The twenty-four-act original play competition was held in the park forest. It's a sunny day! This sunny day is too important for Pujiang Country Park, and also for Zhang Xizhi, a third-year graduate student at Shanghai Theater Academy. Yesterday, director Zhang Xizhi's graduation

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The twenty-four-act original play competition was held in the park forest. It's a sunny day! This sunny day is too important for Pujiang Country Park, and also for Zhang Xizhi, a third-year graduate student at Shanghai Theater Academy. Yesterday, director Zhang Xizhi's graduation - Lujuba

The twenty-four-act original drama competition was held in the park forest.

It’s a sunny day!

This sunny day is so important to Pujiang Country Park, as well as to Zhang Xizhi, a third-year postgraduate student at Shanghai Theater Academy.

Yesterday, director Zhang Xizhi's graduation drama "The Sky is High, Let the Birds Fly" premiered at the open-air theater in Pujiang Country Park. There is no standard backstage or dressing room, there is no velvet curtain in front of the stage, and there are no regularly arranged audience seats under the stage. However, this clear and green natural field after the rain is the best lighting for dancing.

Little swans speaking in dialects, red-crowned cranes dancing yangko, Internet celebrity migratory bird service area... The baggage is gone, and a drama festival in the country park has become a reality.

A country park not far from the bustling city has made its first cross-border drama festival called "Immersion in the Countryside". During this May Day holiday, there is a specially invited play "The Sky is High, Let the Birds Fly" for children. Come and have fun, there are also 24 acts of original plays that unexpectedly meet visitors in the park forest.

From Tourist to AudienceThe day before the official performance of

, there was supposed to be an audition. The creative staff and park management need to feel the light, wind and theater experience of the amphitheater in advance, so as to adjust the stage details and performance methods. But until 5pm, the rain showed no sign of stopping.

When performing in the open air, the biggest fear is that the weather will not be kind. If it rains all the time, the only option is to "postpone the performance and refund the tickets."

Chapter Xizhihe The actors moved to the lounge to rehearse and polish their performances. This play tells the story of protecting migratory birds. The father, who was a bird catcher, and the son of a bird watching enthusiast, the two generations went from conflict to understanding, and interspersed the human "Xiao Yu" and the little swan "Xiao Xue" traveling through the migratory bird flyway together, and finally arrived in Chongming East. Beach adventure story.

The red-crowned crane, one of the characters in the play, performed an energetic Yangko dance as soon as he took the stage. This is a deliberate "contrast": "Since it is a children's drama, I hope it can be entertaining, lively and cheerful, and add more elements that children like." Zhang Xizhi designated his graduation work as a children's drama, " From the beginning, I thought about performing in different settings, not just in theaters.”

When he came to Pujiang Country Park to see the venue for the first time, Zhang Xizhi thought of the ancient Greek amphitheater, which was located in a natural wilderness surrounded by green trees. , the auditorium is like an unfolded folding fan. "Compared with the theater, it will definitely have a different effect. The play and the environment are integrated. Tourists first see the natural scenery, and then watch the play as an audience. Everyone will have a stronger awareness of ecological protection."

is not far away from the city and is close to the theater.

"Do you have a 2-meter-high ladder?"

Gong Yishu, deputy general manager of Pujiang Country Park, is very good at managing the park, but this is his first time running a drama. Faced with the various technical demands, she was a little confused at first. "There are many ways to promote the rejuvenation and marketization of parks, and what we want to do has broken through the traditional park management and operation scope."

Gong Yishu introduced that Pujiang Country Park is the first country park in Shanghai to become a national 4a-level tourist attraction. After many years of operation, this wild and interesting space in the suburbs of the city has become more and more perfect, and all kinds of natural and even wild plants are in their prime. In order to attract more people, More and more tourists are visiting the forest and gardens. The park has incorporated many special cultural and tourism activities over the years, but this is the first time for open-air theater.

“The team are basically all ‘drama fans’,” Gong Yishu said. Because everyone loves to watch dramas, they decided to launch a “drama project” in the park during a brainstorming session. Not only will there be performances of specially invited plays, but also The 24-act drama competition, drama workshops, drama bazaar and other activities are free and open to the public, "allowing everyone to enjoy the spring scenery and 'get into the drama in one second'".

The performance venue of "The Sky is High, Let Birds Fly" is a venue that existed when the park was founded. In order to provide the audience with a more natural and wild drama experience, the park specially built a stage, purchased professional speakers, and the audience area was also Renovated. The drama team redesigned the lighting and smoke effects based on the actual conditions of the stage, and even the way the actors entered and left the stage was cleverly and naturally arranged.

"I hope that through each play, the audience will be immersed in natural art, and can also immerse themselves in experiencing the characters in the drama, explore the relationship between man and nature, and gain happiness and healing power from the wild nature." Gong Yishu said.

Author: Zhou Chen

Text: Reporter Zhou Chen Picture: Zhao Lirong Editor: Shi Wei

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