On June 9, the Taipei Film Festival canceled Wang Xiaoshuai's appointment as the chairman of the jury of the "International New Director Competition", once again opening up the life and death feud between him and Hu Bo, the director of "The Elephant Sitting on the Floor". Th

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html On June 9, the Taipei Film Festival canceled Wang Xiaoshuai's appointment as the chairman of the jury of the "International New Director Competition", once again opening up the life and death feud between him and Hu Bo, the director of "The Elephant Sitting on the Floor".

There is speculation that the cancellation of the invitation may be related to Wang Xiaoshuai's involvement in Hu Bo's suicide. Later, Wang Xiaoshuai issued a statement denying that "all are untrue." This was the first time he talked about the matter since Hu Bo's death at the end of 2017. In the statement, he also revealed that he had transferred the copyright of "Elephant" to Hu Bo's parents.

However, on the evening of June 10, Hu Bo’s mother Chu Yanhua also spoke out, continuing to express dissatisfaction with Wang Xiaoshuai, revealing that receiving all the copyrights for free was “not a fact”, and called on “please look me in the eyes and talk to me directly” ".

html On the evening of June 14, Wang Xiaoshuai posted a long post and responded again in the tone of a letter to Hu Bo’s mother. The article has more than 8,000 words and is detailed, covering all details including first meeting Hu Bo, the filming process, the reasons for the dispute, before and after suicide, and copyright transfer.

Wang Xiaoshuai said that the reason why he did not respond before was because "it will inevitably involve more information about Hu Bo and other people and things." But now he must respond, otherwise silence will lead to a lack of information and misunderstandings. He also admitted the authenticity of the WeChat conversation posted online and expressed guilt for uttering evil words, saying that he was too emotional at the time; he was also "very shocked and sad" after Hu Bo committed suicide.

As for the copyright dispute, the "mainland network broadcast rights" do belong to an investment company, because "due to the established legal facts and the company's legal affairs, it was impossible to pass the review. After negotiation, they only retained the film's network broadcast rights in mainland China." But it’s not Wang Xiaoshuai’s Dongchun Pictures.

From beginning to end, Dongchun Pictures did not benefit from "Elephant". Therefore, Wang Xiaoshuai did not think that he was an evil "capitalist".

"Weiyu Chunqiu" published an article on June 11, commenting on this incident and suggesting that Director Wang Xiaoshuai be honest. From this long article, we see honesty.

html On the morning of June 15, an enthusiastic netizen sent a private message reminding us to "follow up truthfully" and not to have "too much information deviation."

On June 9, the Taipei Film Festival canceled Wang Xiaoshuai's appointment as the chairman of the jury of the 'International New Director Competition', once again opening up the life and death feud between him and Hu Bo, the director of 'The Elephant Sitting on the Floor'.      Th - Lujuba

Therefore, director Wang Xiaoshuai’s article is recorded below. Except for line breaks in some paragraphs, there are no other changes. The copyright belongs to Director Wang -

(It may be an oversight. When Wang Xiaoshuai detailed the ins and outs of "Elephant", the subtitle "Four" "After that comes "six", and "five" is missing, specifically pointed out)

On June 9, the Taipei Film Festival canceled Wang Xiaoshuai's appointment as the chairman of the jury of the 'International New Director Competition', once again opening up the life and death feud between him and Hu Bo, the director of 'The Elephant Sitting on the Floor'.      Th - Lujuba

Hello, Mother Hu.

I saw your open letter. I understand your feelings very well. Over the years, every time I think of you, I am still immersed in the sadness caused by Hu Bo's passing.

I want to tell you here that it was because I sincerely admired Hu Bo's talent that I chose to help him complete the film "The Elephant Sitting on the Floor". In terms of age, I am his elder. When I was young, many seniors gave me a lot of help and I am what I am today. Therefore, when I see young people with ideals and talents, I am also willing to help them. .

