"Under the Stranger" directed by Wu Ershan will be released on July 26. During the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival, director Wu Ershan and starring Hu Xianxu, Li Wanda, Feng Shaofeng, Naran, Lan Xiya, Wu Jiakai attended Including the opening ceremony of the 26th Shangha

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Wu Ershan's " Under the Stranger " will be released on July 26. During the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival, director Wu Ershan will star Hu Xianxu , Li Wanda, Feng Shaofeng , Na Ran , Lancia , and Wu Jiakai attended the opening ceremony of the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival, the Shanghai Film Festival Golden Goblet Film Opening Forum, Douyin Movie Adventure Night, Weibo Movie Night, and the Shanghai Film Festival Chinese Blockbuster Tour Press Conference A series of activities including. On Weibo Movie Night, the movie "Under the Stranger" won the "Specially Recommended Film of the Year". Director Wu Ershan won the "Quality Director of the Year" and "Influential Director of the Year" at Weibo Movie Night and Douyin Movie Night. Actors Hu Xianxu and Na Ran, and action director Wu Gang also achieved success.

'Under the Stranger' directed by Wu Ershan will be released on July 26. During the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival, director Wu Ershan and starring Hu Xianxu, Li Wanda, Feng Shaofeng, Naran, Lan Xiya, Wu Jiakai attended Including the opening ceremony of the 26th Shangha - Lujuba

Uniquely "Weird" The Chinese-style superhero comic blockbuster debuts on the big screen.

Wuershan combines the "most traditional" and the "most fashionable" to present a new comic-like visual style.

How to define the style of "Under the Stranger"? Director Wu Ershan summarized the film as "urban myth, contemporary martial arts", and also combined the "most traditional" and "the most fashionable". "This film and "The Trilogy of the Gods" are the cultural inheritance and innovation. Consistently, "Under the Stranger" inherits traditional Chinese culture and makes innovative expressions, placing the story in our current real life and telling what is happening around young people." In the final trailer released a few days ago, the film's comic-like colors, eye-catching and comical styling, trendy electronic soundtrack, etc. all allow the film to achieve a good balance between the film language and the exaggerated style of the comic. . Many netizens said that they had "never seen a trailer like this" and "the comic style is so special", and this is exactly the embodiment of the "fashion sense" described by director Wu Ershan.

The film also incorporates a lot of comic-like action designs. During the Weibo movie night, Wu Ershan and action director Wu Gang also revealed that there are more action scenes worth looking forward to in the film, "Everyone will watch this film." In the movie, we see very new traditional Chinese martial arts, as well as very creative action scenes that are combined with fashion, sports, and dance." When Wu Ershan awarded the "Golden Leaf Glory" to action director Wu Gang at Weibo Movie Night, he also paid tribute to the behind-the-scenes workers in the film industry and called on the film industry to expand the honorary awards for behind-the-scenes workers. "Movies are created collectively. Behind-the-scenes creators such as work, action directors and visual effects directors are already the most important part of contemporary films. I hope that all professional film awards can set up awards for this huge group of practitioners. "

There are not only visual carnivals in the film, but also the above. Thousands of years of Chinese traditional culture accumulation. Wu Ershan integrated rich traditional Chinese culture such as traditional martial arts, Yuan Qi theory, and the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine in the film. For example, Zhang Chulan's movements when performing the golden light technique come from traditional Chinese "mudras", and the acupoints on the human body that gradually light up with the golden light technique and the Yintang point that finally absorbs the golden light are all derived from the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine. As Wu Ershan shared on Douyin Movie Adventure Night, "If "The Trilogy of the Gods" is our protection and respect for traditional culture, then "Under the Stranger" is how to integrate traditional culture into contemporary life. ". When "the most traditional" meets the "most fashionable", this unprecedented world of Chinese style and superpowers created by director Wu Ershan is worth all the expectations.

'Under the Stranger' directed by Wu Ershan will be released on July 26. During the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival, director Wu Ershan and starring Hu Xianxu, Li Wanda, Feng Shaofeng, Naran, Lan Xiya, Wu Jiakai attended Including the opening ceremony of the 26th Shangha - Lujuba

"Strange" colors made a stunning appearance on the red carpet.

The "six people and six colors" look hid mysteries. The exclusive badges of the four major sects showed the complex world view.

One of the most eye-catching crews on the red carpet of the Shanghai International Film Festival was undoubtedly "Under the Stranger". The dresses of the "Irregular Group" and "Six People and Six Colors" are eye-catching but also have hidden secrets. In the film, there is an important concept - "Qi". "Qi", as an ancient Chinese philosophical concept, is the life energy that generates and constitutes all things in the world. In the film, it is also the basis for strange people to display their supernatural powers. In order to make this abstract concept easier for the audience to understand, director Wu Ershan visually presented "Qi" in the film, and the colors on the actors' dresses corresponded to the unique "Qi" of each stranger in the film. color.

