with "illusive beauty". "Huang Yimei is an object to be described. , everything is what others see of her, what others say, what others see.”

Therefore, Wang Jun judged that it would be very difficult to adapt the script of this project, “It is necessary to write this story in the first person.” "In fact, it requires a lot of adjustments."

Wang Jun once collaborated with screenwriter Li Xiao on the TV series "I Love My Boyfriend", which tells the story of the love of older people. This time of cooperation again, in Wang Jun's eyes, Li Xiao's writing made "The Story of a Rose" "realizable".

In recent years, several film and television projects adapted from Yi Shu's novels have set their story backgrounds in Shanghai. "Maybe it's because the overall temperament of Shanghai is closer to the feeling in Yi Shu's novels," Wang Jun expressed his understanding. But in "The Story of a Rose," he placed the narrative space in Beijing. Because at the beginning of the creation of the project, Li Xiao communicated with Wang Jun, hoping to set the story in Beijing, which seemed to be "out of reach of He Yishu's story". She wanted to reshape Huang Yimei into a free and confident "Beijing girl" , "I just want this girl to be different from the image of a proud Hong Kong rich man and aristocratic daughter in Yi Shu's works." After hearing this, Wang Jun approved this more realistic adaptation plan. "The Story of a Rose" was transplanted from Hong Kong in the 1970s and 1980s to Beijing, which had just successfully bid for the Olympic Games in 2001; the heroine of the story went from being a rich daughter of an old Hong Kong rich man to the youngest daughter of a Beijing intellectual family.

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

The heroine of the story has transformed from the daughter of an old Hong Kong rich man to the youngest daughter of a Beijing intellectual family.

The difficulty of the subsequent adaptation was to turn the somewhat illusory and beautiful character Huang Yimei in the original work into a real person. In Wang Jun's view, "The Story of a Rose" is not a drama with a strong plot, which requires careful characterization to leave a deep impression on the audience and create a sense of involvement. "This requires extremely high standards for actors, to make each character vivid and distinctive."

After the adaptation, Huang Yimei's personality has become much stronger than in the original work. Wang Jun admitted that when he first saw the script, he was worried that this character might be controversial in the future. For example, in order to sneak into a banquet, she disguised herself and told the hotel staff that her company needed a venue for an event. “We also discussed this during the creative process, whether there would be any moral risks.As soon as the

TV series " Rose Story " was aired, the popularity of Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded " Qing Yu Nian 2 " to become the first on the entire network. This drama starring Liu Yifei uses the twenty-year life of the heroine Huang Yimei as a clue to tell several of her emotional stories and growth process.

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

As of June 18, the popularity of "Rose Story" on Tencent Video Station has reached 31,000.

In the years before "The Story of the Rose", Wang Jun filmed many contemporary reality-themed works such as " Little Farewell ", Little Joy , and "Xiao Min's Family", focusing on social issues such as education and family reorganization. He said frankly that over the years, he has filmed many realistic themes, "but I feel that social problems cannot be solved by literary and artistic works." When Xinlilai invited him to direct the project "The Story of a Rose," his first feeling was Novel, "I haven't filmed a purely emotional film in many years."

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

Liu Yifei as Huang Yimei

From "daughter" to "big girl"

He read Yi Shu's original work and realized the huge difficulty in adapting it.

"I quite like the novel, but after all, it was written about Hong Kong in the 1970s and 1980s of the last century. The spiritual temperament of the era is too far away from the present. In addition, the heroine is a daughter of Hong Kong's upper class. "If such a character is transplanted to the mainland, he will not adapt to the local environment."

Another difficulty comes from the narrative perspective. The original story is unfolded from the first-person perspective of several men, telling the story of Huang Yimei at different stages of life as they saw it. "You can't see the inner monologue of the heroine in the novel. Everything about her comes from the eyes of others." Therefore, Huang Yimei in the original work is a character with "illusive beauty". "Huang Yimei is an object to be described. , everything is what others see of her, what others say, what others see.”

