On June 15, the 2024 Vision Midsummer Night·Tencent News Premium Content Fan Festival was held in Nanjing. Cultural celebrities, experts and scholars, content practitioners and enthusiasts gathered together to discuss the spiritual value of good content. Facing the noise and chan

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htmlOn June 15, the 2024 Vision Midsummer Night·Tencent News Premium Content Fan Festival was held in Nanjing. Cultural celebrities, experts and scholars, content practitioners and enthusiasts gathered together to discuss the spiritual value of good content. Facing the noise and changes in the outside world, examine yourself and understand the world through good content, face the various possibilities of life more calmly and relaxedly, and awaken the "inner gravity".

At this Quality Content Fan Festival, He Yijin, the head of Tencent News, shared two stories about Tencent News and Nanjing, which reflected Tencent News’s attitude and determination to return to quality information and become a content watcher. He Yijin said that with the blessing of new technologies, ideal content information products must be constantly tried and updated. However, no matter how the technology iterates, people’s unique pursuit of love, aesthetics, and sense of meaning must make good use of all new technologies. Passwords and humanistic spirit will always stand on tool efficiency and intelligent technology.

On June 15, the 2024 Vision Midsummer Night·Tencent News Premium Content Fan Festival was held in Nanjing. Cultural celebrities, experts and scholars, content practitioners and enthusiasts gathered together to discuss the spiritual value of good content. Facing the noise and chan - Lujuba

He Yijin, Head of Tencent News

Resisting the emotional backflow in the era of fragmentation

In the fast-paced and fragmented era, faced with the invasion of complex information and the ever-changing pressure from the outside world, "relaxation" has become a hot word on the Internet. Short and refreshing dramas that can provide users with a sense of relaxation have become popular. According to iiMedia Research, the market size of micro-short dramas in 2023 will be close to 70% of the movie box office market, and it is expected that the market size will exceed 50 billion yuan in 2024. How does

interpret the pleasure brought by micro-short dramas? Zong Nan, the chief producer of "Written" said that it mainly comes from the creative logic: as long as it conforms to the character setting, it does not insist on whether the logic is reasonable. Therefore, it has the characteristics of strong plot, strong setting and strong reversal, thus bringing a sense of satisfaction to the audience. .

Due to the short development time of the micro-short drama industry, a large number of production companies have poured in, and micro-short dramas seem to be despised by long-form dramas. Is there really a chain of contempt between horizontal screen and vertical screen? How do people in the industry view the “horizontal and vertical screen war”?

In fact, the hugeness of the user group determines that users’ consumption needs are always multi-level and multi-field. There are both serious content consumption needs and entertainment content consumption needs. Horizontal and vertical screens only differ in content form. Zhou Jie, deputy secretary-general of the China Internet Audiovisual Association, believes that there should be no chain of contempt between horizontal and vertical screens. Practitioners must pay attention to the successful logic behind the business model, while discarding violations and missing values, and find the greatest common denominator between public needs and cultural products.

On June 15, the 2024 Vision Midsummer Night·Tencent News Premium Content Fan Festival was held in Nanjing. Cultural celebrities, experts and scholars, content practitioners and enthusiasts gathered together to discuss the spiritual value of good content. Facing the noise and chan - Lujuba

From left: He Runfeng, chief program manager of Tencent News, Zhou Jie, deputy secretary-general of China Network Audiovisual Association, Zong Nan, chief producer of "Written", Yang Bo, co-founder of Junhe Films

The background of the popularity of the micro-short series One is that life has become fragmented, and relationships between people gradually seem familiar yet strange, intimate yet alienated. When the public is busy, they tend to stay in their own safety zone. New phenomena such as divorce, hookup culture, and no love have emerged. The self has been infinitely magnified, and people have little interest in most things. Faint syndrome”.

Tencent News Chief Producer Chen Xiaonan believes: "The self does not necessarily need to be suspended to be able to clearly see the self. Sometimes it is within some relationships that a more authentic self can be generated."

"The other is to understand the self." "Coordinate System", Mr. Hua, a well-known blogger, further peels off the perspective and observes the self as the other to better understand the self.

On June 15, the 2024 Vision Midsummer Night·Tencent News Premium Content Fan Festival was held in Nanjing. Cultural celebrities, experts and scholars, content practitioners and enthusiasts gathered together to discuss the spiritual value of good content. Facing the noise and chan - Lujuba

From left: Tencent News Chief Producer Chen Xiaonan, gq Reporter Kandy, Get App Member Editor-in-Chief Jia Xingjia, well-known blogger and "Homeward Bound" director Mr. Hua, humanities scholar Liang Yongan

The quality content is Sinan who has reached the spiritual wilderness

As the fast-paced society accelerates the pace of the entire era, young people have gradually become a "new migratory bird" group, looking for the "Utopia" in their minds while running around.

