He Xiaopeng issued a post to welcome new classmates." Author | Wang Lei Qin Zhangyong Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving has added a new member. Yesterday, Xpeng Motors official announced that Yuan Tingting has joined Xpeng Motors, and her job description is senior director of autonomo

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He Xiaopeng issued a post to welcome new classmates.' Author | Wang Lei Qin Zhangyong Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving has added a new member. Yesterday, Xpeng Motors official announced that Yuan Tingting has joined Xpeng Motors, and her job description is senior director of autonomo - Lujuba

He Xiaopeng posted a message to welcome new classmates "

Author | Wang Lei Qin Zhangyong

Senior Director of Autonomous Driving Products .

He Xiaopeng issued a post to welcome new classmates.' Author | Wang Lei Qin Zhangyong Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving has added a new member. Yesterday, Xpeng Motors official announced that Yuan Tingting has joined Xpeng Motors, and her job description is senior director of autonomo - Lujuba

Previously, Liu Yilin was sitting in this position. In early April, media reported that Liu Yilin would leave the company. This change was also announced internally, mainly because of the past. In recent years, Xpeng Motors has undergone large-scale organizational restructuring, and the company's important smart driving team has also been adjusted many times. Many business leaders have left, and Xpeng Motors has also caused a lot of doubts.

After all, smart driving is what Xiaopeng relies on. The key tag is that the role of the team leader is very important. She is familiar with the business and needs to represent the company when necessary.

Judging from her work resume, Yuan Tingting seems to be a good candidate. What’s more interesting is that she is also a strong woman. , in the field of intelligent driving, there are considerable advantages in both technology dissemination and public speaking.


Former Alibaba Damo Academy intelligent driving business executive

posted a Weibo post yesterday afternoon with the Weibo account xp-candice Tingting. , saying that Xpeng’s test team has arrived in Lhasa and started four-wheel safety verification in Kaicheng, Lhasa.

He Xiaopeng issued a post to welcome new classmates.' Author | Wang Lei Qin Zhangyong Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving has added a new member. Yesterday, Xpeng Motors official announced that Yuan Tingting has joined Xpeng Motors, and her job description is senior director of autonomo - Lujuba

This is also the first tweet of this account. It has not released any other content before. The information shows that it is Xpeng Automobile’s autonomous driving product. Senior Director. Later, He Xiaopeng forwarded this Weibo post, saying that Tingting is welcome to join Xiaopeng Motors.

He Xiaopeng issued a post to welcome new classmates.' Author | Wang Lei Qin Zhangyong Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving has added a new member. Yesterday, Xpeng Motors official announced that Yuan Tingting has joined Xpeng Motors, and her job description is senior director of autonomo - Lujuba

Although the account does not release much information, it can be said that Yuan Tingting is a veteran in the field of autonomous driving. Before that, she was Alibaba Damo. The person in charge of the autonomous driving business of the institute.

Alibaba Damo Academy is a high place for talents, and it is also the cornerstone of Alibaba’s gathering of scientific and technological talents and basic technology research and development.

Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old technical secondary school girl who has become popular on the Internet, joined Alibaba. The Baba Global Mathematics Competition is organized by Damo Academy.

Yuan Tingting once served as the head of autonomous driving operations at Alibaba Damo Academy. Her ability is beyond doubt. She joins Xiaopeng’s smart driving business and has her professional endorsement. .

He Xiaopeng issued a post to welcome new classmates.' Author | Wang Lei Qin Zhangyong Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving has added a new member. Yesterday, Xpeng Motors official announced that Yuan Tingting has joined Xpeng Motors, and her job description is senior director of autonomo - Lujuba

During her time at Alibaba Damo Academy, she often participated in various forums related to autonomous driving. She once said that there are three problems that need to be solved in intelligent driving applications. The first is productization, because intelligent driving technology is not an unattainable technology. The second is scale. This is a product that can be mass-produced and scaled. The third is normalization. The scale of

is a label that Yuan Tingting mentions very frequently. In her opinion, the scale of is a key step for autonomous driving . The idea of ​​

is also very applicable today. After all, it is now necessary to feed a large amount of autonomous driving data to the AI ​​big data model. The more data there is, the smarter the AI ​​driver will be. This requires scale support.

In September 2020, Alibaba released its first robot Xiaomanlu at the 2020 Yunqi Conference. At that time, the Xiaomanlu robot integrated the most cutting-edge artificial intelligence and autonomous driving technology of DAMO Academy and could land in specific scenarios l4 Level autonomous driving.

He Xiaopeng issued a post to welcome new classmates.' Author | Wang Lei Qin Zhangyong Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving has added a new member. Yesterday, Xpeng Motors official announced that Yuan Tingting has joined Xpeng Motors, and her job description is senior director of autonomo - Lujuba

Subsequently, Xiaomanlu was implemented on a large scale in the field of smart logistics, mainly undertaking contactless distribution and other services.

Regarding the implementation of autonomous driving, Yuan Tingting once said that there are several points to think about clearly. The first is the scenario. Alibaba Xiaomanlu chose the last three kilometers, then the business model, and the third is the product.

It is not difficult to see that Yuan Tingting’s work experience is very consistent with Xiaopeng Zhijia.