In addition, the badges worn by the main creators also aroused the interest of netizens.The actors all wore the badges of their respective organizations in the film, and Wu Ershan was even more "playful" and combined the four major sects of "Everyone Knows", "Quan Xing Sect", "Tian Yi Sect" and "Tian Xia Hui" Wear the badge together. And these are precisely the four major forces in the alien world that will appear in the film. They are launching a fierce competition around the mysterious skills of Zhang Chulan (played by Hu Xianxu). Underneath the small badge lies a grand world view, and the mysterious world of national style and supernatural powers is fascinating.

'Under the Stranger' directed by Wu Ershan will be released on July 26. During the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival, director Wu Ershan and starring Hu Xianxu, Li Wanda, Feng Shaofeng, Naran, Lan Xiya, Wu Jiakai attended Including the opening ceremony of the 26th Shangha - Lujuba

"Weird" spirited "Weird Training Camp" training results large-scale display site

Hu Xianxu told a cold joke that was so "cold" that everyone in the "Weird" group made fun of each other "Director Wu must have his reasons for doing this"

is shaking On the red carpet of the film and television adventure night, the actors showed off their signature moves with special abilities. Each move was smooth and flowing, which not only showed the grand style of traditional Chinese martial arts, but also revealed the unique characteristics of each "stranger" in the film. action style. After participating in the "Irregular Training Camp" of "Wulshan Strict Selection", all the actors have become "training actors". Hu Xianxu and Wu Jiakai learned Baguazhang and Bajiquan for their roles. They said that the director had very high requirements and everyone did a lot of training in order to work hard to get closer to the characters. As for the content of "Devil's Special Training", Li Wanda revealed to the audience, "The training subjects include traditional martial arts, traditional culture and comedy performances, etc."

In addition to fixed training subjects, almost every actor received "special instructions" from the director. Although they may not understand it at first, everyone believes that "Wu Ershan must have his reason for doing this." This joke is still It was played by everyone on the red carpet of Weibo movie night. Hu Xianxu recalled that "the director asked me to tell everyone a talk show every day" and he improvised a cold joke on the red carpet. The "laughing fruit" was "cold" enough. In order to present the delicate look of the character fighting in a suit, Feng Shaofeng learned Jeet Kune Do, which has crisp, beautiful and powerful movements. He said, "The director asked me to wear glasses, and I had to wear different glasses for each scene." Naran and Lancia revealed that "in addition to martial arts, they also learned dance." As an outstanding representative of this year's "Wurshan Strict Selection", Hu Xianxu looked at the camera and invited audiences across the country to "come to the cinema on July 26 to test our training results"!

'Under the Stranger' directed by Wu Ershan will be released on July 26. During the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival, director Wu Ershan and starring Hu Xianxu, Li Wanda, Feng Shaofeng, Naran, Lan Xiya, Wu Jiakai attended Including the opening ceremony of the 26th Shangha - Lujuba

Unique and "different" style Wu Ershan appeared at the Shanghai Film Festival's "Chinese Masterpiece Tour" conference

The original author Mi Er called for the film, saying "I feel relieved to give the work to Wu Ershan"

html June 17, Wu Ershan Presented at the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival "Chinese Blockbuster Tour" press conference with "Under the Stranger". He said that when he was creating "The Trilogy of the Gods" a few years ago, he thought about turning the spells and powers in "The Romance of the Gods" into a contemporary story of youth, until he came into contact with "Under One Person" "This comic coincides with my own thoughts. Wu Ershan also shared his love for this story on the spot, ""Under One Person" has brought me great inspiration. The setting of national style superpowers is very creative and has the depth and connotation of Chinese culture. It not only Making traditional cultural elements very fashionable can also be closely integrated with the real life of young people." In addition to his love for comics, when creating the movie "Under the Stranger", director Wu Ershan has always wanted to explore and innovate the Chinese film genre. He said frankly, "Movies adapted from comic books are mainstream genres in the global film industry. In the past 20 years, many comic book-adapted films have become the world's top-grossing commercial films, but they are still rare in the Chinese film market."

"Under the Stranger" is adapted from the popular Chinese comic "Under the Stranger" which has exceeded 30 billion views in just 8 years of serialization. Its huge exposure and influence have made it become a cultural trend among young people. Comics Fans also have high expectations for the movie. Well aware of everyone's expectations, director Wu Ershan had many in-depth exchanges with the original author Mi Er as early as the film's preparation period. At the event, Mi Er also recorded a special ID for the film. He bluntly said that many of his views and even aesthetics share the same views as director Wu Ershan, and "I feel safe leaving my story to director Wu Ershan."He also expressed his approval for the creation and casting of the film, "When I saw these actors in the training camp, I was particularly surprised. I know that they have been training and preparing for a long time. They are the 'different' in my heart." group of people'".

Text/Beijing Youth Daily reporter Xiao Yang

Tags: entertainment