Jimu News Chief Reporter Zhang Cong Correspondent Xia Chen Whether it is the novel written by the literary giant Hugo, or the English version of the musical that premiered in London in 1985 and later became famous on Broadway, or the 2012 Hugh Jackman The movies he starred in, "L

entertainment 9919℃

Jimu News Chief Reporter Zhang Cong

Correspondent Xia Chen

Whether it is the novel written by the literary giant Hugo, or the English version of the musical that premiered in London in 1985 and later became famous on Broadway, or the 2012 musical by Hugo ·The movies starring Jackman, "Les Misérables" and the story of Jean Valjean can always quickly capture people's hearts in various forms.

And now, its Chinese version of the stage play will also come to Wuhan to be "judged" by the audience.

Jimu News Chief Reporter Zhang Cong Correspondent Xia Chen Whether it is the novel written by the literary giant Hugo, or the English version of the musical that premiered in London in 1985 and later became famous on Broadway, or the 2012 Hugh Jackman The movies he starred in, 'L - Lujuba

Jimu News reporter learned from the Wuhan Theater that the Yanghua version of "Les Misérables", which brings together powerful teams and artists from China and France, is directed by the famous European director Jean Bellolini and stars the famous actor Liu Ye, will be released on April 27 Landing at the Wuhan Theater on the 28th, Wuhan audiences can finally throw away language barriers and better experience the spiritual power contained in this story.

The Chinese version of the stage play "Les Misérables" is the same as the original work. It tells the story of Paris in the 19th century, where the impoverished Jean Valjean was sentenced to 19 years of hard labor for stealing a piece of bread. After being released from prison, he was taken in by the kind-hearted Bishop Millie when he was desperate, but he stole the bishop's silverware and was captured by the police again. When he was in danger, the bishop's lies saved him, and he was inspired. He changed his name and began to change his life. Time passed quickly, and Jean Valjean became a successful businessman and mayor through hard work. After learning about the tragic experience of the prostitute Fantine, he took on the responsibility of taking care of his illegitimate daughter Cosette. The jealous police chief Javert has never given up tracking Jean Valjean. His pressing steps force Jean Valjean and Cosette to embark on a journey of continuous escape incognito...

Jimu News Chief Reporter Zhang Cong Correspondent Xia Chen Whether it is the novel written by the literary giant Hugo, or the English version of the musical that premiered in London in 1985 and later became famous on Broadway, or the 2012 Hugh Jackman The movies he starred in, 'L - Lujuba

In the story, Liu Ye will star. As for the role of Jean Valjean, it is worth mentioning that this is his first time on the drama stage after "Amber" directed by Meng Jinghui in 2010. The audience is also generally looking forward to how the "Best Actor" who has won the Golden Horse, Golden Rooster, Huabiao, Golden Goblet and other major film awards will present such a complex and profound character on the stage.

Jimu News Chief Reporter Zhang Cong Correspondent Xia Chen Whether it is the novel written by the literary giant Hugo, or the English version of the musical that premiered in London in 1985 and later became famous on Broadway, or the 2012 Hugh Jackman The movies he starred in, 'L - Lujuba

It is reported that in order to star in "Les Misérables", Liu Ye turned down most of his work for nearly half a year last year, just to devote himself to shaping this classic character. At the press conference of "Les Misérables" before, he also mentioned that he has always wanted to do something "special" after the age of 40. "I am a drama actor, and drama has extraordinary meaning to me, just Deciding to participate in "Les Misérables" instantly brought back the passion I had in school more than 20 years ago!" He mentioned that he fell in love with "Les Misérables" through the comic strip when he was eight or nine years old, and later When I read novels, movies, and musicals, "Les Misérables" had an even greater impact on me. He said that being able to portray the role of Jean Valjean is a career pride for any actor. "I hope that through my performance, I can create a Jean Valjean that is well accepted by the Chinese audience."

(picture Officially provided by Yanghua Drama)

(Source: Jimu News)

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