A high-speed train connects life in the twin cities of Chengdu and Chongqing. Italian Consul General in Chongqing Shi Qifan is a frequent visitor of this train. In the past year since he took office, he has traveled between Sichuan and Chongqing three times a month or more. In th

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A high-speed train connects life in the twin cities of Chengdu and Chongqing. Italian Consul General in Chongqing Shi Qifan is a frequent visitor of this train. In the past year since he took office,

has traveled between Sichuan and Chongqing three times a month or more. In the Chengdu Food and Drinks Fair and the Chengdu Environmental Expo, he brought Italian pavilions to seek cooperation; in the Chengdu European Culture Season, he worked tirelessly to promote Italian concerts and art exhibitions to the public.

"It is our mission to strengthen the economic, trade and cultural relations between Italy and southwest China." Shi Qifan said.

When he was in middle school, he read "The Travels of Marco Polo" for the first time in class, and he became curious about the East. When he grew up as a diplomat and came to China in person, he seemed to be better able to understand the value of this envoy. This year marks the 700th anniversary of the death of Italian explorer Marco Polo. By commemorating this cultural communicator between China and Italy, Shi Qifan hopes to create more economic dialogue and open more cultural windows.

A high-speed train connects life in the twin cities of Chengdu and Chongqing. Italian Consul General in Chongqing Shi Qifan is a frequent visitor of this train. In the past year since he took office, he has traveled between Sichuan and Chongqing three times a month or more. In th - Lujuba

▲ Shi Qifan, Consul General of Italy in Chongqing

Favorite Sanxingdui

Want to introduce Chengdu cultural experience to Italians

html In early June, Shi Qifan held an Italian National Day reception in Chengdu, entertaining the people of this "gourmet capital" with Italian food and wine. "National Day is our most important holiday, and I am very happy to celebrate it with Chinese friends."

At the National Day reception, Shi Qifan's old friends and new friends came: people from the business, cultural and scientific circles in Chengdu, and the Italian community Representatives, heads of the Italian national system and Chengdu businessmen who are interested in investing. The close relationship network is destined to connect the Consul General with Chengdu.

"Italy has always understood the importance of southwest China and its role in the country's economic development." Shi Qifan introduced that Sichuan and Italy have important cooperation in different economic fields, and Italian companies value developing business in Chengdu in order to serve western China market.

A high-speed train connects life in the twin cities of Chengdu and Chongqing. Italian Consul General in Chongqing Shi Qifan is a frequent visitor of this train. In the past year since he took office, he has traveled between Sichuan and Chongqing three times a month or more. In th - Lujuba

▲ Shi Qifan, Consul General of Italy in Chongqing

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the China-Italy comprehensive strategic partnership. This relationship provides opportunities to address global issues such as cultural heritage protection, energy security and climate change. In July last year, the Italian Central Institute for Cultural Relics Restoration visited Sichuan. The Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau and the Italian Central Institute for Cultural Relics Restoration signed a memorandum of cooperation on the protection and utilization of cultural relics in Chengdu, reaching relevant cooperation intentions on the protection of the Leshan Giant Buddha and the protection and restoration of cultural relics unearthed from the Sanxingdui site.

Shi Qifan is a "fan" of the Sanxingdui Museum and he has always wanted to go there again. "The architectural style of the museum is extraordinary, and the skills of the ancient Shu people in making statues and masks are impressive."

A high-speed train connects life in the twin cities of Chengdu and Chongqing. Italian Consul General in Chongqing Shi Qifan is a frequent visitor of this train. In the past year since he took office, he has traveled between Sichuan and Chongqing three times a month or more. In th - Lujuba

▲Sanxingdui Bronze Sacred Tree

In his spare time, he likes to go to Chengdu's parks and green spaces to relax and live like a local. Chengdu’s cultural experience and natural environment convinced him that it would be a holiday destination for Italian tourists. He wanted to tell them: "This is really a place where you can enjoy it from morning to night."

Shi Qifan believes that the tourism industry in Chengdu and Italy will grow rapidly. China has implemented a unilateral visa-free policy for Italy, which has facilitated travel. "There are direct flights from Chengdu to Rome, and there will be direct flights to Milan this year." He believes that Chengdu and Milan are both international fashion capitals, and the contact will be Closer to .

"Taking the baton" from Marco Polo

Promoting language and educational exchanges between China and Italy

After the publication of "Marco Polo's Travels", it quickly spread throughout the European continent. The world's first ship to sail around the world in less than 6 months was named after him, and the airport in Venice also pays tribute to him with this name.

"What this traveler saw and heard strengthened the commercial and cultural ties between Europe and Asia, built a new bridge, and helped and inspired people to further understand the world." On the day of the National Day reception, Shi Qifan The exhibition "Marco Polo and the Places He Visited" co-organized by the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing and ANSA News Agency was brought to "reproduce" this journey with 42 photographic works.

Marco Polo set off from Venice and traveled through Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan before arriving in China.He once lived in Beijing, and then went to Yangzhou, Suzhou, Xi'an and other places. He passed through Chengdu, Leshan Giant Buddha, Ya'an, etc. in Sichuan. He described Chengdu as a prosperous place where "businessmen gather" and "it has been a metropolis since ancient times." and the noble city."

A high-speed train connects life in the twin cities of Chengdu and Chongqing. Italian Consul General in Chongqing Shi Qifan is a frequent visitor of this train. In the past year since he took office, he has traveled between Sichuan and Chongqing three times a month or more. In th - Lujuba


Shi Qifan said that the explorer's introduction has greatly affected Italians' imagination of China for centuries. "The local TV station also produced a series of TV series to show China to the audience. I think this is because we are curious by nature and are very fascinated by China.”

After engaging in diplomatic work, Shi Qifan has increasingly understood the significance of cultural exchanges, and he has been promoting the spread of Italian among the people. "Because teaching language is a good way to understand and spread culture. Secondly, connecting Italian language, culture and sustainable lifestyle can spread knowledge within a larger framework. Last year we held a conference on sustainable design in Chengdu "

More creative ideas are coming out - visiting the town of Florence, experiencing hard-core pizza baking, teaching Italian... The Italian Consulate General in Chongqing cooperates with local media in Chongqing to introduce Italy to the audience in a novel way. Industry, culture and lifestyle. "I also saw the possibility of doing this kind of interesting program in Chengdu. Chengdu has rich scenes."

Shi Qifan emphasized the importance of education on many occasions and participated in the "University of Palermo, Italy and Chengdu, China" in Chengdu The signing ceremony of the University Cooperation Memorandum. "It is necessary to promote two-way travel between scholars and students in Italy and Chengdu, so that we can better discuss and understand each other." He has always believed in the value: "The experience of studying abroad will accompany a person for a lifetime." Photography by

Red Star News reporter Ye Yan and Zhang Zhiyi Reporter Wang Qin

edited into preface

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