Cover news reporter Zhou Qin Shanghai reported that on June 14, at the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival "Golden Goose Film Forum·Her Film Era Forum", Wanda Film Chairman and President Chen Zhixi, director/screenwriter Qin Haiyan, director /Screenwriter Su Biao, director/

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cover news reporter Zhou Qin Shanghai reported

On June 14, at the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival "Golden Goose Film Forum·Her Film Era Forum", Wanda Film Chairman and President Chen Zhixi , director/screenwriter Qin Haiyan, director/screenwriter Su Biao, director/screenwriter Teng Congcong, and actor Wang Ziwen made an appearance. Taking "Embracing and Reshaping" as the topic, starting from their own creative practices, they shared the unique charm of film culture and talked about the reasons behind creation. Female power.

Cover news reporter Zhou Qin Shanghai reported that on June 14, at the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival 'Golden Goose Film Forum·Her Film Era Forum', Wanda Film Chairman and President Chen Zhixi, director/screenwriter Qin Haiyan, director /Screenwriter Su Biao, director/ - Lujuba

Group photo

Regarding hugs, Chen Zhixi believes that the film market should have a hundred flowers blooming, and every creator should have full desire to express themselves and can express themselves firmly. This year's "My Altay" was a big hit. Director Teng Congcong admitted that a lot of the wisdom in the script did not come from her. "I just have a pair of observant eyes." She also believes that you should not guess what people will like, and shoot Works you like are very important.

Embrace your true self

Work hard in the direction that you are good at and suitable for.

Those who love movies must be familiar with the name Chen Zhixi. She started out as an actress and later transitioned to being a producer. She is keen on discovering new directors and has accompanied filmmakers such as Xu Zheng, Chen Sicheng, Dapeng, Jia Ling, etc. to achieve the transformation from actors to directors. Now she is Wanda The helmsman of the film, starting from the content, comprehensively lays out the output of cultural products in multiple scenes and fields.

Cover news reporter Zhou Qin Shanghai reported that on June 14, at the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival 'Golden Goose Film Forum·Her Film Era Forum', Wanda Film Chairman and President Chen Zhixi, director/screenwriter Qin Haiyan, director /Screenwriter Su Biao, director/ - Lujuba

Chen Zhixi

When it comes to the word hug, Chen Zhixi believes that embracing is the most authentic self, which requires a clear understanding of oneself. She used her transformation from an actor to a producer as an example, emphasizing that if you keep working hard, you will succeed. It's "You can only succeed by working hard on a track that you are best at and suitable for. If you choose the wrong track, it will be difficult to succeed."

This year's TV series "My Altay" became a hit and healed many people. Director Teng Congcong said frankly that as a creator, he is still in a state of competing and reconciling with himself every day. Before the filming of this drama started, it was a risky attempt for her. "At first, it was not a work that the public thought would be profitable, but making movies requires commercial returns."

insisted on making "My Altay" and achieved success. Success has made her more convinced to do what she is good at and likes: "If we cater to the market, I guess what people in the market like every day and I try to please others. Maybe I will never know what can please others. I just I can say what I like from the bottom of my heart, and I shoot works that I like. It is possible that this work will be linked to many people, or it may be linked to a small group of people. This process is also me searching for my own style. and how many audiences I can embrace."

Cover news reporter Zhou Qin Shanghai reported that on June 14, at the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival 'Golden Goose Film Forum·Her Film Era Forum', Wanda Film Chairman and President Chen Zhixi, director/screenwriter Qin Haiyan, director /Screenwriter Su Biao, director/ - Lujuba

Wang Ziwen

Actor Wang Ziwen believes that embracing oneself is to reconcile with oneself, "As an actor, only by knowing yourself well enough can you perform the most authentic things."

Discover the shining points of women and invest in them. The creator

Teng Congcong directed his previous film " Send Me to the Blue Clouds ", which focused on women's desires and physical pain. "My Altay" also focuses on the lives of ordinary women, which is warm, delicate and gentle.

Talking about her concern for women's issues, Teng Congcong said that a lot of wisdom does not come from herself, "I just have a pair of observant eyes, and I have seen many outstanding women in life. They make up who I am." There are all kinds of women in the script. "Because she is good at observation, for her, shaping female characters is easy. She can always find the bright spots in the women around her and then devote herself to creation.

Last year, a topical movie by director/screenwriter Qin Haiyan was released, triggering a lot of discussion. Qin Haiyan shared that she cannot escape the word "life". She initially chose to be a screenwriter because she felt that the screenwriter's working style allowed her to take care of her family and life while being close to the movie.She feels that it is very difficult for women to balance family and career, but she also sees that there are indeed many shining female friends around her who shine brightly in the chaos of life, so Qin Haiyan really wants to reflect them in her works. .

After the film was released, she continued to receive private messages from viewers expressing the power of change she gained from the film. But at the same time, there are also voices from female viewers who express their fear of falling in love or getting married. This made her feel that what she was doing was meaningful, and at the same time she had new thoughts, "Why do I always have to stab others with a scalpel?" She revealed that she was writing a work recently, just to make everyone feel warm. .

Cover news reporter Zhou Qin Shanghai reported that on June 14, at the 26th Shanghai International Film Festival 'Golden Goose Film Forum·Her Film Era Forum', Wanda Film Chairman and President Chen Zhixi, director/screenwriter Qin Haiyan, director /Screenwriter Su Biao, director/ - Lujuba

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Take care of yourself

Shoot more Chinese stories

As young directors and screenwriters, what should we reshape in the current film environment and content environment? Su Biao shared that his feeling is to shoot more Chinese stories. He mentioned that currently we are still learning from the Western system, including our story structure, character creation methods, and even shooting and editing methods. Now that the Chinese film market is so big, we need to constantly take care of ourselves.

Regarding the word "reinvention", Teng Congcong believes that the expression that is more suitable for him is exploration, "When we made "My Altay", we did not expect that its response would be so good and that it could connect with so many audiences, so I have a new idea. In the process of understanding myself, it seems that I can be linked to many more universal people's values. I will try more links to see which direction I can go. This is an exploration for me. "In the next two or three years, she will continue to explore, "Can I capture more audiences, and where are my boundaries?"

(This article is based on the Shanghai International Film Festival Organizing Committee)

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