Therefore, Wang Jun judged that it would be very difficult to adapt the script of this project, “It is necessary to write this story in the first person.” "In fact, it requires a lot of adjustments."

Wang Jun once collaborated with screenwriter Li Xiao on the TV series "I Love My Boyfriend", which tells the story of the love of older people. This time of cooperation again, in Wang Jun's eyes, Li Xiao's writing made "The Story of a Rose" "realizable".

In recent years, several film and television projects adapted from Yi Shu's novels have set their story backgrounds in Shanghai. "Maybe it's because the overall temperament of Shanghai is closer to the feeling in Yi Shu's novels," Wang Jun expressed his understanding. But in "The Story of a Rose," he placed the narrative space in Beijing. Because at the beginning of the creation of the project, Li Xiao communicated with Wang Jun, hoping to set the story in Beijing, which seemed to be "out of reach of He Yishu's story". She wanted to reshape Huang Yimei into a free and confident "Beijing girl" , "I just want this girl to be different from the image of a proud Hong Kong rich man and aristocratic daughter in Yi Shu's works." After hearing this, Wang Jun approved this more realistic adaptation plan. "The Story of a Rose" was transplanted from Hong Kong in the 1970s and 1980s to Beijing, which had just successfully bid for the Olympic Games in 2001; the heroine of the story went from being a rich daughter of an old Hong Kong rich man to the youngest daughter of a Beijing intellectual family.

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

The heroine of the story has transformed from the daughter of an old Hong Kong rich man to the youngest daughter of a Beijing intellectual family.

The difficulty of the subsequent adaptation was to turn the somewhat illusory and beautiful character Huang Yimei in the original work into a real person. In Wang Jun's view, "The Story of a Rose" is not a drama with a strong plot, which requires careful characterization to leave a deep impression on the audience and create a sense of involvement. "This requires extremely high standards for actors, to make each character vivid and distinctive."

After the adaptation, Huang Yimei's personality has become much stronger than in the original work. Wang Jun admitted that when he first saw the script, he was worried that this character might be controversial in the future. For example, in order to sneak into a banquet, she disguised herself and told the hotel staff that her company needed a venue for an event. “We also discussed this during the creative process, whether there would be any moral risks."Wang Jun said, "But later we came to a consensus that Huang Yimei was not perfect, and she was only 22 years old and had just graduated. She was eager to achieve success at work, so she went a bit eccentric. "

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

Rose disguised herself to sneak into the banquet.

Another example is the scene where Huang Yimei sends her boss to the hospital. The script says "I have a skill, but I haven't driven it much." At that time, Wang Jun noticed this detail and felt Maybe it’s “a bit much”: “I’ve never driven a car before, but I have to drive someone to the hospital late at night? Do I think it needs to be changed? But after thinking about it, Wang Jun still felt that Li Xiao's writing style was more perfect, "It seems that this girl is bolder and more responsible." "

A woman's love epic

The play has been written from 2001 to 2020. Huang Yimei's love story has experienced men such as Zhuang Guodong, Fang Xiewen, Fu Jiaming, and He Xi. "With a span of twenty years, it writes a woman's contemporary life. Love epic. "Wang Jun defines it this way.

In recent domestic dramas, it is common for a female protagonist to be admired by multiple men, but it is rare for a female protagonist to have feelings for multiple men and then separate. , "The Story of a Rose" undoubtedly made minor innovations in the protagonist's emotional line, but in Wang Jun's view, it is nothing. "A girl has several relationships in her life. What's so special about this?" He said, "This play may be a woman's love epic." "

Like the love story between Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen (Lin Gengxin), in Wang Jun's view, everyone has highs and lows in life, "Meeting Fang Xiewen was when Huang Yimei's relationship was at its lowest point. At that time, she had just broken up with Zhuang Guodong (played by Peng Guanying ). In order to erase this person from her mind, "she spent a lot of time studying and working to fill herself up to numb herself and ease the pain of lovelorn." The appearance of Fang Xiewen at this time was a kind of spiritual comfort for her. She had a shoulder to lean on when she was most tired. Her relationship with Fang Xiewen was a gradual emotional process, not the kind of passionate relationship from the beginning. " Wang Jun said.