But at the operational level, making a movie always requires finding a partner and signing various contracts, which means that both parties must act within the principles stipulated in the contract. On the project "Elephant", Hu Bo and I not only have an emotional relationship between elders and juniors, but also a cooperative relationship between producer and director, with contractual responsibilities to each other and others that neither party can escape.

html For many years, I chose not to respond because I considered that once I responded, it would inevitably involve more about Hu Bo and other people and things. But now I find that my silence has led to a lack of information you have obtained, thus causing many misunderstandings. I would like to express my deep apology.

Today, you wrote to me personally, so I decided to take this opportunity to tell you about the process I have experienced. Although this is only one-sided and happened many years ago, I will try my best to recall and rationally sort out everything I have experienced. The ins and outs of

's production of "The Elephant Sitting on the Floor" -


In 2016, I was invited to serve as the chairman of the venture capital jury of the Xining First Film Festival, and came into contact with Hu Bo and his projects for the first time.To be honest, his script promotion was very unsuccessful at that time and he did not gain the favor of other investors or production companies. The film festival and the venture capital sector are held in the hope that industry investment institutions and senior filmmakers can support and inspire younger generations. Although he didn't perform well on stage at the time, I saw brilliance in the words of his script. After discussing with my company,

finally chose Hu Bo's project (then called "The Golden Fleece", which was once renamed "The Wind in Manzhouli"), and another award-winning project at the time "Old Beast" (then called "Old Bastard" ")Cooperation.

My company, Dongchun Pictures, is a small company. Deciding to do these two projects means that we have to use our limited own funds to get the project started. I am definitely not a "capitalist" as mentioned on the Internet, but an author who refuses to give up his ideals and moves forward with difficulty. I believe everyone is well aware of the market response to the films I directed. Therefore, my decision-making was mainly based on my sympathy for films by similar authors and my appreciation of Hu Bo's talent.

When we first reached a consensus on cooperation, we both recognized that the film adopts a low-cost production model. We also recognized that with this amount of investment, we need to mobilize each other's resources to make up for the lack of cost and ensure the quality of the film. So, we went looking for like-minded fellow travelers.

Mutual cooperation is a common model for independent art films. In 1992, I made my first feature film, which was completed with the selfless dedication and help of family, friends and industry colleagues. Therefore, I did not hesitate to invite most of the staff in the traditional way of making favors.

Dongchun has signed investment and production agreements with the directors of both projects. We have invested all our funds and resources. As the director of "Elephant" and the director of "Old Beast", Hu Bo will have a 10% dividend of the final profit. At that time, Hu Bo took the initiative to say that he wanted no more dividends. He said: Teacher Shuai, once you have money, you are no longer an artist. I said: Artists also have to live.

This is an aside. Although I did not accept his proposal at the time, I was moved by his magnanimity and seemed to see the shadow of my own desperate Saburo. From that point on, everyone was in the same boat.

From 2016 to 2017, during the incubation stage of "The Elephant Sitting on the Floor", I led Hu Bo and several other cooperating directors to write and revise the script in retreat.

At the same time, producer Mr. Liu began to conduct external financing, and all employees of the company worked hard to provide services. I found a creative park in Luoma Lake, Shunyi. The director of the park provided us with a villa so that we could write in a closed space for 2 weeks.

We wrote and cooked every day, and discussed our progress at night. I lived and ate with them at the time, writing the script of "Eternal Life", which was very happy.

But after two days, I found that Hu Bo had not written a word. He said that he was used to writing in a small dark room with no windows. At that time, my heart sank. Director's work requires collaboration and overall control. Hu Bo's habit makes me worry that he is not suitable for collective work.

But at that time, I was just optimistic and looking forward to seeing his growth, without worrying too much.

