Eason Chan (Eason) was playing tennis outdoors on June 10 when he fainted from heatstroke and shock. He fell to the ground and hit his chin, causing serious injuries. After the incident, Eason Chan was sent to the hospital for treatment, and his six concerts in Chongqing wer

entertainment 5815℃

Eason Chan (Eason Chan) was playing tennis outdoors on June 10 when he fainted from heatstroke and shock. He fell to the ground and hit his chin, causing serious injuries.

Eason Chan (Eason) was playing tennis outdoors on June 10 when he fainted from heatstroke and shock. He fell to the ground and hit his chin, causing serious injuries.      After the incident, Eason Chan was sent to the hospital for treatment, and his six concerts in Chongqing wer - Lujuba

After the incident, Eason Chan was sent to the hospital for treatment, and his six concerts in Chongqing were postponed.

Eason Chan was injured this time. There was a bone fracture in the cheekbone and skin rupture on the chin. The wound was so deep that it was visible to the bone. He needed to be sutured immediately. A total of more than 30 stitches were needed.

At that time, the doctor recommended that he rest for at least 3 weeks.

Eason Chan (Eason) was playing tennis outdoors on June 10 when he fainted from heatstroke and shock. He fell to the ground and hit his chin, causing serious injuries.      After the incident, Eason Chan was sent to the hospital for treatment, and his six concerts in Chongqing wer - Lujuba

html On June 17, Eason Chan was still not discharged from the hospital. The concert organizer announced that the 6 Foshan concerts originally scheduled from July 12 to 14 and 19 to 21, 2024 will be postponed to January 2025. held.

Eason Chan (Eason) was playing tennis outdoors on June 10 when he fainted from heatstroke and shock. He fell to the ground and hit his chin, causing serious injuries.      After the incident, Eason Chan was sent to the hospital for treatment, and his six concerts in Chongqing wer - Lujuba

Eason Chan’s agent Gan Jingjing (lisa) was interviewed by the media and revealed the progress of Eason Chan’s recovery.

Eason Chan has been treated in the hospital for a week and will be able to go home to recuperate in about two days.

His fractured cheekbone can only wait for natural healing, and at the same time cooperate with physical therapy to allow the muscles near the cheekbone and mouth opening and closing activities to return to normal. It is conservatively estimated that it will take 6 weeks, and all concerts will be suspended within two months. After evaluation, the management company of

believes that the most important thing at this stage is to ensure that Eason Chan's injury will not affect his future singing, so we try to give him as much time as possible to rest.

Eason Chan (Eason) was playing tennis outdoors on June 10 when he fainted from heatstroke and shock. He fell to the ground and hit his chin, causing serious injuries.      After the incident, Eason Chan was sent to the hospital for treatment, and his six concerts in Chongqing wer - Lujuba

Gan Jingjing said that Eason Chan's mental state is very good, and the stitches have been removed from the wounds that were once deeply visible.

Although Eason Chan does not rely on his appearance to attract fans, he is a star after all, and his appearance is a commodity, so the management company is particularly careful about stitching his wounds.

It is reported that Eason Chan's wound was sutured very beautifully and I believe it will not affect the appearance after recovery.

As for the treatment of bone fractures, there are certain requirements for Eason Chan's diet. Now, he can only eat liquid foods, such as porridge, winter melon, eggs, minced meat, etc.

Eason Chan (Eason) was playing tennis outdoors on June 10 when he fainted from heatstroke and shock. He fell to the ground and hit his chin, causing serious injuries.      After the incident, Eason Chan was sent to the hospital for treatment, and his six concerts in Chongqing wer - Lujuba

It is unclear whether his wife Xu Haoying did it for him personally or whether it was arranged by the hospital.

Some fans are worried that Eason Chan will lose weight, but it may be because "Fat Chan" has a large weight base. His manager said, "He has only lost a little weight, so don't worry, his mental and physical strength are all OK, but he can't bite the food vigorously, and Try not to talk too much."

Some fans joked that for Eason Chan, the most painful thing may not be eating "soft rice", but being unable to speak.

Eason Chan (Eason) was playing tennis outdoors on June 10 when he fainted from heatstroke and shock. He fell to the ground and hit his chin, causing serious injuries.      After the incident, Eason Chan was sent to the hospital for treatment, and his six concerts in Chongqing wer - Lujuba

49-year-old Eason Chan will hold the "Fear and Dreams World Tour" starting in 2022, and completed the 100th concert in Hangzhou at the end of May.

Unexpectedly, he encountered many setbacks after that, and his health could not keep up with the busy pace.

At the Wuhan Station in May this year, Eason Chan accidentally strained his waist and was unable to dance on the stage. In the 101st show of

in Hangzhou, he once paused the performance because his voice was hoarse. At that time, he bowed with tears in his eyes and apologized to the audience.

Eason Chan (Eason) was playing tennis outdoors on June 10 when he fainted from heatstroke and shock. He fell to the ground and hit his chin, causing serious injuries.      After the incident, Eason Chan was sent to the hospital for treatment, and his six concerts in Chongqing wer - Lujuba

Before the Chongqing station, Eason Chan returned to Hong Kong to rest. He has always loved tennis, but he suffered the most serious injury since the tour.

Eason Chan, who is hospitalized, is closely cared for by his wife Xu Haoying.

It is reported that his appearance and vocal cords will not be damaged due to this accident, so fans can rest assured.

As for Xu Haoying, she has been busy taking care of her husband and has not even updated her social network, let alone insisted on exercising every day.

Eason Chan (Eason) was playing tennis outdoors on June 10 when he fainted from heatstroke and shock. He fell to the ground and hit his chin, causing serious injuries.      After the incident, Eason Chan was sent to the hospital for treatment, and his six concerts in Chongqing wer - Lujuba

The specific arrangements for the postponement and compensation of Eason Chan's Foshan concert will be announced to everyone by the organizer Guangzhou "Baohui Culture". The

team said, "I hope everyone will continue to wait patiently for eason to fully recover. eason and the performance team will meet you again in the best condition! Thank you again for your understanding and support."

Eason Chan (Eason) was playing tennis outdoors on June 10 when he fainted from heatstroke and shock. He fell to the ground and hit his chin, causing serious injuries.      After the incident, Eason Chan was sent to the hospital for treatment, and his six concerts in Chongqing wer - Lujuba

Tags: entertainment