Great River Episode 17

neidi 2964℃
Dajiang Dahe Plot Introduction:

Great River Episode 17 - Lujuba

Looking for Jianxiang to find a broken love Song Yunhui cited the anger

Lei Dongbao took Song Yunping to the hospital to check if she was pregnant. The old secretary was worried about the old hoops rabbit fur purchasing station, so he told him to send someone to look at him. Lei Dongbao was anxious to take Song Yunping to the hospital, so he hastily agreed to go out.

After examination, Song Yunping was determined to be pregnant, and Lei Dongbao was also very happy. When Lei Dongbao saw other people's wedding photos in the photo studio window, he also took Song Yunping to take a photo. Lei Dongbao deliberately untied Song Yunping's bundled hair and unraveled it for him. In order to keep Song Yunping's most beautiful appearance forever, Lei Dongbao kissed Song Yunping a cheap bite the moment he pressed the shutter, and this scene happened to be captured by the photographer. Song Yunping told Lei Dongbao that the referee of the old secretary looked at the old hunger, but he actually wanted to recommend himself, and he came to watch the old hunger manage the rabbit fur purchasing station.

Lei Dongbao Song Yunping had just returned to the village when she heard that when the wife of Mayor Xu came to visit relatives, she accidentally fell downstairs while drying the quilt on the balcony and died. Lei Dongbao hurried to comfort Mayor Xu.

Looking for Jianxiang to find Song Yunhui angrily, he was disliked by his future mother-in-law because of his big temples and wearing strange clothes. He wanted Song Yunhui to help call Zhang Shuhua out for a date, but Zhang Shuhua’s mother suddenly fell in love with the gentle Song Yunhui, and also asked Song Yunhui. The master is the matchmaker. Song Yunhui told Xun Jianxiang that he was too busy to have time to fall in love, let alone Zhang Shuhua, and asked Xun Jianxiang to find a way to help withdraw. Xun Jianxiang asked Song Yunhui to put on his own clothes and dressed up as a little gangster, and went to see Zhang Shuhua. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shuhua's mother would not look down on Song Yunhui.

Song Yunhui and his master advised Xun Jianxiang to tidy up his long hair and big sideburns if he really wants to talk about a girlfriend. Xun Jianxiang followed the advice of the two, cut her long hair, and went on a date with Zhang Shuhua by wearing glasses and clothes that looked like Song Yunhui, but came back with a drooping face. It turned out that although Xun Jianxiang's dress was approved by Zhang Shuhua's mother, she was disgusted by Zhang Shuhua. Zhang Shuhua said that she still liked Xun Jianxiang's original appearance with long hair and big sideburns. The two finally broke up.

Yu Shanqing requested his library card from Song Yunhui on the grounds that the library card could not be borrowed, but Xun Jianxiang knew the reason. Xun Jianxiang told Secretary Song Yunhuishui that because he had quit, everyone was busy standing in line, and Yu Shanqing was afraid of getting his library card back. Xun Jianxiang knew that Song Yunhui loved reading, so he found the librarian eldest sister to borrow the library key so that Song Yunhui could read the book at any time. The workers in the

workshop saw that Song Yunhui kept sending repair orders to increase their workload, so they came together to find Song Yunhui trouble, and Xun Jianxiang came forward to resolve it. However, the next day Song Yunhui still kept submitting the warranty. Master Song Yunhui advised him to slow down first, so as not to delay production due to maintenance and affect the technical competition next month. In order to make everyone agree that repairing the dripping phenomenon can increase production, Song Yunhui took Master Huang and the maintenance workers to the factory for inspection. Master Huang learned that Song Yunhui's maintenance order is beneficial to the factory and output, so he directly sent maintenance workers to repair the equipment.

Tags: neidi