The next step is to go to the film project approval stage. There are rumors on the Internet that we have infringed on the script copyright and the director's signature rights. The actual situation is that the investment and production contract between the company and Hu Bo was signed in August 2016, shortly after the completion of First Venture Capital. The screenwriter authorization letter signed at the same time clearly stated that the company had no rights to the script. Has three-year film development and production rights. It is a common practice in the industry for

to sign an authorization letter with the screenwriter. If the production company does not have a letter of authorization from the screenwriter, firstly, it will not be able to apply for the project approval process to the film authorities, and secondly, it will not have the legal status to participate in the early development, financing, filming and production of the project. This is A basic and necessary procedure. So to say that we deliberately misappropriated the copyright of the script from the beginning is obviously because we neither understood the facts nor industry practices.

After the script revision was basically completed, my next job was to assist Hu Bo in setting up the crew, contacting the filming locations and selecting actors. At that time, the production and preparatory staff who assisted in the work of "Elephant" were basically the staff of Dongchun and the young team I had worked with before. Everyone was working hard and confident.

The director of "Old Beast" is from Inner Mongolia, and the theme of the story happens to reflect his hometown. I went to the front office with the director through many local friends to implement all the shooting arrangements. We were both very tired due to frequent social activities, but the joy of working side by side strengthened my belief in cooperating with them and made me feel more assured about his future work.

Hu Bo is from Jinan. I suggested that he go to Jinan to shoot. After all, he has family and friends there, but he objected, saying that he could go anywhere but not return to Jinan. So, I recommended Jingxing, Hebei Province, and I was deeply impressed by it. He was very happy after seeing the scene.

However, I was really not familiar with the local resources in Jingxing, so I decided to go there alone to make a front stop, and tried to contact the local government through friends in Hebei. Fortunately, everything was implemented one by one. To be honest, these things that seem to have nothing to do with creation are actually the most painful, tedious and critical aspects of every movie making. If the director can personally participate, it will be a sign of respect for the local department and friends. The director himself also accumulates experience and experience. If it is not dredged properly, it will be very troublesome during filming.

But he doesn't want to participate. I told him that in the job of a director, especially in our human society, talent and art only account for half, the other half is the ability to deal with trivial matters and deal with people. I hope he will pay more attention to these issues and improve his comprehensive directing capabilities.

After that came the selection and invitation of actors. Because it was very thrilling at the time, I still remember it fresh. At that time, many people responded to my call to participate in the filming of the film, and one of them flew from Canada at his own expense to be his assistant director. She joined the set a week before filming started, and quickly told me in a panic that except for the three or four core actors, many other roles were not yet filled, making it impossible for her to arrange the shooting plan.

I heard that I rushed to the set. Hu Bo said: Teacher Shuai, what should I do? I didn’t have time to complain about him, so I asked the assistant director to quickly give me a list of unconfirmed actors. It was a long list, and I was scared. I was in a cold sweat. With so many actors undecided, how could we start filming next week? I quickly spent an afternoon calling the actors I knew and worked with one by one, trying to figure out what to do. Those who had the time and willingness later appeared in the film. Thank them for this.

The preliminary preparation of the video is thrilling, but it is basically ready. To be fair, we gave both directors and crews the same budget and shooting period. I know that the creations of auteur directors are very personal. As a producer, I did what I should do and stepped aside at this time.

There are rumors on the Internet that the producers interfered in the filming. This is all Spring and Autumn writing and a distortion of the facts. It was precisely because we were worried that our presence on set would affect the director's performance that the producer and I decided not to stay on set and leave the creative freedom to the director. I left two days after the filming started. The producer should have visited the crew once. Visiting the crew is a routine behavior. If this was not done, I don’t know if it would be portrayed as not caring about the crew.

Even if we don’t go there, it is the producer’s responsibility to strictly monitor the progress, so it is normal for the on-site production team to send back materials and report on the progress every day. It is the most common practice in the film industry. Filmmaking is also an industrial production. You must first develop a shooting plan and work process, and then strictly supervise the plan and process, including quality, progress, etc. This kind of supervision is to ensure that the film can be completed smoothly and safely, and this is what production The person's main job and responsibility should never be seen as interfering with the director's creation.