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen

The first love between Huang Yimei and Zhuang Guodong was the "strongest and hottest" one. Wang Jun talked about the scene in the play where Huang Yimei "tear down the house" in sadness and anger: She smashed a bottle of red wine against the wall, and after the two reconciled, she painted a burgundy flower on top of the wine stain. This love was extreme and flamboyant, and was the blazing passion of first love.

When filming this relationship, Wang Jun also switched the male and female narrative perspectives, showing the trials and worries of both parties at the beginning of a relationship. At first, from Huang Yimei's perspective, Zhuang Guodong was restrained and calm. When the narrative shifts to Zhuang Guodong's perspective, "We will find that Zhuang Guodong fell in love with Huang Yimei at first sight. When she appeared at the banquet, his eyes were locked on her from then on. "

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

Huang Yimei and Zhuang Guodong

This "Rashomon"-like narrative is also used in the beginning of the story, Zhou Shihui (played by Wu Bi)'s pursuit of Huang Yimei. From Zhou Shihui's perspective, Huang Yimei has emotional feedback for him. , "But in fact, it was Zhou Shihui who brought his own personal feelings and imagination into this relationship, so his story is completely different from Huang Yimei's story. "

" This narrative technique aroused discussion and resonance among many viewers when the truth was revealed. In the relationship between the sexes, no matter how clear a woman's attitude of rejection is, she will be misunderstood, and "spoiled rumors" and "dirty water" will be thrown at her. It's still such a simple thing. As a beautiful woman, Huang Yimei will inevitably face some kind of malice, but in "The Story of Rose", we can see her confident and powerful fight back from Zhou Shihui's perspective. , He believes that Rose has a positive response to his love.

Huang Yimei remains unchanged

The creation of Huang Yimei is inseparable from Liu Yifei's interpretation. Often, it is difficult for an actress to interpret a character who is "known for her beauty". It has been scrutinized and evaluated by the audience in many aspects, but Liu Yifei gained mostly love and recognition from the audience for playing such a role.

Wang Jun said that because the script already gave a very complete character frame, during the filming with Liu Yifei, they discussed and made choices more about the proportion and details of the performance. For example, when Huang Zhenhua ( Tong Dawei ) gave Huang Yimei advice on how to attract the boy he liked, Wang Jun laughed with Liu Yifei on the set: "Be more confident, and it will feel like a 'princess has arrived.'" From Wang Jun's perspective , the story of Rose has no ups and downs, a strong plot that opens and closes. The advancement of all stories and emotions depends entirely on the actors' detailed performances. For example, sometimes "there must be the uncontrollable heartbeat of first love, and some confident caution." It’s a machine, you have to be careful about it.”

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

The relationship between the brother and sister is the most harmonious in the whole drama.

In the drama, in addition to the love story, the family relationship between Huang Yimei and her brother Huang Zhenhua is also very touching. Judging from the scenes, the proportion of the brother played by Tong Dawei is also rare in love-themed TV dramas. "The men around her may come and go, but her brother will always protect her," Wang Jun said. "It is also written in the novel that her brother is more than ten years older than her. He is also a father and a brother, and he takes great care of his sister. We continue The setting of the novel: her brother is her protector. Huang Yimei has her love story, but in my opinion, Huang Yimei loves her brother the most, and Huang Zhenhua also loves her sister most. This kind of love is certainly not love, but this kind of family affection. It’s very touching.”

When asked whether “The Story of Roses” not only presents this period of love, but also uses love to present Huang Yimei’s own growth and changes, Wang Jun gave an unexpected answer: love. Huang Yimei has not changed. "People may make progress and grow through love. But I think these are not obvious or important in Huang Yimei. She has never changed."