Some people choose to stay away from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou to find another possibility of life; some people choose to return to their hometown to start a business and rekindle their passion for life. Against this background, content showing rural life has attracted the attention of many people. After Miao Jie sang the song "Hometown" in Shuimunianhua, it was hard not to think deeply about "The water at home is sweeter and the moon is brighter, so why go to a foreign country?"In Miao Jie's view, if "a person has the opportunity to live a more dignified life in his hometown, there will be many fewer people who are uprooted from their hometowns in the world."

On June 15, the 2024 Vision Midsummer Night·Tencent News Premium Content Fan Festival was held in Nanjing. Cultural celebrities, experts and scholars, content practitioners and enthusiasts gathered together to discuss the spiritual value of good content. Facing the noise and chan - Lujuba

Mainland Chinese male singer, Shuimunianhua member Miao Jie

Moyanbao Agricultural Manager and former employee of a major Internet company Kang Shaosha talked about whether returning to his hometown is suitable for everyone based on his own work experience. The reason why he returned to his hometown to start a business was because when he was working in a major Internet company, part of his work was in the field of agriculture, rural areas and farmers. He had industry knowledge and industry resources that exceeded ordinary people, and his selection logic was sufficient and appropriate. If "there are friends who are going back to their hometown, I usually ask them to calm down," Kang Shao said.

The background of Kang Shaosha's "advice" is that while the rural society is experiencing the coexistence of tradition and modernity, there are also many hidden crises. In Hu Xiaowu’s words, “It is indeed remarkable that young friends have become ‘new farmers’, but they cannot afford to be hurt.”

On June 15, the 2024 Vision Midsummer Night·Tencent News Premium Content Fan Festival was held in Nanjing. Cultural celebrities, experts and scholars, content practitioners and enthusiasts gathered together to discuss the spiritual value of good content. Facing the noise and chan - Lujuba

From left: Zhou Ruiming, a researcher of Zhejiang University's "Hundred Talents Plan", Miao Jie, a male singer from Mainland China and a member of Shuimunianhua, Hu Xiaowu, director of the Urban and Rural Development Research Center of Nanjing University, Kang Shaowan, a former employee of a major Internet company, and Xu Qing, a Tencent video producer

When someone Returning to their hometown is healing, and some people follow the content to travel. From Zibo, Harbin, Hongshan Forest Zoo, to Tianshui and Altay, people today are more concerned about whether the destination has an emotional connection with them than traditional tourism.

Taking the Hongshan Zoo as an example, Shen Zhijun, the director of the park and vice president of the China Zoo Association, said that the reason why Hongshan is loved by thousands of netizens is that they are consistent with the users' philosophy, which is to "let animals have fun and run wild" , or even make a splash.” After users’ personal experience on the Internet and in the field, it is difficult not to form a certain degree of cultural identity with Hongshan.

The popularity of tourist attractions and cities such as Hongshan Zoo and Zibo also reflects a quite obvious trend. As Wei Xiang, a professor at the Academy of Social Sciences, said, “Tourism demand stratification has evolved from demographic characteristics such as age and occupation to The stratification of emotional values.”

On June 15, the 2024 Vision Midsummer Night·Tencent News Premium Content Fan Festival was held in Nanjing. Cultural celebrities, experts and scholars, content practitioners and enthusiasts gathered together to discuss the spiritual value of good content. Facing the noise and chan - Lujuba

From left: Liu Peng, editor-in-chief of Tencent News, Wei Xiang, professor of the Academy of Social Sciences, Shen Zhijun, director of Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo, Chang Lin, host of "Lin Shi Departure", Hong Yingbao, captain of the Xiqi Ying Chorus

Scientific decompression and hugs Uncertainty in life

Faced with physical and mental pressure, more and more people are paying attention to "prevention", which is better than cure. Therefore, "cyber health" has become popular, and people rely on popular science content on the Internet to obtain medical and health knowledge.

Although the popular science content on the Internet is mixed, there is also no shortage of high-quality content. "Continue to pay attention to high-quality chronic disease science popularization and provide a free 'insurance' for the prevention of chronic diseases." Yao Wei, senior producer of Tencent News, described paying attention to high-quality science popularization content. part of the meaning.

Medical science popularization helps to treat patients accurately and efficiently. As Professor Liang Chun, chief physician of the Department of Cardiology at Shanghai Changzheng Hospital and chairman of the Cardiovascular Disease Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association, said, “In the long history of cardiovascular disease formation and acute onset, Previously, we paid attention to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk stratification and found our own position."

