There really aren't any music variety shows worthy of my attention recently, and at the same time, the list is basically complete. Coincidentally, singers have recently restarted their concerts. Next, let me talk to you about a mainstream singer in the music industry: Zhang Jie.

entertainment 8452℃

There really aren’t any music variety shows worthy of my attention recently, and at the same time, the list is basically complete.

It just so happens that singers have recently restarted their concerts. Next, let me talk to you about a mainstream singer in the music industry: Zhang Jie.

There really aren't any music variety shows worthy of my attention recently, and at the same time, the list is basically complete. Coincidentally, singers have recently restarted their concerts. Next, let me talk to you about a mainstream singer in the music industry: Zhang Jie.  - Lujuba


Zhang Jie’s concert tour will continue this year. At the same time, ticket sales have started in Shanghai, and all six consecutive performances have been sold out.

There really aren't any music variety shows worthy of my attention recently, and at the same time, the list is basically complete. Coincidentally, singers have recently restarted their concerts. Next, let me talk to you about a mainstream singer in the music industry: Zhang Jie.  - Lujuba

This result is very exaggerated.

Some readers may have no idea about this data. Mainstream singers are mostly divided into the following grades, namely (the following order is in order):

livehouse singers, music festival singers;

stadium discount singers, stadium regular singers, stadium premium singers;

Stadium discount singers, stadium regular singers, stadiums premium singers;

Stadium discount singers, stadium regular singers, stadium premium singers;

Stadium discount singers, stadiums regular singers, stadiums premium singers ......

At the same time, in many cases, the total number of sessions must also be taken into consideration.

As for Zhang Jie, he is currently a high-priced singer in the stadium. This is already in the first echelon of the Chinese music scene.


How did Zhang Jie become a top singer? You know, his sound source data is not as exaggerated as Jay Chou and JJ Lin.

Actually, I can give you a simple example here. Everyone must know Phoenix Legend’s songs, but I wonder if you will choose to go to Phoenix Legend’s concert?

Many people’s choice may be, and most likely, to take the whole family to watch it.

The core reason is that the current sound source data of Phoenix Legend may not be at the top, but the songs are popular enough that men, women and children can sing them.

Moreover, we can look at the current data of Phoenix Legend. The number of people who want to watch it at Jinan Station has reached 821,000.

There really aren't any music variety shows worthy of my attention recently, and at the same time, the list is basically complete. Coincidentally, singers have recently restarted their concerts. Next, let me talk to you about a mainstream singer in the music industry: Zhang Jie.  - Lujuba

Of course, not all men, women and children know all Zhang Jie's songs, and the middle-aged and elderly people may not know Zhang Jie that well.

But most young people, especially today’s main consumer groups, grew up listening to Zhang Jie’s early music.

may not play it on loop anymore, but when he learns that Zhang Jie is coming to his city to hold a concert, the possibility of choosing to watch it is very high.

What's more, Zhang Jie's singing skills are completely out of the circle, and his live performances are even more textured than CDs. I think this kind of attraction will be hard to resist for any friend who likes concerts.

There really aren't any music variety shows worthy of my attention recently, and at the same time, the list is basically complete. Coincidentally, singers have recently restarted their concerts. Next, let me talk to you about a mainstream singer in the music industry: Zhang Jie.  - Lujuba


Looking back now when Ding Taisheng commented that Zhang Jie was a bad singer, perhaps we should understand that his remarks are outdated.

There really aren't any music variety shows worthy of my attention recently, and at the same time, the list is basically complete. Coincidentally, singers have recently restarted their concerts. Next, let me talk to you about a mainstream singer in the music industry: Zhang Jie.  - Lujuba

The environment of the Chinese music scene is here, and Zhang Jie has found a development route of his own.

And those negative remarks will only make him stronger.

I really hope that Zhang Jie can consider continuing to participate in music variety shows this year. He probably won't go to "Singer", but he can consider the music variety show on the next station.

There really aren't any music variety shows worthy of my attention recently, and at the same time, the list is basically complete. Coincidentally, singers have recently restarted their concerts. Next, let me talk to you about a mainstream singer in the music industry: Zhang Jie.  - Lujuba

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