[Global Network Report] According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency" report on April 16, DPP leader Tsai Ing-wen met with a delegation of New Zealand lawmakers today (16th). When introducing the participants, she confirmed that Lin Jialong, the current secretary-general of Tsai In

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[Global Network Report] According to Taiwan's "Central News Agency" report on April 16, Tsai Ing-wen, leader of the Democratic Progressive Party, met with a delegation of New Zealand parliamentarians today (16th). When introducing the participants, she confirmed that Lin Jialong, the current secretary-general of Tsai Ing-wen's office, He is the future head of the foreign affairs department. Wu Zhaoxie, the current head of the foreign affairs department, will serve as the secretary-general of the National Security Council. In response, some netizens on the island commented, "It would be the same for anyone else." Huang Yangming, a media person on the island, said that this incident highlighted Tsai Ing-wen’s two major disrespects. The first is the disrespect for Lai Qingde’s personnel rights, and the second is the disrespect for the people. Major “national security” personnel matters were actually the first to confirm to foreign guests.

[Global Network Report] According to Taiwan's 'Central News Agency' report on April 16, DPP leader Tsai Ing-wen met with a delegation of New Zealand lawmakers today (16th). When introducing the participants, she confirmed that Lin Jialong, the current secretary-general of Tsai In - Lujuba

Lin Jialong data map. Picture from Taiwan United News Network

According to the "Central News Agency" report, since the leader-elect of the Taiwan authorities, Lai Ching-te, and the head of the quasi-administrative agency, Zhuo Rongtai, have not yet announced the names of the Secretary-General of the "National Security Council" and the head of the foreign affairs department, Tsai Ing-wen first introduced The future positions of Lin Jialong and Wu Zhaoxie have attracted attention. Officials from Tsai Ing-wen’s office said that any official announcement of personnel will be subject to the announcement by the elected team.

Zhongshi News Network reported that the outside world was quite surprised to hear that Tsai Ing-wen confirmed Lai Qingde’s personnel arrangements first. Some people from the Democratic Progressive Party asked whether the recent personnel news has been too hyped, and Tsai Ing-wen thought it had been announced. Chen Shikai, spokesman for the quasi-administrative agency, said that once the list is determined, there will be a formal press conference to announce it.

Senior media person Huang Yangming posted on the social platform Facebook on the 16th that this incident highlighted Tsai Ing-wen’s two major disrespects. First, she did not respect Lai Qingde’s personnel rights and announced Lai Qingde’s personnel layout before Lai Qingde; second, she disrespected the people. , major "national security" personnel matters were actually confirmed to foreign guests first, instead of being publicly disclosed to the public.

According to Taiwanese media reports, the personnel of Lai Qingde’s new administrative team are expected to be announced to the public in five waves. The third wave will be carried out on the 16th, mainly focusing on personnel in the financial department. The first two were for the administrative agency team and the internal affairs, culture, and education departments. Waiting for relevant department personnel.

After the news came out on the 16th that Tsai Ing-wen introduced the future positions of Lin Jialong and Wu Zhaoxie, some netizens on the island commented, "It will be the same no matter who they change."

Some people also said, "Changing the soup does not change the medicine. The same people are still the same! It's just a party position for a public position, and a public position for a party position. Everything is based on political considerations, and there is no professionalism at all!"

was born in Lin Jialong, who was born in 1964, became the Secretary-General of the Democratic Progressive Party in 2006. In 2014, Lin Jialong ran for mayor of Taichung and was elected, defeating Hu Zhiqiang of the Kuomintang. However, he lost to Lu Xiuyan of the Kuomintang in 2018 by about 210,000 votes. However, in January of the following year, Lin Jialong became the head of the transportation department. In January 2022, he was specially appointed by Tsai Ing-wen as the "Ambassador-at-Large", responsible for the "New Digital Southbound". In early 2023, he succeeded David Lee as the Secretary-General of the Taiwan Authority Leader's Office.

Kuomintang "legislator" Luo Zhiqiang once said that Lin Jialong can be the head of the foreign affairs department because he is the head of the "Zhengguo Congress (one of the Democratic Progressive Party factions)" rather than because he is familiar with foreign affairs. "It is basically Lai Qingde's new cabinet." ''s account of the appearance of officialdom only concerns political remuneration and factional balance, not professionalism."

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