After her marriage to Fang Xiewen ended, Huang Yimei fell in love with a down and out man. Artist Wang Jun said with a smile, "She was hurt in her first love and later divorced. Some people may think that you should be more realistic and mature and not get involved in another passionate relationship. But What is maturity, what is growth? Is it maturity to no longer have hope and longing for love? I don’t think so.”

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

There are two men in Rose’s life. One is limited-time soulmate Fu Jiaming ( Huo Jianhua ).

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

The other is He Xi (played by Lin Yi), a flying partner who has surpassed himself.

Huang Yimei always maintains the purity and simplicity of when she was twenty when it comes to emotions. In Wang Jun’s view, this is the greatest charm of this woman and what makes her special. “No matter what age she is, all she cares about is herself. My inner feelings are not about whether the person has money or what kind of job he does. I like this person, and being together is enough. "

" She will never be disappointed in love because of the hardships in life. "

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

" Rose. "Story" stills

Wang Jun said that because the script already gave a very complete character frame, during the filming with Liu Yifei, they discussed and made choices more about the proportion and details of the performance. For example, when Huang Zhenhua ( Tong Dawei ) gave Huang Yimei advice on how to attract the boy he liked, Wang Jun laughed with Liu Yifei on the set: "Be more confident, and it will feel like a 'princess has arrived.'" From Wang Jun's perspective , the story of Rose has no ups and downs, a strong plot that opens and closes. The advancement of all stories and emotions depends entirely on the actors' detailed performances. For example, sometimes "there must be the uncontrollable heartbeat of first love, and some confident caution." It’s a machine, you have to be careful about it.”

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

The relationship between the brother and sister is the most harmonious in the whole drama.

In the drama, in addition to the love story, the family relationship between Huang Yimei and her brother Huang Zhenhua is also very touching. Judging from the scenes, the proportion of the brother played by Tong Dawei is also rare in love-themed TV dramas. "The men around her may come and go, but her brother will always protect her," Wang Jun said. "It is also written in the novel that her brother is more than ten years older than her. He is also a father and a brother, and he takes great care of his sister. We continue The setting of the novel: her brother is her protector. Huang Yimei has her love story, but in my opinion, Huang Yimei loves her brother the most, and Huang Zhenhua also loves her sister most. This kind of love is certainly not love, but this kind of family affection. It’s very touching.”

When asked whether “The Story of Roses” not only presents this period of love, but also uses love to present Huang Yimei’s own growth and changes, Wang Jun gave an unexpected answer: love. Huang Yimei has not changed. "People may make progress and grow through love. But I think these are not obvious or important in Huang Yimei. She has never changed."

After her marriage to Fang Xiewen ended, Huang Yimei fell in love with a down and out man. Artist Wang Jun said with a smile, "She was hurt in her first love and later divorced. Some people may think that you should be more realistic and mature and not get involved in another passionate relationship. But What is maturity, what is growth? Is it maturity to no longer have hope and longing for love? I don’t think so.”

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

There are two men in Rose’s life. One is limited-time soulmate Fu Jiaming ( Huo Jianhua ).

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

The other is He Xi (played by Lin Yi), a flying partner who has surpassed himself.

Huang Yimei always maintains the purity and simplicity of when she was twenty when it comes to emotions. In Wang Jun’s view, this is the greatest charm of this woman and what makes her special. “No matter what age she is, all she cares about is herself. My inner feelings are not about whether the person has money or what kind of job he does. I like this person, and being together is enough. "

" She will never be disappointed in love because of the hardships in life. "

As soon as the TV series 'Rose Story' was aired, the popularity value on Tencent Video quickly exceeded 30,000, and its market share also succeeded 'Qing Yu Nian 2' to become the first on the entire network. This drama, starring Liu Yifei, uses the twenty-year life of the heroine - Lujuba

" Rose. "Story" stills

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