Earlier, Yuan Tingting graduated from Zhu Kezhen College of Zhejiang University and worked for Zhejiang Maritime Safety Administration and new energy vehicle smart travel platform Panda Vehicle. According to public information, Yuan Tingting served as deputy general manager of Panda Vehicle Platform.


Guarding the smart driving moat

Judging from the first Weibo posted by Yuan Tingting, Xpeng Smart Driving’s open city test of is nearing completion.

According to Xpeng Motors' plan, it is necessary to achieve full NGP coverage of all roads in the country in Q3, including residential areas, rural roads, etc. has now completed the road safety sampling of in all provinces in China. Judging from this pace, it is not difficult to achieve the goal.

A month ago, He Xiaopeng set three latest goals at the AI ​​Day conference: In the third quarter of this year, Xiaopeng’s NGP will not only be available across the country, but also on every road in the country; in 2025, it will be available in urban areas Intelligent driving is comparable to high-speed intelligent driving experience; it is also necessary to achieve L4-like intelligent driving experience in China by 2025, and develop xngp for the world.

He Xiaopeng issued a post to welcome new classmates.' Author | Wang Lei Qin Zhangyong Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving has added a new member. Yesterday, Xpeng Motors official announced that Yuan Tingting has joined Xpeng Motors, and her job description is senior director of autonomo - Lujuba

Behind this is the end-to-end AI large model composed of xnet+xplanner+xbrain, which has been mass-produced and launched on . Xiaopeng also pins its hope of "bringing back the victory" to the end-to-end large model. mass production on the car.

Compared with other new energy vehicle brands, Xpeng Motors' strength is intelligence. Xpeng was also the first among the new forces to start developing its own smart driving software, and has always been recognized as the first echelon in the industry.

In the past two years, with the entry of Huawei and Xiaomi, Xiaopeng’s position in intelligent driving has been threatened. Yu Chengdong and He Xiaopeng also had a dispute about AEB, which was very controversial at the time.

And the news that Tesla fsd is about to enter China is also very popular. For a while, the answer to who is the smartest driver in China began to become vague.

Not long ago, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced that the name of Xpeng Motors did not appear among the first nine consortiums to be piloted for "intelligent connected cars" in China. This caused many people in the industry to question whether Xpeng Motors is It has fallen below the line.

He Xiaopeng issued a post to welcome new classmates.' Author | Wang Lei Qin Zhangyong Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving has added a new member. Yesterday, Xpeng Motors official announced that Yuan Tingting has joined Xpeng Motors, and her job description is senior director of autonomo - Lujuba

However, judging from the list, most of the users of the first batch of smart connected car access and road access pilots are online car-hailing platforms owned by car companies. This means that the current domestic focus on L3 autonomous driving is . Online car hailing .

Judging from the current car companies such as Xpeng, there is no independent or cooperative online car-hailing platform. Although Xiaopeng and Didi will cooperate with Didi to launch the upcoming mona to deploy online car-hailing, the new model has not yet been launched on the road. , it is understandable that he was not included in the first batch of lists.

What I have to admit is that in the past year, Xpeng Motors has indeed undergone an organizational change involving multiple departments, and the autonomous driving department has also been affected.

He Xiaopeng issued a post to welcome new classmates.' Author | Wang Lei Qin Zhangyong Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving has added a new member. Yesterday, Xpeng Motors official announced that Yuan Tingting has joined Xpeng Motors, and her job description is senior director of autonomo - Lujuba

First, Wu Xinzhou, vice president of autonomous driving of Xpeng Motors, Wu Xinzhou left and joined NVIDIA as vice president of the automotive division. After Wu Xinzhou left, the head of North American visual perception, Wang Tao, who is also an expert in autonomous driving, including decision-making, lidar and other automatic Those responsible for driving also left one after another.

As the former senior director of autonomous driving at , Liu Yilin joined Xpeng Motors in 2018. He initially served as deputy general manager of the Internet Center. He collaborated with the appearance design team and was deeply involved in the intelligent design of g3, p7 and other models, and then entered the autonomous driving center. Since joining the department, he has participated in high-speed and urban NGP intelligent assisted driving and other work, and has reported to the two heads of the autonomous driving department, Wu Xinzhou and Li Liyun.

html In early April, some media revealed that Liu Yilin would resign and join his old leader Wu Xinzhou to join Nvidia. However, Liu Yilin later refuted the rumors on his personal social platform, saying that any current joining of other companies is false information.

He Xiaopeng issued a post to welcome new classmates.' Author | Wang Lei Qin Zhangyong Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving has added a new member. Yesterday, Xpeng Motors official announced that Yuan Tingting has joined Xpeng Motors, and her job description is senior director of autonomo - Lujuba

Now with Yuan Tingting joining, the Xpeng Zhijia team has completed the change of management.

The current person in charge of Xiaopeng’s autonomous driving is Li Liyun. The latter graduated from the Department of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University and is Wu Xinzhou’s junior fellow student. He also worked for Baidu and is the “veteran” of Baidu’s autonomous vehicles. Yuan Tingting has a background in autonomous driving from Alibaba. From this point of view, when car companies are looking for autonomous driving experts, Dachang is a good Whampoa Military Academy.

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