Regarding the rumored production funding issue, we know that film production is mainly divided into several stages: the first is the early incubation, script creation or modification; the second is the financing stage; the third is the preparatory period, which includes integrating resources, establishing a team, and formulating The shooting plan; the fourth is the actual shooting period; the fifth is post-production; and the sixth is the publicity period (including promotion at film festivals). These stages generally overlap and overlap, and all require capital investment.

Until the filming of "An Elephant Sitting on the Floor" was completed, the post-production work started, and the film festival liaison stage was entered, it was all promoted by the Winter and Spring organization. In addition to direct on-site investment, Winter and Spring also invested a lot of resources.

In some rumors, the director complained about the filming budget of 750,000 yuan. Everyone in the industry should know that this fee is only the basic cost to maintain the operation of the crew. We stipulate that this budget can be paid with the signature of the director and the production director. Not only is it more than the 750,000 reported online, it also does not include photography equipment, lighting equipment, etc. In addition, according to the conventional production process, the producer will retain a certain percentage of unpredictable fees, not to mention early development and incubation, post-production, music, translation, etc. The amount mentioned by Hu Bo is only part of the expenditure on the shooting site, and is a small part of the entire project budget.

I never took any money from this project. After the

incident, a media article mentioned that Hu Bo thought that the film had raised 2 million yuan shortly after the film was prepared, and he thought that we were deducting funds, and his attitude towards us changed drastically. This was unexpected. I didn't see that this lack of trust had been buried long ago from his work and interactions with me.

The fact is that this film raised a total of 1.5 million yuan in external cash, and also provided photography equipment in the form of equity. The remaining funds were all paid for by Dongchun himself. For Hu Bo, who was making a feature film out of school for the first time, he may have thought that all the funds would be used for on-site shooting. This was probably because he did not understand the entire process of film production.

In the end, both film crews overcame many difficulties and completed the filming, which also took 25 days. Although this shooting period is not long, the conditions are definitely not harsh for a director who is making a film for the first time. I believe they will have regrets, but they can only leave it to the next drama to resolve. I felt the same way during the filming of my own movie. No matter how well you think about or prepare, you will always have regrets. It has nothing to do with how much money you have.

As the saying goes, there is a way to make more money, and there is a way to play with less money, and it is not necessarily better to have more money. The subsequent achievements of these two directors' first films are the embodiment of this saying. As everyone often says, movies are a regrettable art, and as director Xie Jin said: My best movie is the next one. I hope they let go of their regrets and move on. After


was finalized, everyone started editing. What surprised me was that within a few days, Hu Bo said that the editing was finished (he edited it himself).

I was both surprised and happy. On the contrary, in my experience, editing is usually the most grueling and time-consuming. After I watched the film, I realized why it was so fast: He cut out the opening and ending credits of each shot, and then connected them in the order of the script, forming a version that was more than four hours long. Frankly, this shouldn't be called editing.

Before the shooting started, he discussed the shots with me. He wanted to take every scene in one shot, and I had no objection. Although this technique is not new, I respect the director's ideas. I suggested to him: It is good to have confidence in long shots, but after completing one shot, you can shoot one or two more angles to prevent problems during editing that will be difficult to remedy in the future. Unfortunately he didn't do that in the end, so we didn't have any more material to assist with the editing.

wanted to watch a film at a nearby international film festival, so we sent the film there, but soon, the response was not satisfactory, and he began to worry and regret, and for a time he returned to a state of anxiety. I encouraged him to cheer up and boldly use the jump-cut method, combining his favorite Béla Tarr and Godard, and doing a fresh jump-cut, especially where there are obvious technical problems, may have miraculous effects.

He agreed to try it. Soon, he told me that a new version came out that he was satisfied with. This version has a moderate length of 2 hours. He was very excited at the time and sent a message saying: His dick exploded, I cried for the first time watching it, he is so awesome, handsome teacher, etc.

