Dongxiwen Client Comprehensive Report "In fact, I have not really left" "My heart will always be with you" "I can always feel your endless love and support"... Recently, the use of AI technology to "resurrection" the deceased , arousing the attention of netizens and frequently hi

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"In fact, I have not really left" "My heart will always be with you" "I can always feel your endless love and support"...

Recently, the use of AI technology to "resurrect" the deceased has attracted the attention of netizens , repeatedly on the hot search list. In the video, the voice and smile are just like they were in life, accompanied by emotional music to express gratitude and blessings. Amid the explosion of

, some people also expressed concerns about the ethical issues and potential risks hidden in AI "resurrection": how to identify the data and property generated by digital relatives, how to protect rights and interests, and various questions, asking about the development direction of AI resurrection technology. We also asked about the boundaries of laws and regulations.

"I want to 'resurrect' my dad because grandma misses him so much"

In recent years, using AI to "resurrect" relatives is no longer a virtual plot in literary works and science fiction movies.

In April 2023, a blogger "resurrected" his grandma through AI and had a simple conversation with her; not long ago, musician Bao Xiaobai recreated a digital daughter, and the "daughter" on the screen even sang a birthday song to her mother.

Just recently, Mr. Sun from Fushun, Liaoning used AI to change his face to "resurrect" his father who died of illness to comfort his elderly grandmother. With the support of AI technology, it is possible to see deceased relatives again.

Dongxiwen Client Comprehensive Report 'In fact, I have not really left' 'My heart will always be with you' 'I can always feel your endless love and support'... Recently, the use of AI technology to 'resurrection' the deceased , arousing the attention of netizens and frequently hi - Lujuba

▲ (Video screenshot)

Although the video pixels after the face change are not high, fortunately, grandma believed this white lie. Mr. Sun's experience made many netizens cry. Some people left a message saying: "I saw the correct way to open AI."

has become a gray industry. The minimum charge per order is 50 yuan

followed, and some bloggers followed suit and "resurrected" Individual deceased celebrities. Last week, a video of Coco Lee being "resurrected" by AI was on Weibo's hot search list. Eight months after her death, an online blogger used digital technology to restore her smile and smile during her lifetime, with sounds and images generated by AI. In addition to Coco Lee, there are also public figures who have left us such as Leslie Cheung, Godfrey Gao, Qiao Renliang and others who have been digitally restored. They wore different clothes, but when facing the camera, they almost always said hello first, and then expressed their thoughts about their fans and other heart-warming words. The publisher of

claims that this is a way of emotional comfort that uses high technology to provide emotional value to living people.

Dongxiwen Client Comprehensive Report 'In fact, I have not really left' 'My heart will always be with you' 'I can always feel your endless love and support'... Recently, the use of AI technology to 'resurrection' the deceased , arousing the attention of netizens and frequently hi - Lujuba

▲ai screenshot of the video of "resurrecting" the late star. (Video screenshot)

At the same time, many AI "resurrection" services have appeared on e-commerce platforms. Some merchants have sold more than 400 orders, ranging from dozens of yuan per order to thousands or tens of thousands of yuan. A media reporter consulted a production company as a consumer, and the other party said that it can produce AI videos of deceased celebrities, and choose the effect according to the material, and the minimum charge per order is 50 yuan.

However, in the video comment area, many netizens questioned: This kind of behavior is in the name of warmth, but in fact it is consuming people who have already left.

Many family members of the deceased have expressed resistance to this practice. Gao Yixiang's former agent conveyed the opinions of Gao Yixiang's family, saying that he did not want Gao Yixiang's portrait to be used arbitrarily by others, and severely condemned and resolutely resisted the behavior. If the infringement was not stopped immediately, the family would take legal action.

In response to the infringement of the use of his son's portrait, Qiao Renliang's father told reporters that he had seen the image of "his son being resurrected" spread online and could not accept it. He felt uncomfortable and hoped that the other party would take it off the shelves as soon as possible. "They did not ask for our consent. It was my niece who found the video and sent it to me. This is exposing scars."

html At noon on March 17, Jiang Ge's mother posted on Weibo, "We do not accept the use of AI to resurrect relatives! If it can be 'resurrected', it will only be for I will do this myself! Do you understand our deceased relatives (those who have lost their loved ones)? Do you understand what our relationship (my relationship with my deceased relatives) is like? If you don’t understand us, why should you do it for us? (My daughter and I) make a decision!"

media: This "time and space difference" must be paid attention to

ai's "resurrection" of loved ones, allowing people to see the potential goodwill contained in technological progress: soothing the pain of people's hearts and forgiving unresolved regrets.However, what must be faced squarely in the controversy among public opinion is whether the "resurrection" of AI can be achieved, and what specific problems exist?

In this regard, "Beijing Daily" commented, after the death of a loved one, can the portrait be used by future generations, and will it be used for illegal purposes? Moreover, "resurrection" may go against the deceased's wishes. In real life, there have been cases of fake victims' relatives and fraud through AI face-changing. If it becomes easier to "resurrection" the deceased, how to ensure that sensitive information such as the deceased's voice, appearance, and smile is used safely and reasonably? Nowadays, "pictures and truth" and "videos and truth" have been impacted by AI technology, making it more difficult to distinguish the authenticity of information. How to identify the data and property generated by digital relatives, and how to protect the rights and interests. Various questions ask about the development trend of AI resurrection technology and the boundaries of laws and regulations.

commented that the "resurrection of celebrities" has become a "traffic password". This is also another challenge that the rapidly advancing AI technology has brought to the whole society in terms of law and ethics. In order to avoid the "time and space gap" between legislation and technology, laws and regulations must be planned in advance and standards and specifications must be formulated before more people press the "resurrection button." The "resurrection" of AI has allowed people to see the potential goodwill brought by technological progress, but at the same time, they must also be alert to see the situation early, set rules in advance, and calibrate the "good" course.

"People's Daily Overseas Edition" commented that the technology is not difficult, but the legal bottom line must be maintained. In the final analysis, how technology is used and for what purpose is more important than the technology itself. (End)

Comprehensive China News Service, People's Daily Overseas Edition, "Beijing Daily", etc.

Editor: Cui Xiangguang

Tags: entertainment