Recently, some netizens made a video saying that they met Professor Liu from the University of Science and Technology Beijing in front of the Lianshui Vocational School in Jiangsu Province. The professor also said in the video that it was impossible for Jiang Ping to cheat. Some

entertainment 1129℃

Recently, some netizens took a video saying that they met Professor Liu from the University of Science and Technology Beijing in front of Lianshui Vocational School in Jiangsu Province. The professor also said in the video that it was impossible for Jiang Ping to cheat. Some netizens posted videos saying that Jiang Ping had been signed and taken away by Professor Liu. On the afternoon of June 18, a staff member of the Publicity Department of the University of Science and Technology Beijing told Jiupai News that Professor Liu was not a teacher at the university.

Recently, some netizens made a video saying that they met Professor Liu from the University of Science and Technology Beijing in front of the Lianshui Vocational School in Jiangsu Province. The professor also said in the video that it was impossible for Jiang Ping to cheat. Some  - Lujuba

According to online reports, he met a professor from the University of Science and Technology Beijing in front of the Vocational School in Lianshui, Jiangsu Province. Source: Short video spread screenshot

Jiupai News once reported that on June 13, the 2024 Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition announced the finalists. The average age of the 801 finalists was 22 years old, mainly from Peking University, Tsinghua, MIT, Cambridge, etc. Well-known universities. Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old technical secondary school student, was a finalist with a score of 93, ranking 12th in the world. She is the first technical secondary school student to reach the finals since the Alibaba Global Mathematics Competition was held. After the results of

were announced, Zhejiang University, Jiangsu University, Changshu Institute of Technology and other universities all posted Weibo praises for Jiang Ping, but no university said it would admit Jiang Ping under the exception.

Yuan Jinshan, a doctoral student at the Zhejiang University Imperial Examination and Examination Research Center, said in an interview with the media that special admissions must consider the quality, coverage, and popularity of competitions in different disciplines. The most important thing is to ensure fairness and justice, and social competitions are linked to high stakes. , there may be room for other factors to intervene and affect fairness.

Recently, some netizens made a video saying that they met Professor Liu from the University of Science and Technology Beijing in front of the Lianshui Vocational School in Jiangsu Province. The professor also said in the video that it was impossible for Jiang Ping to cheat. Some  - Lujuba

Jiang Ping. Source: Video screenshot

html On June 17, some netizens posted a video reporting that Professor Liu from the University of Science and Technology Beijing came to the gate of Lianshui Vocational School in Jiangsu Province, and also went to Jiang Ping’s home and took Jiang Ping away to tutor the finals. Some netizens posted a video saying that Professor Liu will sign a contract with Jiang Ping.

Jiupai News found that there are many professors surnamed Liu in the School of Mathematics and Physics at the University of Science and Technology Beijing. On the afternoon of June 18, the staff of the college responded that the college was not aware of the matter, "How can you trust the information on the Internet?" Subsequently, a staff member of the Propaganda Department of the University of Science and Technology Beijing told Jiupai News that Professor Liu was not Teacher of this school.

Public information shows that the University of Science and Technology Beijing is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education with a focus on engineering and coordinated development of engineering, science, management, liberal arts, economics, law and other disciplines. In May 1997, the school was among the first batch of universities to be included in the national “211 Project”. In 2006, the school became one of the first batch of universities to build innovative platforms for superior disciplines under the “985 Project”. In 2017, the school was selected as a national “double first-class” construction university.

Source丨Jiupai News (Copyright belongs to the original author, if there is any infringement, please contact us to delete)

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