I watched it and thought it was really good. The combination of long and short shots, and the impact of sudden jump cuts, made the film even more tense. I am really pleased with his creative breakthrough.

Not long after, a selector from another film festival gave good feedback on this latest version (that is, the short version). So, around my birthday, we held a small gathering to tell Hu Bo the good news.

However, before the good news was announced, not long after the food was served, the situation took a turn for the worse. Hu Bo suddenly announced to the producer Mr. Liu that he still wanted the original four-hour-plus version. Our sudden request Shocked. Mr. Liu said: It has been decided, how is this possible? He suddenly pointed at Mr. Liu's nose and growled at her from across the other side (he and Mr. Liu were sitting in the same row). What he meant was, "What's so great about you? Even if you are a producer, what right do you have to criticize my movie?" ?

Everyone was stunned, no one dared to speak out. There is a very simple professional common sense error here. Of course, an investor or producer has the right to express opinions on the movies he invests in and produces. Hu Bo has always said that movies are "mine". Indeed, movies are the director's art, but he has always ignored the characteristics of movie production: investors, producers, and producers. They are the copyright owners of the movie and are the main actors of the movie. The owner of the property rights of the finished product, in this regard, the producer or producer can also say that this is "my" movie.

Therefore, the producer and producer Mr. Liu asked him sternly at that time, why don’t I have the right to give opinions? If I don’t even have this right, you can find someone to buy it away. I don’t know why Hu Bo suddenly expressed his confidence that day that he wanted to find someone to buy back the film. When he asked how much it would cost, Mr. Liu casually said 3.5 million. I was a little surprised at the time. This amount was too low. Once something happened, we would have to The investment funds of all investors will be refunded, in addition to the costs we have incurred, production management fees, liquidated damages of all parties, etc.

The atmosphere in the room was tense at that time. Now that the words have come to this, I took over and said, okay, you find someone to buy it, and we withdraw; since you no longer respect and trust me and Mr. Liu, please you left. He got up and left without hesitation.

This sudden change changed too many things, the first of which was the fate of the movie. I know that without the director’s permission for the final version of a film, the follow-up process cannot proceed at all. So the film came to a deadlock, and that day, he didn't even have time to tell him the good news about the film festival.

After that, the company asked him to come back for talks many times. It was not only a way of appeasement, but also because the film was overdue and failed to be delivered as scheduled, so he never came for talks. We can only wait and see if he finds a third party to buy the film.

At that time, I couldn't figure out what caused such a big reversal in what was originally a good thing. What we know is that Hu Bo often showed his films to many people around him in private before. We have reminded him many times that first of all, this approach is not very helpful to the creation. Too many other people's opinions will disturb the director's mood and the creation. My thoughts will be affected; moreover, this behavior also violates the confidentiality principle between us regarding the film.

film and television production company has an important clause in the contract signed with the director, which is the confidentiality clause. Both parties to the contract have confidentiality obligations including cooperation information, film content, etc. Otherwise, it may cause the leakage of film content, piracy issues, etc. , this is common knowledge in the industry. We tried many times to no avail.

A few days after that party, he went to the company late at night to copy the film material. At that time, considering the safety of the company's property, his colleagues had no choice but to take back the keys in his hand.

It wasn’t until later that I saw on the Internet that he sent the two versions to a senior editor in Taiwan whom we all highly respect, and the other person expressed that he preferred the longer version (no research, just based on the narration in the article) Come), which may be one of the reasons for his sudden change of attitude at that time.

Originally, there are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand people, and different people will have different judgments on the movie. This is normal. But in this matter, I am one of the producers and actual operators of the film. If any problems arise, my company and I must bear responsibility to other investors.

In the situation at that time, he had a direct contractual relationship with me and the producer. No matter how many opinions he listened to from outside, he should eventually return to our cooperative relationship. It's a pity that he chose not to trust me at that time. For more than a month after the May party incident in

html, the company's producers contacted and communicated with him multiple times verbally and in writing, repeatedly reminding him that he hoped he would come back to discuss with us, but he never showed up. He and I never saw each other again after that party.


