Tomorrow or the accident, you never know which one will come first. The first day of 2024 is really not a good sign for our neighbor Japan. Earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and volcanic eruptions follow one after another. Even for Japan, which is used to earthquakes...

entertainment 4125℃

Tomorrow or the accident, you never know which one will come first. The first day of 2024 is really not a good sign for our neighbor Japan. Earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and volcanic eruptions follow one after another. Even for Japan, which is used to earthquakes... - Lujuba

Tomorrow and accident, you never know which one will come first.

The first day of 2024 is really not a good sign for our neighbor Japan.

Earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and volcanic eruptions are coming one after another.

Even for Japan, which is accustomed to earthquakes, the earthquake on New Year's Day was really no ordinary earthquake.

The Richter scale reached 7.6. In other countries, it would definitely be considered a major earthquake. Moreover, the earthquake was not in the distant sea, but in the Noto area of ​​Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan.

Tomorrow or the accident, you never know which one will come first. The first day of 2024 is really not a good sign for our neighbor Japan. Earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and volcanic eruptions follow one after another. Even for Japan, which is used to earthquakes... - Lujuba

All of Japan was shaking violently.

Watch the video, the earthquake caused Japanese houses to shake violently, goods on the shelves fell to the ground, many houses collapsed, roads were twisted and deformed, and some ground was even seen shaking...

Tomorrow or the accident, you never know which one will come first. The first day of 2024 is really not a good sign for our neighbor Japan. Earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and volcanic eruptions follow one after another. Even for Japan, which is used to earthquakes... - Lujuba

Tomorrow or the accident, you never know which one will come first. The first day of 2024 is really not a good sign for our neighbor Japan. Earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and volcanic eruptions follow one after another. Even for Japan, which is used to earthquakes... - Lujuba

The earthquake immediately triggered a tsunami.

The Japan Meteorological Agency issued an emergency tsunami warning, in which the tsunami was predicted to be as high as 5 meters in the Noto area, and in some places it was expected to reach 3 meters. The government called on people in some areas to evacuate the seaside urgently. "Every minute counts."

Fortunately, the tsunami caused by this earthquake was not as strong as expected, and the waves in some places were only more than 1 meter.

But this still frightens the Japanese people.

According to Kyodo News, the last time Japan issued a major tsunami warning was after the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011. That earthquake and tsunami killed about 20,000 people.

Tomorrow or the accident, you never know which one will come first. The first day of 2024 is really not a good sign for our neighbor Japan. Earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and volcanic eruptions follow one after another. Even for Japan, which is used to earthquakes... - Lujuba

The earthquake also caused fires.

Power lines were torn down in many places, power supply was cut off for tens of thousands of residents, and fires were raging.

What is even more worrying is the safety of Japan's nuclear power plants.

You must know that the 2011 earthquake also caused a leak at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. This was the most serious nuclear disaster encountered by mankind after the Chernobyl nuclear accident. The nuclear sewage problem still plagues Japan and the world.

read news reports that the earthquake caused a fire in the transformer of the Shiga Nuclear Power Plant in Ishikawa Prefecture. Although the fire was extinguished, water from the spent fuel pool of Unit 1 overflowed, causing the cooling pump to temporarily stop working.

I hope this time the mistakes of the Fukushima nuclear power plant will not be repeated.

In addition, on the same day, a volcano in Kagoshima, southern Japan, erupted with a smoke column as high as 1,600 meters. However, it is generally believed that this is an active volcano, and the current eruption has little to do with the Noto earthquake.

Tomorrow or the accident, you never know which one will come first. The first day of 2024 is really not a good sign for our neighbor Japan. Earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and volcanic eruptions follow one after another. Even for Japan, which is used to earthquakes... - Lujuba

On the first day of the New Year, other countries are celebrating, but the Japanese are living in trepidation.

To be honest, this major earthquake also allowed the world to see the admirable side of Japan.

Because such a 7.6-magnitude earthquake occurs in other countries, the casualties are often quite heavy.

The earthquake in Eastern Turkey in February last year, with a magnitude of 7.8, killed about 50,000 people in Turkey and Syria. It was truly a historic tragedy.

But in this earthquake in Japan, so far, the death toll is only 6.

is really a miracle!

Behind the miracle, one is the quality of the buildings. Many houses collapsed, but they were still basically intact after the collapse.

Second, the people are well-trained. When they see the house shaking, they quickly squat down to avoid it without saying anything, and then immediately escape outside.

The third is the speed of disaster relief response. All rescue groups are dispatched quickly, racing against time to rescue the trapped people.

Tomorrow or the accident, you never know which one will come first. The first day of 2024 is really not a good sign for our neighbor Japan. Earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and volcanic eruptions follow one after another. Even for Japan, which is used to earthquakes... - Lujuba

Tomorrow or the accident, you never know which one will come first. The first day of 2024 is really not a good sign for our neighbor Japan. Earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and volcanic eruptions follow one after another. Even for Japan, which is used to earthquakes... - Lujuba

Tomorrow or the accident, you never know which one will come first. The first day of 2024 is really not a good sign for our neighbor Japan. Earthquakes, tsunamis, fires, and volcanic eruptions follow one after another. Even for Japan, which is used to earthquakes... - Lujuba

The government immediately released information about earthquakes and tsunamis, urging the public to take precautions; seconds before the arrival of the seismic wave, Japanese people's mobile phones received sharp warnings of an impending earthquake...

Frankly speaking, some practices and technologies are different from those in other countries. But in terms of earthquake response, no country in the world has done better than Japan.

Of course, all these experiences or achievements are based on blood lessons.

is really a bloody lesson!

We should also see that the lessons from the Fukushima nuclear accident are not far away. Earthquakes and tsunamis have struck one after another, and the safety of Japan's nuclear power plants is worrying.

We must admit that earthquakes are natural disasters, and they are the most deadly natural disasters in the world today.

In front of nature, we humans are still too small. does not matter if you are Japanese or from any other country.

On the first day of 2024, God gave Japan a powerful blow. There will definitely be aftershocks in the next few days; in 2024, even greater natural disasters cannot be ruled out.

While we lament that Japan has handled the situation well, we can’t help but feel worried that Japan is doing a good job for us humans. This is really not a good sign!

Tags: entertainment