Helping people "treat diseases before they become ill" is not the fundamental purpose. Tao Yong, a well-known ophthalmologist, professor and doctoral supervisor at Beijing Chaoyang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, said: "Being a doctor is not about meeting patients, it is about restoring the social attributes of each patient, and every patient will add a dimension to the dissemination of health science. "

On June 15, the 2024 Vision Midsummer Night·Tencent News Premium Content Fan Festival was held in Nanjing. Cultural celebrities, experts and scholars, content practitioners and enthusiasts gathered together to discuss the spiritual value of good content. Facing the noise and chan - Lujuba

From left: Yao Wei, Senior Producer of Tencent News, Professor Tao Yong, Chief Physician of the Department of Ophthalmology, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital, Professor Liang Chun, Chief Physician of the Department of Cardiology, Shanghai Changzheng Hospital, and Innovator in the Cardiovascular, Renal and Metabolic Therapeutics Fields of Novartis China Guan Hong, person in charge of patient services, Zhang Jianzhen, researcher at the Institute of Journalism and Communication of the Academy of Social Sciences and chief director of "Chinese Doctors"

Part of the pressure on modern people comes from "uncertainty", so people begin to pursue the use of accurate data to define themselves. Height, weight, bmi, test scores, performance appraisal, caloric intake, exercise data, sleep depth... Take an MBTI personality test, and it can tell you the specific percentage value of your i-person attributes.

But will my life certainty increase by using more accurate data to describe myself? Liu Yusi, a professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at Nanjing University, raised this question. And her answer was, "Allowing all of one's own parameters to be measured and known may not actually make life more controllable and graspable, but may instead lead to alienation of one's self."

When the pursuit of certainty has gradually become a mainstream value choice, Yan Feng, a professor at the Chinese Department of Fudan University, believes that as we desperately pursue certainty, uncertainty is also increasing. Therefore, there can never be absolute certainty. Because, "Uncertainty is growth, flow, and development, and is the origin of life."

Facing a world of uncertainty, what solutions do we have? Qi Rui, deputy director of the Beijing Planetarium, believes that "completion is more important than perfection." We must learn to understand ourselves, live each day in a down-to-earth manner, do everything well, embrace this uncertainty, look outward to the more vivid universe, and inward to fill the small universe in our hearts.

On June 15, the 2024 Vision Midsummer Night·Tencent News Premium Content Fan Festival was held in Nanjing. Cultural celebrities, experts and scholars, content practitioners and enthusiasts gathered together to discuss the spiritual value of good content. Facing the noise and chan - Lujuba

From left: Professor Liu Yusi of the School of Journalism and Communication of Nanjing University, Professor Yan Feng of the Chinese Department of Fudan University, Qi Rui, deputy director of the Beijing Planetarium

There is gravity within to explore the meaning of life

What is daily life? We naturally think of the small daily things that naturally occur along with human survival and spiritual needs, but in this era, daily life is being fully integrated into the cycle of media content production and consumption, and content and life have become a symbiotic relationship.

According to Professor Hu Yong from the School of Journalism and Communication of Peking University, as "text declines and videos rise" becomes the background of the times, we will eventually usher in the so-called "life becomes content, and content becomes life", and it will also Welcome "we live in content and are trapped in content".

On the other hand, we can use content to broaden and enhance our lives. Everyone is a consumer of content, and everyone is also a creator of content. The total energy of what is thought and done in a limited period of time determines the concentration and height of life. Regarding the experience of content creation, Tristan, co-founder of Rebecca Fantasy Studio, summed up three points: "Don't be narcissistic when making content, don't be out of touch, and don't stop."

On June 15, the 2024 Vision Midsummer Night·Tencent News Premium Content Fan Festival was held in Nanjing. Cultural celebrities, experts and scholars, content practitioners and enthusiasts gathered together to discuss the spiritual value of good content. Facing the noise and chan - Lujuba

From left: Wang Shuqi, director of Chinese Good Books at Tencent News, Tristan, co-founder of Rebecca Fantasy Studio, Hu Yong, professor at the School of Journalism and Communication at Peking University, editor of "Harvest" magazine Programming Yongxin

How to use quality products Content, for users to broaden the boundaries of life and explore the meaning of life, requires content creators to give a new and beautiful answer sheet, and the answer sheet obviously has more than one excellent model. Programmer Yongxin, the owner of "Harvest" magazine, said: "Even if you are doing live streaming to sell goods, if the content can improve your life, then it is meaningful."

There are many directions, and the possibilities are unlimited, but there is a way forward. Always be illuminated by good content. No matter how the technology iterates, Tencent News always believes that time has its own power and good content has its own gravity. We will work with all content practitioners to adhere to the humanistic spirit and be the watchdog of content.

Tags: entertainment