After the May incident, Mr. Liu and I focused on the work of "Eternal Life" - at that time, there were many obstacles and difficulties in the preparation of "Eternal Life", all of which needed to be resolved urgently. I put all my energy and time into it. The post-production work of

's two first films was followed up by the company's producers. Among them, "Old Beast" was progressing normally. It was later shortlisted for the competition unit of the Tokyo International Film Festival and won an award. Later, it won three awards at the Golden Horse Awards. , and was soon released in domestic theaters.

As for "Elephant", we are still waiting for news about taking over the company. I guess that although Hu Bo has a promise from a third-party company, it will not be easy to implement it, so I want to give him enough time. We will also promptly notify other investors of any changes in the film's circumstances.

The most widely circulated screenshot of the conversation between me and Hu Bo has no context at all, which has aroused public opinion.

I would like to explain the background of that WeChat conversation. Hu Bo and I usually communicate face-to-face, and WeChat conversations are not frequent. Before our unpleasant WeChat conversation, there was an excited and happy message from Hu Bo, who had just finished editing the new version of the film. Shortly after the

incident in May, he sent another request to return to the earlier long version of WeChat (I didn’t know at the time that this was an opinion given by a senior). Such creative inconsistencies, such an attitude towards the producers and producers he should trust most, and ignoring the work and efforts of others, these combined reasons triggered my anger.

I lost my patience and wrote those emotional words. I admit that I shouldn't have said that, as it was irrational and not calm enough. I have always been deeply sorry for what I said, and I always remind myself not to act out of emotion.

After I rejected his request, Hu Bo said that he would make two versions. I told him that after many movies are released, or even many years later, the director sometimes releases a director's version, but this is the first time for the market to be released. , only one version can be launched, otherwise the market and reviews will be confused. In addition, there is really no budget for two versions in the later stage.

I think he will understand if you say this. I suggest you first make a short version that he is satisfied with, and wait for the results of the film festival and market. If there is recycling, I can support you to make a long version of yours. I hope that I can gain his understanding by offering consolation from multiple angles, but Hu Bo disagrees. In the end, we can only wait again for the film buyer he mentioned, and wait for everything to be decided by the new copyright owner.

is misleading on the Internet, saying that we are capitalists who exploit and bully young directors. I think this perception means that the author does not understand the working methods of the film and television industry. In addition to serving the director and giving him the opportunity to think about his own creation from another perspective, the producer's responsibilities are also responsible for the producer and investors. This is a perfectly normal job. I did go overboard with my words that time, but it was my duty to express my true opinions and exercise my duties as a producer.

Movies are originally an investment-output behavior. Without investment, there would be no movies. Besides, I'm really not a capitalist. My experiences and box office performance since I started making movies are well known to everyone. This time I just use my limited funds and resources to try my best to help a young person who has the same ideals as me.

Generally, if a company introduces a new person, they will continue to sign several contracts with him, hoping that there will be rewards in the future. But we didn't do that. On the contrary, I hope that after I help them complete their first game, they can go solo. Our company is too small. If they can sign with a bigger and better company after their success and strive for greater success, I would be happy to see it happen.

I heard the unfortunate news about Hu Bo on the set of "Eternal Life". My first reaction was that I was very shocked and sad. I remember that many of my colleagues on the set would drink with me late into the night. It was October. We had not contacted each other for four or five months, let alone met each other. We were all busy with our own affairs.

When the incident occurred, the producer received a phone call from First. She knew very well that it was a matter of life and death, so she had to take care of the aftermath, and so did I. Since I was away from home, I told her to discuss with First more to deal with the aftermath of the family and the affairs after Hu Bo's death. She agreed. Because "Elephant" has never been taken over by another company, and the copyright is still in our hands, we consider ourselves to be the last company he will cooperate with. Due to emotions and reasons, we should do this.

