On April 4, Taiwanese artist Huang Zijiao's attorney refuted recent online rumors about "Huang Zijiao purchased hundreds of videos of underage girls and continued to purchase them after committing suicide" based on Huang Zijiao's entrustment. Lawyer Huang Zijiao said that Huang Z

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4 On April 4, the attorney representing Taiwanese artist Huang Zijiao refuted the recent online rumors that "Huang Zijiao purchased hundreds of videos of underage girls and continued to purchase them after committing suicide" based on Huang Zijiao's entrustment.

On April 4, Taiwanese artist Huang Zijiao's attorney refuted recent online rumors about 'Huang Zijiao purchased hundreds of videos of underage girls and continued to purchase them after committing suicide' based on Huang Zijiao's entrustment. Lawyer Huang Zijiao said that Huang Z - Lujuba

Huang Zijiao’s lawyer said that Huang Zijiao did not purchase hundreds of indecent videos of minors as reported by some Taiwanese media. In fact, there were only 7, and the purchase channel was cracked and closed by the police as early as 2021, so he did not After he committed suicide and was discharged from the hospital in 2023, he continued to buy. The rumors on the Internet are inconsistent with the facts.

Secondly, the lawyer also emphasized that when Huang Zijiao downloaded similar videos, the relevant laws had not been promulgated. In other words, his downloading (purchasing) behavior was not illegal, but keeping it and not deleting it in time did violate the relevant laws. of. In response, the lawyer asked the relevant media to correct the erroneous report and publicly apologize.

Previously, Huang Zijiao was exposed to scandals such as sexual harassment and taking indecent photos of minors. Later, he launched a live broadcast to expose that many Taiwanese celebrities, including big S and small S, were involved in drugs and committed self-harm and were sent to the hospital. During

, many artists who were exposed by Huang Zijiao responded one after another and denied Huang Zijiao's revelations. At the same time, someone reported Huang Zijiao to the Taipei District Prosecutor's Office for being suspected of forced indecency and other crimes.

On April 4, Taiwanese artist Huang Zijiao's attorney refuted recent online rumors about 'Huang Zijiao purchased hundreds of videos of underage girls and continued to purchase them after committing suicide' based on Huang Zijiao's entrustment. Lawyer Huang Zijiao said that Huang Z - Lujuba

Recently, the Taipei District Prosecutor’s Office believed that the sexual assault charge was insufficient and refused to prosecute Huang. However, according to Taiwan media reports, when prosecutors searched Huang Zijiao's residence, they discovered that he not only joined an online candid photography forum, but also purchased hundreds of indecent videos of underage girls.

Huang Zijiao pleaded guilty to this part. The prosecutor allowed a deferred prosecution for a period of 2 years, required a payment of 1.2 million yuan (approximately 270,000 yuan), and required him to write a 1,200-word letter of repentance.

On April 4, Taiwanese artist Huang Zijiao's attorney refuted recent online rumors about 'Huang Zijiao purchased hundreds of videos of underage girls and continued to purchase them after committing suicide' based on Huang Zijiao's entrustment. Lawyer Huang Zijiao said that Huang Z - Lujuba

Subsequently, Huang Zijiao issued a statement through his social account to respond to the case closure report and punishment. There is a lot of nonsense in

's article. Let me briefly summarize it for you. The main idea is: I have done something wrong in the past. I have been reflecting on it for several months. I promise not to do it again in the future. Please give him a chance!

On April 4, Taiwanese artist Huang Zijiao's attorney refuted recent online rumors about 'Huang Zijiao purchased hundreds of videos of underage girls and continued to purchase them after committing suicide' based on Huang Zijiao's entrustment. Lawyer Huang Zijiao said that Huang Z - Lujuba

However, the vast majority of netizens did not buy his apology after seeing it, and left messages to complain:

Some people said that they hate this apology model. It seems sincere, but in fact, no price has been paid. Why can't he be jailed? Someone bluntly said that he himself has a daughter, how could he do such a thing? I really can't stand it. Why doesn't his wife take her daughter and get away from this kind of person?

On April 4, Taiwanese artist Huang Zijiao's attorney refuted recent online rumors about 'Huang Zijiao purchased hundreds of videos of underage girls and continued to purchase them after committing suicide' based on Huang Zijiao's entrustment. Lawyer Huang Zijiao said that Huang Z - Lujuba

Taiwanese Internet celebrity lawyer Li Yizhen even directly scolded Huang Zijiao: "You will definitely go to hell after you die!"

On April 4, Taiwanese artist Huang Zijiao's attorney refuted recent online rumors about 'Huang Zijiao purchased hundreds of videos of underage girls and continued to purchase them after committing suicide' based on Huang Zijiao's entrustment. Lawyer Huang Zijiao said that Huang Z - Lujuba

All in all, the vast majority of netizens believe that Huang Zijiao should have been punished more severely for his behavior, but he was not. Instead, he wanted everyone to give him a chance.

Let’s just say, this kind of person is so disgusting that you can’t even breathe. How can he deserve to be a public figure? Why do you have the nerve to ask everyone for a chance? Hurry up and hide.

Tags: entertainment