The problem of prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia is not only related to the kidneys, but also has a lot to do with the spleen. Most men with prostate problems have spleen and kidney deficiency! Because prostate problems are mainly manifested in urination, such as frequent uri

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Prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia are not only problems with the kidneys, but also have a lot to do with the spleen. Most men with prostate problems have spleen and kidney deficiency!

The problem of prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia is not only related to the kidneys, but also has a lot to do with the spleen. Most men with prostate problems have spleen and kidney deficiency! Because prostate problems are mainly manifested in urination, such as frequent uri - Lujuba

Because prostate problems are mainly manifested in urination, such as frequent urination, urgency, inability to urinate, waiting to urinate, etc. and urine is excess water in the human body, which is stored in the bladder. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that The kidney governs water and the bladder, and the kidney qi plays a major role in prostate problems. But at the same time, the spleen governs the transportation and transformation of water and dampness, and is also responsible for expelling water from the body. What's more, the kidneys and spleen are innate, and the two interact with each other. Influence, So in addition to the kidneys, spleen deficiency and insufficient qi will also affect urination. In this case, conditioning cannot only nourish the kidneys, but also nourish the spleen and kidneys, and at the same time unblock the qi!

The problem of prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia is not only related to the kidneys, but also has a lot to do with the spleen. Most men with prostate problems have spleen and kidney deficiency! Because prostate problems are mainly manifested in urination, such as frequent uri - Lujuba

For example, this patient has prostate problems. He always urinates frequently and feels the urge to urinate. However, when he goes to the toilet, he urinates a little every time, and the urine is dribbling. He can't finish urinating, and his urination is not smooth. Finally, the entire lower abdomen becomes wet. It is bloated and uncomfortable. It is caused by a typical deficiency of the spleen and kidneys, because his tongue looks fat overall, the tongue coating is white and greasy, there are cracks in the spleen and stomach area of ​​the tongue, and there are cracks and convexities at the base of the tongue. has a convex base. It generally indicates the problem of prostatic hyperplasia. In addition, it is also accompanied by liver stagnation and irritable temper. Because the sides of the tongue are somewhat bulging, and we can see that the tongue coating at the base of the tongue is slightly yellow, indicating that there may be There is a situation where water and dampness accumulate and turn into heat , so the conditioning is mainly to nourishing the spleen and kidney, supplemented by soothing the liver, regulating qi, and removing dampness and heat.

The problem of prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia is not only related to the kidneys, but also has a lot to do with the spleen. Most men with prostate problems have spleen and kidney deficiency! Because prostate problems are mainly manifested in urination, such as frequent uri - Lujuba

Prescriptions should include those that nourish the spleen and stomach, such as Astragalus root, dried tangerine peel, Atractylodes macrocephala, Poria cocos, etc., which strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, and regulate qi at the same time; Secondly, traditional Chinese medicine that nourishes the kidneys, such as Rehmannia glutinosa, Cornus officinalis, Alisma, etc. Peony bark, achyranthes root, etc. are used to nourish the kidneys and facilitate urination, and at the same time clear away dampness and heat. Then add bergamot, bupleurum, cohosh and other traditional Chinese medicines that soothe the liver and regulate qi, so as to smooth the qi mechanism and smoothly promote the discharge of urine. In short, according to this idea After one course of treatment, the patient responded that it was no longer difficult to urinate and the frequent urination was much better, so he prescribed another course of treatment to consolidate it.

The problem of prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia is not only related to the kidneys, but also has a lot to do with the spleen. Most men with prostate problems have spleen and kidney deficiency! Because prostate problems are mainly manifested in urination, such as frequent uri - Lujuba

In short, if you have prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia, tongue sticking out, sunken tongue, fat tongue, white and greasy coating, it is probably caused by deficiency of both spleen and kidney. At this time, you cannot just use kidney tonic for conditioning. If you take the medicine, otherwise the effect will not be good, you must match the spleen-tonifying Chinese patent medicine according to your own situation, so that the spleen and kidney can have a good harmonious effect. Of course, if you also have problems with other organs, you should also prioritize them, depending on the situation. Adjust according to the situation, but if you don’t understand your own situation, I suggest you go offline to find a professional doctor nearby to help with diagnosis and symptomatic treatment. Don’t just take medicine casually. That’s all for today’s sharing. See you in the next issue!

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