After the incident, Mr. Liu discussed with First and proposed our idea. They firmly discouraged it, thinking that doing so would greatly stimulate the intense emotions of his parents at that time. The reason was that his parents were very resentful towards Mr. Liu and me, not only It's his parents, and so are many of Hu Bo's friends. We did not expect this situation at all, because it seems that it was just a bump and friction at work before. We have let it go, negotiated the film and are waiting for a third party to take over. It is imaginable to have opinions against us, but there is no hatred. Moreover, the subsequent trend of events made us even more puzzled, and fierce public opinion quickly pointed the finger at us.

At first, Mr. Liu was very insistent that Dongchun should handle related matters. She said that as the last company Hu Bo worked with before his death, she had the obligation to do these things. After her repeated insistence, the person in charge of First told Mr. Liu that Hu Bo had signed a contract with one of their production companies. As the last company that Hu Bo worked with during his lifetime, they were responsible for communicating with Hu Bo's parents and handling his funeral affairs. It's natural. Mr. Liu also proposed to share related expenses such as the funeral and parents’ coming to Beijing. They said that the expenses were not large and there was no need to share, so we no longer insisted.

In January 2018, we represented Dongchun and three other investors, and first represented Hu Bo’s parents. After three months of negotiation and hard work, we finally signed the transfer contract for "Elephant"; we also went through the necessary legal procedures and completed the handover. When viewing all the materials for the film, I saw a letter of authorization signed by his parents in October 2017 authorizing First to handle all matters related to the film on their behalf. During

, the only question was when and under what conditions Hu Bo signed with them, but because we got to know each other through this film festival, we didn’t ask for further details. After all, this is their freedom and it should not affect us. Then continue to communicate with them about the elephant treatment plan. This is why we did not meet and communicate with Hu Bo’s parents directly at the first time.

In addition, I also know that in February 2018, after the film was screened in Berlin, I learned that Hu’s mother was returning to Jinan via Beijing. Mr. Liu immediately asked First to convey his wish to meet, and they agreed to meet in First’s office. . In the afternoon when Mrs. Hu arrived in Beijing via connecting flight, Mr. Liu waited for Mrs. Hu in their office for several hours as scheduled. Finally, she was informed by a first staff member who accompanied Ms. Hu to Berlin that she decided not to meet with Mr. Liu.

Soon thereafter, Dongchun transferred all of his status as a producer of projects approved by the Film Bureau to First Film Festival so that they could handle the follow-up affairs of the film.

Later, I saw the article on the Internet (the article did not interview Mr. Liu and I). The article mentioned that after signing the contract with the new company, Hu Bo was very happy and had a new film that would be invested by the new company. Shooting will start soon.

I still wonder, what made him make such a choice when he signed a new company and was preparing for a new film to be launched? It is a pity that in the long days before his death, I have always been in Hu Bo's life. He was absent, and there was no information about his status at that time through other channels.

As mentioned before, we have transferred all the rights to "The Elephant Sitting on the Floor".What Hu’s mother mentioned in her letter is that “part of the copyright still belongs to the employer” -

At that time, one of the investment companies was unable to pass the review due to established legal facts and company legal affairs. After negotiation, they only kept the film in China. The mainland's online broadcast rights and all other copyrights and income rights were all transferred to Hu Bo's parents to this day.

At this point, I suddenly felt that the boulder that had been pressing on my chest for many years had fallen. From my point of view, I have basically finished talking, and the rest can only be said in private. Mom Hu, Dad Hu, the last thing I want to say is that I love him just like you do, and I often think of the happy times I had with him.

When I first met him, I had no idea that such a change would happen later, causing such great pain. If someone asked me if I regretted it, I really wouldn’t know how to answer. Hope you guys read this. Condolences. Take care of yourself.

Wang Xiaoshuai

June 14, 2024

Tags: entertainment