According to Kuai Technology News on June 12, this evening, GAC Aian officially issued a solemn statement saying: Recently, some false information and malicious rumors about GAC Aian’s “layoffs” and “intense termination of contracts with fresh graduates” have appeared on the Inte

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Fast Technology News on June 12, tonight, GAC Aian officially issued a solemn statement saying:

Recently, some false information and malicious information about GAC Aian’s “layoffs” and “intense termination of contracts with fresh graduates” have appeared on the network platform Rumors can cause market misunderstandings and affect corporate reputation.

In order to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company, our company has officially reported the case to the public security organs on June 12, 2024, and those who spread the rumors will be held accountable in accordance with the law.

According to Kuai Technology News on June 12, this evening, GAC Aian officially issued a solemn statement saying: Recently, some false information and malicious rumors about GAC Aian’s “layoffs” and “intense termination of contracts with fresh graduates” have appeared on the Inte - Lujuba

According to previous reports, a screenshot of an email titled "GAC Aian Campus Recruitment Termination Notice" was circulated on social platforms recently. A screenshot of

shows, "According to the adjustment of the company's recruitment policy for fresh graduates, we are sorry to inform you that the signed three-party agreement/two-party agreement will be terminated. The company will pay you 5,000 yuan in liquidated damages as agreed."

In response to this matter, some media reported to GAC The human resources department of Aian asked for verification, and the other party said that the above situation was true, and that the termination of the contract also had personal reasons for the students who signed the contract.

GAC Aian further explained that currently employs 118 fresh graduates, and only single-digit graduates have been adjusted, and compensation will be paid in accordance with the agreement.

According to Kuai Technology News on June 12, this evening, GAC Aian officially issued a solemn statement saying: Recently, some false information and malicious rumors about GAC Aian’s “layoffs” and “intense termination of contracts with fresh graduates” have appeared on the Inte - Lujuba

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