Original Sin finale plot

neidi 815℃
original crime plot introduction:

Original Sin finale plot - Lujuba

Finale: Big boss Dong ordered him to be punished. Love is the way to save the original sinner.

The police quickly sent someone to take Mr. Chen away. Chi Zhen believed that the truth gradually emerged but the real murderer was still at large. Chi Zhen found his brother, and he thought it was enough to give Mr. Chen a sum of money. Chi Zhen said that he had studied the case of the same brother and it was easy to be innocent. The same brother said that he was also tired of the rivers and lakes. It is Chi Zhen who can still help himself. Chi Zhen saw Lu Ziming and said that he only wanted the truth. Did his sister Chi Wen kill him? Lu Ziming said that Chi Wen was his best student. How could he kill her, but only apologized to let Chi Mu let go. Chi Zhen asked Lu Li if Wu Wenxuan cried when Wu Wenxuan surrendered. Lu Li didn't want to admit it. Chi Zhen asked why they separated. Lu Li said that Wu Wenxuan said that she was the murderer and Lu Li was a policeman. Wu Wenxuan divorced. Chi Zhen said that someone had told him that his heart had never been opened, and he couldn't see the right person. Lu Li asked Chi Zhen to give him his beloved small hip flask. Chi Zhen rolled his eyes and stuffed it into his clothes, and the two had a little trouble.

Lu Li ate at Sophie’s house and told Sophie to go to Macau. Sophie asked Chi Zhen to take good care of herself in Huacheng. The two were obviously reluctant to each other but they didn’t say anything. Lu Li followed the last witness of the year, Uncle Wang. Uncle Wang was working as a pawn shop. Chi Zhen took the opportunity to inquire and asked him if anyone had asked him to buy the pile of things that year. Uncle Wang said yes. Chi Zhen found an excuse to come. The man called and asked the egg waffles to check. Dong Lingqi took people to the prison to find Wu Wenxuan for some reason. Lu Li continued to follow Uncle Wang to an abandoned parking lot and took out a knife to chase him forward. Unexpectedly, Chi Zhen was in the car. Chi Zhen said that the person in the car was Pharaoh. Lu Li could successfully commit the crime for Pharaoh Wu Wenxuan. Lu Li Saying that he can do it, Lao Wang will die if he doesn't die, and his whole family will die.

It turned out that Dong Lingqi found Lu Li and said that as long as Lu Li started to kill Lao Wang, he would be able to guarantee that Lu Li's family would live healthy and healthy. Chi Zhen said that all of this was designed by Dong Lingqi. Chi Zhen opened the trunk of the car and inside was Wu Wenxuan's husband Lao Hu. It turned out that Dong Lingqi had also found Lao Hu a long time ago, and threatened him with embezzling more than 20 million from the company to kill the three witnesses. Lao Hu agreed to commit the crime for himself. Lu Li understood all this, but Dong Lingqi actually rushed to the scene because he installed a bug on Lao Hu. Dong Lingqi shot Lao Hu to death, and then threatened Lu Li with Wu Wenxuan. Chi Zhen covered the heinous criminals to escape and wanted Lu Li on the spot. Kill Chi Zhen.

Lu Li certainly refused, but Chi Zhen grabbed Lu Li's hand and wanted him to kill himself. Chi Zhen once said that the most feared thing was that he had no choice, and then he took the initiative to snap the gun and Chi Zhen fell. Lu Li said that the case was over. Dong Lingqi wanted to do anything else. Dong Lingqi wanted everyone to die together. Those who didn’t listen to him would die. Then he scuffled with Lu Li. Chi Zhen shot Dong Lingqi in the leg at an emergency. Lu Li’s gun was shot at Chi Zhen’s small hip flask, so Chi Zhen was fine. Chi Zhen took the gun and wanted to kill Dong Lingqi, but Lu Li Quan Chi Zhen was a policeman who could not kill. There would be a law to try Dong Lingqi, Dong Lingqi. I am very proud that they are all dogs who dare not kill themselves. Chi Zhen said that there is a law in his heart: when he is evil, there is always goodness with him, and then he shot Dong Lingqi.

Chi Zhen wants Lu Li to be wanted for himself in fifteen minutes, and people are responsible for killing themselves. It's time for Lu Li to pursue happiness. Lu Li refused. He felt that law and justice would always be on his side. Chi Zhen insisted that he would go to the police station to surrender at 12 o'clock. Lu Li had to wait for Chi Zhen to come. Chi Zhen must first Go find your own little bee. When Sophie was packing her luggage, she saw the note Chi Zhen left for herself. She was very happy that Chi Zhen loved herself after all. Lu Li sent Wu Wenxuan to the hospital. Wu Wenxuan bleeds a lot. Lu Li kept asking her not to go to sleep. Wu Wenxuan went to the operating room of the hospital. Lu Li also fainted due to his injuries.

Chi Zhen rushed to find Sophie on the subway, but because he was wanted in the city, the subway stations were all policemen. It was difficult for Chi Zhen to get on the subway, but he managed to get on the last train after evading, and he was about to see Sophie. At the time, Chi Zhen was stabbed by someone, who was the gangster who Chi Zhen had taught to protect Sophie. Chi Zhen dialed Sophie's phone but could not hold on to say a word. Chi Zhen leaned on the subway seat and recalled what she had said to Sophie. Lu LiheWu Wenxuan survived, only Sophie was still waiting for Chi Zhen's arrival. Chi Zhen kept thinking about every case he had solved and his past. The subway is still moving forward, and the city's lights are still brilliant. A year later, Lu Li was promoted to deputy director, holding Chi Zhen's small hip flask in his hand, recalling what he and Chi Zhen had said on the rooftop. When we look back at the world and those who came to this world with original sin, only love can save them.

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Tags: neidi